Plushie Adventures: A New Adventure

Started by Super sayian pony, 2015 Sep 20, 00:08:48

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Midawn puts the Toy down the Hatch and grabs the Plushie :O It looks cute! 
A nomad, tired from wandering.


*Internal Screaming*

By the time the plush had been grabbed, a small tag could be easily seen on the "crystal" it was encased in, bearing it- No, his name.
Grand Illusion.
An actor, one who had experienced a sudden surge in popularity with stellar performances and his overall cheery disposition, and seemed to only become more and more famous as the months went by.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Super sayian pony

*SSP using his plushie magic sensed the other living plushie in the crystal thingy and waves to the plushie inside while peeking out of Peace's saddlebag*



Game looked up as the pony manage to get a toy out of the machine and tilted his head slightly, looking down at Paw. His plush. He was created for him not some random machine.

(If SSP can use plushie magic to sense other plushies, shouldn't he have sensed Paw (GamePlush) at the same time?)

Super sayian pony

// I don't think, I do. Im no sure cuz I just type things that would help the plot move along ;3



The Plush, Illusion, felt a strong chill as his prison was being handled by mare, resisting the urge to shiver.
Even in his frozen state, his gaze darted here and there, eventually noticing another stuffed toy waving at him.

Help me out, here!
He wanted to scream, not knowing anything about the pony holding him and the nearby canine looking far more frightening than he really should've. For all he knew, he was going to be a new chew toy.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Super sayian pony

*SSP tries to get Midawn's attention*
Hey! That plushie in there is alive! Like me!



2016 May 12, 20:03:46 #827 Last Edit: 2016 May 12, 20:07:15 by dashie77
The plush trotted over to the group "Whats going on here?" Pupa asked,Confused "Pupa! Your probably not gonna get noticed! Your too small!" The changeling plush ranted to herself


Midawn walks back to Peace holding the plushie in her hooves
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Super sayian pony

* .-. *

Welp I tried and failed...



((. . . Um, Peace did said he will not be active for some days.. You just need to know how to be patient.))

Super sayian pony

Quote from: Super sayian pony on 2016 May 12, 19:02:02
*SSP tries to get Midawn's attention*
Hey! That plushie in there is alive! Like me!
Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 May 14, 10:26:06
Midawn walks back to Peace holding the plushie in her hooves

// Just read that up there ^



Midawn looks at SSP and puts plushie in the bag Sorry peace but this plushie might be alive like SSP
A nomad, tired from wandering.


The plush Illusion didn't respond in the slightest, either too frightened and/or just plain unwilling to interact with the others as he found himself stuffed into a bag.
On another note, it was terribly difficult for him to hear was was going on through a plastic "crystal" prison that had yet to be opened.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Peace Keeper

*-Alright I has returned. Good to see good progress happening. Also welcome aboard Illusion.

*responding to SSP* Wait it is? You sure?

Peace looks closely at the Illusion plushie wondering if it is just as lively as SSP. It then disappears in the bag and listens to Midawn.

So you really sure it is alive? Then again I can't tell if plushies are alive or not. One thing is for sure you probably got a plush buddy SSP. I'm surprised you were able to win something in that machine. Hardly anypony wins something. I can go reserve us a video game room for all of us. We got mostly sports, racing, and puzzle/strategy video games. Which game you all like to play?
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Both Game and Paw looked up at the ponies as they talked, there was other plushies like Paw? More living plushies? The two wolves were unsure about revealing the nature of the wolf plush the ponies, even after this new information.


Mogeko jumps off Midawn's Back into the bag and chows down on the Crystal thing
A nomad, tired from wandering.


2016 May 16, 09:12:41 #837 Last Edit: 2016 May 16, 09:15:05 by Stryder221
The Illusion plush failed to respond, even as it's plastic prison was being chomped on, he didn't respond. Immediately, anyway.
Without warning, as the plastic had cracked and he was exposed to the open air, his head slowly turned towards Mogeko, fake horn glowing green with what seemed to be very real magic.

And he screamed. Like a little filly, actually. Maybe it would've been funny, if not for one thing... For a plush, he was ridiculously LOUD, to the point of being deafening for anyone unfortunate enough to be in the same room as the source of this banshee-like screech.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


Both Game and Paw flinched and whined at the sudden banshee noise, it affecting them more than the ponies due their heightened hearing.

Peace Keeper

Peace hears a scream and sort of ringed in his ear. Not only did he find it loud, some others get alerted by the scream, with some covering their ears, escaping the scream.

Peace looks to Midawn.
What the hades was that? It came from you.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

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