The Changeling Prince (SIGN UP)

Started by zendayafan111, 2015 May 23, 17:30:29

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2015 Jun 01, 12:53:33 #260 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 01, 12:59:40 by annosrules
A trail of limp Changlings are left in Match's wake as he makes his way to the prison's vault in order to retrieve something of his. Within a minute, Match was able to melt of the lock to the large iron door that guarded the possessions of the prisoners. Match stepped into the iron box and past the molten heap that covers the front entrance, and within moments was able to find his guard's attire, custom made for him after initiating into an elite unicorn strike team. The feeling of donning his armor once again was exhilarating, and filled Match with a sense of victory, as he was finally free from his Changeling captors.


Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 May 30, 16:26:22
Azure jumped a little from the teleport, expecting more aligators.
"S-So, what do you need of me, Your High-?"
He froze when he saw that he was in Frequent's lab. That meant there was something else for him to be a guinea pig for.

" Alright, welcome Azure, " Prince Cocoon grinned " Care to test something for me? " he asks.

Quote from: Stryder221 on 2015 May 30, 19:43:24
"Discord? Really?" Illusion questioned, before sighing with what could've been relief. "Well, that's good to hear. We've-" "Did somepony call?"
The unicorn let out yelp as he jumped in shock, about a good five feet into the air, to be precise, before he landed with a loud thud onto his rear.

A chuckling was then heard as a familiar mismatched figure seemed to just... Rise up out of the ground as if it were water, even going so far as to shake off some of the floor from his body.
"So nice to see you again, Queen Crystal!" The rather charming Discord had said. "Chrysalis." Even through his temporary shock shock, Illusion corrected the Draconequus.

A roll of the eyes was the only response. And they remained in their proper place. "That's what I said, Lucy." "Illusion!" "Oh, fine, Princess Illusion." "And I'm not a mare!" "So you admit you're a princess?" "That's not-!"
The unicorn face-hoofed and sighed, putting a stop to the argument he'd never win, not against logic that originated from the underside of a bridge.

Discord chuckled a bit more before he suddenly appeared at Chrysalis' side, sitting upside-down in a throne he'd conjured for himself. "So, my dear buggy friend, I see an acquaintance of mine here, so I'll make the educated guess that my presence is required because of him. Am I correct? Do I win the prize?"

Chrysalis grinned " Yes! You've won the prize! " she said as she levitates Illusion in the air " Here's your prize! "

Quote from: Julien999 on 2015 Jun 01, 12:24:45
Flame sniffs something. *sniff* *sniff*
Natura sees him sniffing. "Did he comes back?"
"No... there's two news smells... *sniff* and it's not from changelings..."
"So... what do we do about them?"
"Just let them follow us, I will wait the right time for counterattack..."
"Are... are you sure it's a good idea?... I mean... if they are good?"
"hey... what are you two are talking about? Some griffon is waiting for us!" Said Rock.
Stay Happy!


"Y-Yes, Your Highness..."
He knew he wasn't going to like what it was going to do. Frequent levitated the vial carefully, before passing it to Azure.
Taking a sniff of it, Azure took a deep breath, and drunk it.
"Eech..." He gasped, but said nothing.
Frequent turned to the Prince. "Approximatly 7.3 minutes are required for predictied results to surface."
Before returning to his desk, however, he said one last thing.
"A precaution, Your Highness: have a guard ready to control him if necessary; the results may induce panic."
Azure gulped at that.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


The now armored Match continues his rampage on the subterranean tunnels that link up to the castle, slowly making his way to the castle its self.


2015 Jun 01, 18:43:33 #264 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 02, 00:51:22 by Stryder221
"Oh, I'm sorry, have we never met, lady version of me?" Discord had asked, now floating around the new Draconequus. This floating continued for only a moment before he landed on the ground, standing properly in front of her.
"I am you, and you are me. In a fashion... Either way, there's no point denying it, I'm afraid. As for the names, you may call me Discord, and everything that applies to you, is all but guaranteed to apply to me as well. Save for dear old Mother Mare supposedly sealing you away, of course... Oh, and that other obvious difference... You know what I mean, I'm sure."

He was interrupted from further speech by a certain pony floating near his face, flailing in a panic until Discord stared him in the face with a raised eyebrow, at which point Illusion immediately stopped. "Meep!" Was the noise the unicorn had made. That got a chuckle out of the Draconequus.

Now holding up Illusion by his tail, Discord's expression turned thoughtful. He could do whatever he wanted to this colt, after all... As long as it didn't break forum rules, of course. That would be bad, even for him.
He'd already all but assured that Illusion wouldn't be siding with harmony any time soon, his literally silver tongue having convinced him chaos was far more satisfying. He didn't even need to mess with his head all that much.

Then he had an idea... This pony did show promise, after all, if only a little bit...

"I think I'll keep him."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Misty Fly

2015 Jun 02, 00:22:56 #265 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 02, 06:19:52 by Misty Fly
Eris : well we have something in common what do you say we work together?
*Marble runs in*
Marble : your majesty ! Celestia escaped and she took my sister!


Quote from: Julien999 on 2015 Jun 01, 12:24:45
Flame sniffs something. *sniff* *sniff*
Natura sees him sniffing. "Did he comes back?"
"No... there's two news smells... *sniff* and it's not from changelings..."
"So... what do we do about them?"
"Just let them follow us, I will wait the right time for counterattack..."
"Are... are you sure it's a good idea?... I mean... if they are good?"
"hey... what are you two are talking about? Some griffon is waiting for us!" Said Rock.

Predestine eye's squinted, those ponies were talking about something. She nudged Hazy and pointed to the group. Hopefully the mare knew a spell that would help them figure out what they are saying.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Hazy first got a little confused, but then she got on track with the plan. She used one of the spells she had used earlier to listen to Pre and the mare that apparently was called Misaki, the special hot wire spell. She was a little unsure if Pre would be able to hear, so decided to quietly mimic what she heard them say.
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Predestine squinted even more with disgust; the group is aware of the two mares. She started to tap her chin, thinking of ways to get them off her trail. A few voices put their two cents in before Predestine had an idea. With her hoof, she quietly dug a tiny hole. She then got closer to the hole at started to whisper a cryptic message. As she whispered, two skeletons slowly emerged from the ground. Once they were fully out of the ground, the mare touched her Spector eye. Her hoof glowed bright green as she continued to chat her spell. She then tapped the skull of one of the the skeletons and it slowly started to look like Predestine. The mare took Hazy's hoof and made her touch her spooky eye. As Hazy's hoof glowed the mare chanted the same spell and tapped the other skeleton with Hazy's hoof. Within minutes, there were two ponies that looked like the duo. Except they kept their eyes closed and didn't have their cutie marks. They also looked like a faded version of the duo. Predestine examined the two skeletons and smiled an eerie smile. This for sure will get the sniffing pony off their trail.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Hazy got scared of the witchcraft, and backed away from the copies of them, even if she deeply down knew there was nothing to fear.
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On the way, the dragon pony suddenly stopped and Natura bumped on him. "What's wrong?"
*sniff* "There's now a double of them... I have a bad feeling about this... Don't worry, I'm still here." he said.
"If you said so..." then they continue to walk.


2015 Jun 03, 09:49:21 #271 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 03, 09:57:24 by FakeSmile
Predestine rolled her eyes at Hazy; she act like she never seen a skeleton before. Her gaze then fell back on the group of ponies. She nudged Hazy again, their lips are moving and Predestine wanted to know why.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


"There is doubles now, I have a bad feeling about this" She mimiced as she nodded towards the dragonlike pony.
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[Color=lightblue] Upupupu! This is gonna be
fun! But...[/color]
Predestine whispered as she tapped each skeleton. The Skeletons then sunk back in the ground. As the two skeletons dug toward an abandoned building she continued,
We need to add a few more ponies
to the party! Upupupu! Ah Ho Ho Ho!

Once the two skeletons dug to the building, they dug to the surface with another pair of mares. The second pair didn't look as good as the first. They were more faded and their faces were gone. Predestine smiled as she tried to muffle her giggles. Her thoughts were racing as past as her heart beat. Of course, all of this is unnecessary but Predestine likes to have a little fun every once in a while.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Match finally found what he believed to be the subterranean entrance to the castle, but by this point he was so exhausted that he could barely stand. Knowing what would happen if he should fail his escape, Match new he had no choice but to continue, and after opening the twisted doors to the corrupted castle to see what laid inside, Match's hatred surged and gave him renewed vigor to eradicate the vermin who now infest his once beloved home.


Hazy shrugged, those skeleton horses was something she really didn't want to be nearby. She decided that it would be better to take some more safety regards, and started to think back for some other spells that could hide them even more. What were they in need of hiding? She didn't know anymore spells to affect their looks, but maybe she could remember one or two that would make them close to soundless. Or maybe a spell to hide their scent, or one to ruin someponies muzzles.
Feel free to check out my [URL=]Oc page[/URL]!


The sounds of battle roared as Match engaged and entourage of changeling combatants, quickly dispatching them in his fury. After the combat's swift ending, Match looked around only to realize where he wasn't, and that was the Castle. Somehow in the maze of tunnels that make up the Canterlot caves, Match Stick wandered to an exit at the base of the cave. "What? I was sure that this was the way to the castle!" he shouts angrily, but now wasn't the time for further rage, so Match calmed himself down. "Perhaps this is a good thing," He thinks out loud, "I mean, now that I'm free from the changeling's capital I could join a resistance." Match continues to think about this for  few minutes before walking out the door, and into the wilds of Equestria.


(Still waiting for zendaya...)
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:



Match walked openly through what little fires there was at the base of Canterlot, though his every step is filled with doubt as he wonders whether he's doing the right thing by leaving Canterlot. "If only Blaze was here, he'd know what to do," Match sighs as he thinks of his friend who's gone MIA.

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