Homeward Bound (Private RP)

Started by annosrules, 2015 May 03, 16:59:19

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Blaze suddenly jumps up and declares, "Diamond dogs!"

Timber Keyblade

"What?" Gypsi asked. Suddenly, she was grabbed by one. "Ahh!"
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


"Hold on!" Blaze shouts as he grabs Gypsi's hoof and attempts to pull her out.

Timber Keyblade

Another Diamond dog, attempted to grab Mistral next. However, she quickly pulled out a blade from behind her mane and plunged it into his paw, causing him to howl in pain and run.

Mistral, then threw her blade at the Diamond dog, who had hold of Gypsi. The blade had pierced the dog's ear, causing him to let go off Gypsi, cry out in pain and dive back into his burrow.
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


"We have to move quickly while they're scared," Blaze says, grabbing what and who he can, and dashing off in a similar direction to where they were going.

Timber Keyblade

Gypsi picks up Mistral and quickly follows Blaze.
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


Blaze zig-zags erratically before a diamond dog pops out of the ground where he would've been, as if he knows where the dogs where planning on ambushing him.

Timber Keyblade

Gypsi leaped over a emerged Diamond dog and caught up with Blaze, "W-why are they after us!?" She panicked.
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


"Probably because Mistral stirred up some trouble when I trapped her in one of their tunnels," Blaze explains while narrowly dodging a large diamond dog who erupted from the earth to grab him.

Timber Keyblade

"Oh... So you blame me for this Hmm..." Mistral said with a bitter tone, "I wonder who's truly responsible for disturbing 'Their' tunnels"
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


2015 Jun 12, 12:54:01 #250 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 12, 13:05:30 by annosrules
"I'm not the one armed to the teeth, and loaded for bear. You probably went trigger happy in the dark," Blaze replies as he gracefully dodges another diamond dog.

Timber Keyblade

"Tch. Just so you know, I never encountered any while I was in those caverns" Mistral responded.
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


"Does this really seem like a good time for a "who don it" to you?"

Timber Keyblade

"Who much more until we reach the forest exit!" Gypsi cried out in desperation.
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


Blaze continues to make his way through the forest, though Blade's dead weight is slowing him down.

Timber Keyblade

"I think I see a river up a head!"
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


"Not really seeing how that helps," Blaze says, narrowly missing a diamond dog.

Timber Keyblade

"Use your brain, Muskrat. Burrow the water into the tunnels to flush the dogs out!
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~


"Burrow? Do I look like a mole to you? Besides, they don't have any tunnels near the river,"

Timber Keyblade

"Yes and these dogs are probably idiotic enough to burrow under it"
Looks like your about to have a Bad Time~

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