Manehattan(open RP)

Started by Purple, 2015 Apr 26, 20:58:21

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Sparkle was getting angry now.  "Can't you just find somepony else to bother!?" she shouted, quite frustrated.  She just wanted to be left alone!  "oh, and if you even try to eat me, i'll teleport you into next week!" she says, glaring at Zion.


Ah but you forgot what I told you this world magic has no affect on me but I leave then

(Zion licks Sparkle on the muzzle like a kiss and phases threw the wall behind her)

Misty Fly

*Suri Finds a Roll of Purple Fabric*
Suri : would you look at that...
Marble : i guess i.ll find that fabric then...*she leaves the building and heads into the city*


Sparkle sighs in frustration.  Why did Manehattan and everypony in it have to be so frustrating!? Sparkle activates her magic, and teleports outside into the streets.  She starts heading for the train station, to buy a ticket for the next train.  "I need a vacation..." she mumbles, in spite of just coming back from a vacation, she felt like she needed to go on another one.


(When Sparkle arrived at the train station Zion was there waiting for the train to come)

Hi Sparkle


Sparkle grunted frustratingly.  "Leave me alone!" she shouted at Zion, and bolted off in another direction.

Misty Fly

*Marble accidentaly bumps into Sparkle*


Sparkle stumbles backwards.  "AARGH! WHAY DOES EVERYPONY---" Sparkle stops mid-sentence when she sees Marble.  "oh... hi Marble," she says, smiling sheepishly.


Um Sparkle you followed me I mat have powers but I do like to actually feel lion again

Misty Fly

*marble rubs her head*
Marble : going somewhere?


Sparkle sighs.  "yeah, I was hoping to hop a train out of town," she says.  She hadn't really thought about where she would go, but she felt like anywhere but here would do right now.


Misty Fly

Marble : please...dont go


Sparkle looked puzzled.  "W...why not?" she asked, confused.

Misty Fly

Marble : well cause your the only friend I have here...


Sparkle suddenly looked sympathetic.  "o-oh... i...." she stammered, unsure what to say.  "i... didn't know that... I'm sorry," she said.

Misty Fly

Marble : well if your going then...take me with you...please


"well... um... alright." Sparkle said.  She figured she wouldn't mind if Marble came along with her.  After all, she didn't have any reason to lave Manehattan except for just getting out of town.

Misty Fly

Marble : where are you going anyway?


"well, I hadn't really deciced on a location yet..." Sparkle said, thinking about it.

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