A notice for those having trouble logging in

Started by Ellowee, 2015 Jan 24, 04:13:53

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Thunder Jet

If we all took a five minute break and stopped logging on to the servers every three seconds, this problem would be solved faster.


Eh, really disappointed that the servers aren't working yet, but remember, patience is a virtue. I'm drawing gaudy fan art while waiting for LoE to work. :3


and long to wait!? (Also help please, what posledniya the version write ok?)

Aylayla Thornberry

Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2015 Jan 24, 06:59:35
If we all took a five minute break and stopped logging on to the servers every three seconds, this problem would be solved faster.

This ^
The servers are clogged with people clicking, clicking and clicking every couple seconds, causing traffic to build up and people aren't getting to play. If we all stop clicking so fast, the servers will calm down and the problem could be solved faster.


Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Jan 24, 06:58:30
it seems like users on facebook are also complaining therev

(since thats where i got this image from)



Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:50
your oc look like oc of my friend. shes grey with black and yellow mane too

Mine is purple with a multi shade green mane

Quote from: Aylayla Thornberry on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:10
This ^
The servers are clogged with people clicking, clicking and clicking every couple seconds, causing traffic to build up and people aren't getting to play. If we all stop clicking so fast, the servers will calm down and the problem could be solved faster.

Ill stop clicking  X3
I used to mainly play as the pony called Twilight Sparkus in the earlier days of LoE but mostly play as the unicorn Mena Green or pegasus Rainy Day now. If you become my friend ingame don't be afraid to message me on here to chat every once and a while!


so...yeah. Back to the LoE steam group chat hype train while we wait for the servers?
Okay, listen to me... focus on it. What do i mean by it, you ask? idunno, but just focus on it..... there, way better :P


Quote from: Aylayla Thornberry on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:10
This ^
The servers are clogged with people clicking, clicking and clicking every couple seconds, causing traffic to build up and people aren't getting to play. If we all stop clicking so fast, the servers will calm down and the problem could be solved faster.
I agree, for now i'm going to keep my client closed until the staff say it's clear to get on
Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or personal message. BBC and smileys can be used in your signature. This is best Siggy :P


I'm gonna go to sleep i need the rest, i will be back later!  ovO

My pony in game :P     (Ryuko)
My last few minutes of the end world,Suicide twilight's at the end  X3, (LOE), 1/26/2015


Quote from: goodponyplayer on 2015 Jan 24, 07:04:44
so...yeah. Back to the LoE steam group chat hype train while we wait for the servers?

I don't have a steam account... still need to get around to that  :s
I used to mainly play as the pony called Twilight Sparkus in the earlier days of LoE but mostly play as the unicorn Mena Green or pegasus Rainy Day now. If you become my friend ingame don't be afraid to message me on here to chat every once and a while!

Thunder Jet

Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:00:05
they had more servers in the past. in the past i could play 2 days straight. why they didnt learnt anything from the past? why there is only one server? im not rude im just asking

Open Server Weekends are TESTs.

TESTs to TEST out new software for servers.

This include the many servers that we played. Yes, the last two OSWs were fine with all their servers, but before that, it was buggy as...well, bugs.

Yes, this is another TEST that the employees at LoE are doing to attempt. One server is a big jump from five, so it is a must that we are expecting bugs.

So far, it is down.

But so were the last few.

Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:50
your oc look like oc of my friend. shes grey with black and yellow mane too

I seen many people look like me.

My only fault is that most people use the name Thunder in their OC name. Should have made it more unique.

Bah, that was three years ago though.


Just remember, the dev's are people too, and likely need rest as well, so go easy on them, im sure they are doing their best to get the game back to operational status
You can usually find me on a pony minecraft server...


Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:06:00
^ please follow him her and stop clicking so i can pway tank u C:
What you said about the stop clicking thing, yeah that implies to you as well
Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or personal message. BBC and smileys can be used in your signature. This is best Siggy :P


Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:08:23

I didnt had any bugs in the past

actually the last time I played, there was ghost connections galore, causing clones of players to pop up, it also ate the connection slots for real players
You can usually find me on a pony minecraft server...


Quote from: pinkamena892 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:05:55
I don't have a steam account... still need to get around to that  :s

Welp, hope you manage to get it soon. the chat that became a hype train is quite funny :P
Okay, listen to me... focus on it. What do i mean by it, you ask? idunno, but just focus on it..... there, way better :P

Blue Shield

Quote from: Aylayla Thornberry on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:10
This ^
The servers are clogged with people clicking, clicking and clicking every couple seconds, causing traffic to build up and people aren't getting to play. If we all stop clicking so fast, the servers will calm down and the problem could be solved faster.

In fact, I do agree... Though it'd be easier if they had multiple servers open...

Why they only have one that reads the ping is N/A for a lot of people is beyond me...


Eh and so there is a wish to play...... :'(


my old charakters from the last open server are gone was there a whipe ?


Quote from: Captain_Char on 2015 Jan 24, 07:09:57
actually the last time I played, there was ghost connections galore, causing clones of players to pop up, it also ate the connection slots for real players

If anyone remembers the ungodly ammount of Twilight Sparkus and Pinkamena Pie clones on Levade... I am so sorry, didn't know they ate up real player slots!

Quote from: goodponyplayer on 2015 Jan 24, 07:11:05
Welp, hope you manage to get it soon. the chat that became a hype train is quite funny :P

Ive been meaning to get around to making one for almost a year, highly doubt I will but I might later  lol
I used to mainly play as the pony called Twilight Sparkus in the earlier days of LoE but mostly play as the unicorn Mena Green or pegasus Rainy Day now. If you become my friend ingame don't be afraid to message me on here to chat every once and a while!

Blue Shield

Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2015 Jan 24, 07:07:25
Open Server Weekends are TESTs.

TESTs to TEST out new software for servers.

This include the many servers that we played. Yes, the last two OSWs were fine with all their servers, but before that, it was buggy as...well, bugs.

Yes, this is another TEST that the employees at LoE are doing to attempt. One server is a big jump from five, so it is a must that we are expecting bugs.

So far, it is down.

But so were the last few.

I seen many people look like me.

My only fault is that most people use the name Thunder in their OC name. Should have made it more unique.

Bah, that was three years ago though.

But even still. Last OSW in December-ish something like that last year, had about 5 servers if my memory serves me well.

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