RP thoughs?

Started by Blue Shield, 2015 Jan 23, 17:43:20

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Blue Shield

I was thinking some rp that would use the die roller mod in a d20 system. However, I don't know exactly what to base the ideas about. All I have atm is obviously make it mlp and so on... Does anyone have suggestions?

If you don't know how to use the die roller mod, I believe it's pretty simple. Using xdxx (x=the numerical values. For example, 1d20 would be one 20 sided dice. I type the roll command to make it generate a number between 1 and 20.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]

Depending on my number, my outcome would be good or bad depending on the number required and what I actually rolled, then adding any saves required. Exceptions to the rule are 1 and 20. 20 being the best, and no fail, 1 being the worst, and known as a critical fail. (In Dungeons and Dragons, often results in the player's character injuring themselves depending on the situation.) If you play Dungeons and Dragons, this part on would be very self explanatory.


I know their are D&D 5e and Pathfinder sourcebooks for MLP, but these combat based systems will most likely conflict with forum rules.

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