Canterlot University (Jump-in!)

Started by ElectricAura, 2014 Oct 25, 01:07:52

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As she wrote the symbol a pink
lily wrapped it self around
Pastel's back leg. With Pastel's
last stroke of the brush the
symbol started to glow bright
yellow. As the light grew brighter,
the roots started to become brittle.
The red lily's petals started to fall
off as the roots began to weaken.
All the pink lilies started to die
expect the one wrapped around
Pastel. As the glow slowly
dimmed down the roots
turn sickly brown. Now it will be
easy to remove the roots.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


*pastel pulls of the pink Lilly by flying and flew back to the surface to help Eleanor*
{The door is open, I am back again}


Eleanor struggled for
a bit but was able
to break free. She sat
up and all the roots
broke off body and
face. She then used
her free hoofs to remove
the roots off her legs.
As she removed the last
root she stood up and yelled
out Pastel's name; hoping
she is okay.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Misty Fly

Stranger : your welcome Eleanor


Eleanor weakly turned her
head in the direction of
the voice. She was confused
by how the stranger knew
her name. She felt light
headed and the room was
spinnin' from her perspective.
As she covered her eyes
she weakly said,
Who are you? Where is
Pastel? Oh goodness,
I feel sick...

Eleanor head fell into her
lap. She let out a few
moans of pain as she
swung her head side
to side.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Misty Fly

Stranger : you will know soon *she holds Pastel*


*a messy, tired pastel lays in the strangers arms, still holding her paintbrush.*
{The door is open, I am back again}


Eleanor forced a smile as she
continued to swing her head.
Some of the black ooze was
dripping from her mouth.
Letting out a cough, more
black ooze came out. The
two ponies could only see
Eleanor and her struggle
to breath. Weakly she said,
Maybe cross breeding is
not my thing...

Eleanor let out a small laugh
as her head movement slowed
down. Her hoofs fell to her
side as her head remained
in her lap. The black ooze
trickled down her left leg
as she let out some weak coughs.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Misty Fly

Stranger : well this doesnt look good


*pastel regained consciousness and looked at Eleanor, flew to her saddle bag, and got out a bottle of water*
{The door is open, I am back again}


The trickle of ooze turned into
a flow. The floor around her was
covered in sticky black liquid.
Eleanor cough and gasped
as she tried to breath.

((Cloudy, do you have an OC Page?))
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


((Sadly, no. I didn't draw pics of my ocs yet.))
*pastel gave Eleanor the bottle of water, already opened *
{The door is open, I am back again}


(( That's a'ight! :)
Just was wonderin'. ))

Eleanor tried to drink
the bottle but would
end up coughing it
back up. She then
started to breath out
of her nose, which help
come her down. Eleanor
kept her mouth open,
allowing the ooze to
flow out. She looked calm
but very tired. With her
hoof, she pretended to
write; hoping the two
would understand she
is asking for pen and paper.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Misty Fly

*the stranger gave Eleanor a pen and paper*


2015 May 04, 12:25:14 #1174 Last Edit: 2015 May 04, 12:39:27 by FakeSmile
Eleanor tried to say thank
you but it sounded like
baby talk. Her horn glowed
as she levitated the paper
and pen to her. She wrote
quickly as she calmly breath
through her nose. As she wrote
the last word she coughed,
little dots of the ooze got on
the paper. With an disgust
look on her face she levitated
the paper in front of both
Pastel and mystery pony.
The paper said,

We probably should get rid of all
these roots. I am 95.6% sure
the Librarian is not happy. Can
one of you past me my book?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


*pastel gave Eleanor her book *
{The door is open, I am back again}


Eleanor dropt the paper and focus
her magic on levitating the book.
She used her magic to flip through
the pages. Holding it a few inches
away from her face, Eleanor began
to read the page in hope of finding
a solution to her ooze problem.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


*pastel sat there silently, hugging her paintbrush like a teddy bear.*
{The door is open, I am back again}


Eleanor read over the book
as the liquid flowed. She
frowned as she finished
reading. With a cough,
Eleanor dipped her hoof
in the black liquid and
started to draw weird
shapes and patterns
on her stomach.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


*pastel sat there quietly, having a blank stare at the ground*
{The door is open, I am back again}

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