What government does the Pokemon World have?

Started by Bro1997, 2014 Aug 12, 21:02:05

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What government does the Pokemon World have?

Each region is also a country (ex. the Republic of Kanto)
1 (50%)
Presidential Representative Democracy (ex. United States)
0 (0%)
Benevolent Dictatorship (ex. Equestria with Celestia and Luna)
0 (0%)
Totalitarian Dictatorship (ex. North Korea)
1 (50%)
The Pokemon World doesn't have a government
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2

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I know that this doesn't necessarily have to do with the Pokémon games, but with the Pokémon World and how it's government works. If it does have one! I want to know. Is the Pokémon World's regions also countries, democracies with presidents like America, Dictatorships that exists for the benefit of the people like Equestria, Totalitarian Dictatorship that are shaped in forms like Police States and Fascist type governments like North Korea and their Juche government or does the Pokémon World have no need for a true government because of the Officers Jennies around to protect the citizens from harm!

Shadow Mare


It's obviously a psuedoanrchisticlibertarianmonarchialneofeudalist state with fasci-socialist tendencies with a secular-moralist guided disestablishment philosophy placed in the State Church.



Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Aug 12, 23:29:29
It's obviously a psuedoanrchisticlibertarianmonarchialneofeudalist state with fasci-socialist tendencies with a secular-moralist guided disestablishment philosophy placed in the State Church.

my mind was just blowned ovO

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