Legends of Equestria Servers Now Closed!

Started by Ellowee, 2014 Aug 11, 12:31:43

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2014 Aug 11, 19:18:34 #20 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 13, 19:54:15 by Moonstar100
Awww no fair! Why can't you make this game like free? Like no server weekends just like it be open like forever! I only played once because it wasn't working so far. I had fun! Why do you have to do this? D:  No fair! When is the next server weekend open? This is so sad!  >A<

[move] DD:[/move][move] DD:[/move][move] DD:[/move][move] DD:[/move]


dang i just missed the game beta  :c  D:  ono


Why are we only able to play when you allow us? :P

evens say money, odds say lack of money

[blockquote]'' is not a valid dice string![/blockquote]
*checks site day after servers close*

Add me on gameloft! My code of friendship is '6d468f'.


Well I had no fun whatsoever. I couldn't even play!Every single time I tried to download, it came up with an error message saying that too many people had viewed or downloaded it and to wait 24 hours. A whole weekend is longer than 24 hours! I was all excited for a month for NOTHING!  ono


Thanks guys! I had a great time, made a lot of new friends, did some things I'll probably regret,  and raved with random ponies! Keep up the good work, and I hope next OSW is just as good or better! ^-^ BTW this is Dee Jay if you remember me...

Good Times XD: http://youtu.be/UCNwGwJ-9Mw (wonder if Crimson Blaze ever posted the whole thing...?)


2014 Aug 11, 22:26:02 #25 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 11, 22:28:09 by Runzi333
ok the game is in alpha (not near being done) so be happy you got to play at all. It is also all volunteer work. People donating their skills and time to give people a free game. Be grateful people!!

I really loved the osw's I've been in so far! I hope they become more frequent even if there aren't a ton of changes to the game (just more time to play!). :) But no matter what you end up doing, I love the direction you are going in and thank you all so much for giving up your valuable time to make the game for us!

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Quote from: SparklestheUnicorn337 on 2014 Aug 11, 21:33:48
Well I had no fun whatsoever. I couldn't even play!Every single time I tried to download, it came up with an error message saying that too many people had viewed or downloaded it and to wait 24 hours. A whole weekend is longer than 24 hours! I was all excited for a month for NOTHING!  ono

Did you try using one of the mirrors?
I draw my two ponies and sometimes other ponies on that one website where you ask them stuff. Yeah!
Doodle wing and Icy lights created, owned, and drawn by me.


Had tons of fun, Like previews OSW of course. Other than lot's of disconnection's here an there, It's all good.
You might know me as Winter Shiver ingame. I'll tell you a little about me, I'm friendly and at times I tend to be serious when it comes to mmo's and mmorpg's in general. Using terms such as 'Aggro, CC, Burst' et cetera. Well, had fun knowing you!


It was fun while it lasted, i found LoE like few hours just before the OSW.

Had so much fun in the servers roleplaying (which i never done before), made many friends and met few popular ponies like Thorinair, Flufflepuff, Viva and many others!

I wish i could help with the programming, but i'm busy with finals. So, studying is my top priority for now.  X3

Great job to all the developers, mods and artists whom made this game possible.


Considering this was my first time getting the chance to play, it was a wonderful experience. I was able to complete all but one of the quests (the Good Egg one never unlocked for me sadly) and I had tons of fun exploring Cloudopolis, Cantermare and Ponydale. I sadly didn't get to explore all of the Evershade Forest and I never went into the Heartlands. I'm hoping at the next open server, I'll be able to explore those two places more thoroughly, rather than focus so much on the quests.

I only really played the Pegasi race with my own OC, LeCavalier, and while the attacks left me rather disappointed (though I do understand the attack system isn't really fully finished yet) I had a lot of fun running and flying around as my favourite MLP OC. I truly look forward to the next OSW and run around as LeCavalier again, and possibly hopefully get a few of my friends to join in the fun with me (8>


when is legends of equestria going to open again?


Had a great time! Cant wait to see the next changes in the next osw. Thank you LoE team, you guys are doing great!!  ^-^


Actually enjoyed this so much  :3 even better that I was able to say to my brother and friend 'hey this cool looking game is having an osw, wanna join?' and then they all thought is was awesome to be a pony for a weekend:P

best moment was pinkie swarm  ^-^  O: :D O: :D O: :D O: :D


I wanna play more q.q I am just too impatient... but seriously I agree with everyone you guys are doing a wonderful job  ^-^
but I do have a question... when I was "defeated" by the dragons in ponyville I respawned at the school... why the school instead of the hospital?... also I was staring at Vox's sig for quite some time x3 its funny

Spoiler: show


This was my first OSW... and the greatest weekend of my life.
I was White Cloud in the game.
From actually becoming a pony, both virtually and spiritually, to meeting other ponies, making friends, traveling together, going to sleep together, forming dancing lines and circles, doing group hugs, fighting dragons to death with the power of Friendship... This overall experience was BEYOND amazing, and I couldn't thank you enough, everypony, as well as the devs and staff of LoE, for making this possible. Please accept my eternal gratitude. You made me feel things I haven't felt before. I ascended from human, to brony, and now to pony thanks to you!

I hope to see everypony again in the next OSW and eventually in the full game! I can't wait for its release!
Keep it up, staff of LoE, we're all with you! And I'll try to apply as a dev a second time when I can.

This weekend was epic! Thank you again everypony! Friends forever!
Love you all!

Quote from: xXx_420Blazeit_xXx on 2014 Aug 11, 14:17:39
420/10, best. game. ever.

Agreed, this game completed my life like 10 times as well.
(42 is the Answer to life)

Quote from: djtekno11 on 2014 Aug 11, 22:24:06
Thanks guys! I had a great time, made a lot of new friends, did some things I'll probably regret,  and raved with random ponies! Keep up the good work, and I hope next OSW is just as good or better! ^-^ BTW this is Dee Jay if you remember me...

Hey Dee Jay! :D
White Cloud / Mellow Dream


I didn't had the time to play it and the servers are already closed   >A< that's unfair !
Sup' ? :3


Quote from: SergeantChestnut on 2014 Aug 12, 13:00:53
I didn't had the time to play it and the servers are already closed   >A< that's unfair !

don't worry :I you will get your chance next OSW


I hope si :c Can't wait to get the bêta version, this game sounds so awesome
Sup' ? :3


This game reminds me of BlackGryph0n's - Take Me To Equestria. Well at least we can at least go virtually!   lol


D ZANY Gollumn

Very good very good! But I must ask when the chatbox will open again?  :P Still lost on where everything is here X3

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