Pascalo Beach RP OOC

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jul 14, 15:32:32

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Yeah, I know. Also, I fully plan on making every single second count.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


I'd expect nothing less, kindred spirit.
So, what do you wanna do?
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In an Ideal world? Hug you. In this world, talk.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


I'd be up for that hug...Heaven knows we both need one.
What do you want to talk about?
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Well, A: How've you been? Found any good music lately? And B: I have to take a shower so I'll be back in a little bit.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


I've been...Questionably happy.  As for music, the Jekyll and Hyde musical is amazing, but only the Anthony Warlow version.
I'll see you in a bit, then.
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All I can say is that I've appreciated having you around, and it's been fun. I fear to say anything else, for those dreadful words may get out there somehow.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Hey, Cheebs..
Thanks, Plat.  I've enjoyed having you around too.
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Sorry that took so long, I kinda curled up in my shower crying while "Chant of Immortality" Broke my heart and feels, so yeah...
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Welcome back Grey *huggles*


Good song, I'm guessing?
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Thanks Cheebs *hugs* Not only that, but its basically just like the RP, listen to it. Now.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Teal Turken

It's more than amazing to see how even people who have never met in person can bring each other great happiness.
I hope that wherever it is you're going Dawns, that you find new friends who can bring you as much joy as the friends here have.

I feel a little sad to admit that I did not turn out to become one of those friends, but I'm at least happy that you have the chance to say farewell.


Thank you, Teal...I regret not doing the same.

I listened to it, it was amazing, Grey.  I especially liked when it was just the one voice saying "To witness being erased".
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I, for some reason always imagine our group of ponies singing it... It may just be my artistic side, but to me, its beautiful.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Funny you should say that...I did the same thing.
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Teal Turken

I blame myself though, I haven't been as active as I was the first two years I was on this site. This is the fourth year. The friends I Rp'd with regularly lost interest in Rp and there was a bit of a flood of bad Rpers and poor quality threads, it all just made me feel like roleplay died all together for me.
I should get back into it. Things have gotten better since then.


They've gotten better, yeah.  You just have to find the right threads, you know?
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I'm honestly really surprised how big this place has gotten. Alex's jaw would drop to the floor. XD
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

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