Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Rush of MLP

[Color=magenta]"Hmm. It may sound boring, but I just like to watch the other beachgoers."[/color] Spook said.


Quote from: Rush of MLP on 2015 Nov 22, 17:49:27
[Color=magenta]"Hmm. It may sound boring, but I just like to watch the other beachgoers."[/color] Spook said.

"So..stalking? You don't seem like that kind of pony," He says playfully.


"Oh. Maple, don't worry, okay? Don't freak out, but you're suddenly a colt. Joy informed Maple of his situation.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Rush of MLP

Spook chuckled. [Color=magenta]"Stalking? Nah. I just watch; I don't need to follow anypony."[/color]

[Color=magenta]"That may be an interesting idea, though."[/color] He added jokingly.


"Sometimes doing so would be helpful, I remember one stallion at my school that needed somepony to, if you want to hear that story," Raven responds, yawning again. "Also, do you have any sort of caffeinated drink around here? I don't need to be tired already," He inquires.


Not too far off the beach was a run down building. It had a rustic appearance and some ivy started to crawl up the bricks. A sun faded cupcake sign swung with the wind and the windows were shattered. With many visible flaws on the outside, there was no doubt why the bakery went out if business. But the flaws didn't stop the recent buyer. A bleach blond mare stood in front of the abandoned building. Her untamed mane flowed with the wind as she stared up at the rusty sign. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of the building; she couldn't wait to get inside and see the damage. Sadly, she doesn't have the keys yet, but her excitement wasn't about to let that stop her. Her golden eyes flickered as she saw that one of the windows was shattered. The mare couldn't help but laugh; she was starting to see why this place was selling for so cheap.

The mare decided to look through the window rather than take her own house tour. Once she got to the window, she leaned as far as she could forward. The inside wasn't as bad as she thought, just would need some lights and wall repairs. A small frown formed when she looked toward the corner; it appears someone was living here. There was a blanket and wrappers scattered on the floor. For a few seconds she felt guilty, but business is business. The mare quickly shifted her attention to the other parts of the store; she can't have her empathy getting in the way of her future. What caught her eye was a flight of stairs toward the back. Her eyes lit up as she took a few steps back. Now staring at the top of the building, she saw a small round window behind the sign. A few chuckles slipped out; she was relived that this solved her housing problem.

After a few more chuckles, she levitated a pen and notepad out of her saddle bag. She quickly scribbled,"Pascalo Barber" at the top of the notepad and doodled a little clover next to it. A few hardy chuckles slipped out as her excitement was seeping through her smile. The mare started to jot down the problems with the shop. She let out a happy sigh as the list started to grow. For a brief second, she stopped to look at the shop for any visible problems. As she looked up at the faded sigh she whispered,
???: Oi 'ardly can believe dis is mine! Oi might 'av ter put more nickers toward it than expected. . . But dis is a much needed change av scenery! Ahh, Oi can't wait ter git me 'ooves on a sandy mane!
While she started to write down the visible problems of the building, she hummed softly to her self. A fresh start on a peaceful beach. . . The mare wondered what kind of manes would enter her shop and the stories they will tell.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Rush of MLP

[Color=magenta]"I don't see why not."[/color] Spook said. [Color=magenta]"And I don't know about any caffeinated drinks, though. There's probably something like that in the town just down the trail from the beach."[/color]


2015 Nov 22, 19:45:17 #36167 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 22, 20:12:15 by Jcfraven
"Eh, too far. Still tired though," He says, about to start the story, before his drooping eyes widen in realization. "I just thought of something, I don't really have anywhere to sleep tonight," He says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck with his hoof.


The purple stallion sighed with relief once his aching extremities touched sand.
It was much softer than the pavement he had been walking on.
He moved up to the water's surface leisurely, he had time.
Once there, he sat for a while and listened to the ocean.  His eyes stared blankly at empty sky.

His saddlebag shifted again.  Quietly, he opened it and moved its sole occupant in front of him.
It was a simple, gold saucer.  Large, lightly decorated on the lip.
He closed his dubious eyes and put his front hooves on the edge of the saucer, moving it toward the ocean.
Waves lapped up further and further until the saucer was full.  Carefully, he pulled it back toward him.  He didn't want to waste a single drop.
Once it was close enough not to be disturbed by the ocean, he let go.  Eyes still closed, he placed his front hooves together and began to mutter to his golden treasure.

Lines began to criss-cross the surface of the saucer, forming a rudimentary map of some unknown location.
A small red light appeared in the middle.  His milky eyes opened and stared blankly at the now moving luminous object.
His target had moved so far already...But that didn't matter.  That wasn't his current order of business anyway.
He closed his eyes again, thinking.
<br />

Rush of MLP

[Color=magenta]"Well, there's an inn just over there."[/color] Spook said as he lifted his hoof and pointed right. There was a building just a little ways down the beach.


"Usually they don't respond well to stray foals trying to check in alone, I wouldn't think," He replies. "I'd rather not risk that, if possible," He continues.

Rush of MLP

"I think the owners would be fine with you staying. Most ponies around here are nicer than they should be, so I'm sure they would at least hear you out if you explained to them why you need a room." Spook said.


2015 Nov 22, 21:25:46 #36172 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 22, 21:28:09 by FakeSmile
The mare closed her notepad; everything worth noting was noted. With a sigh, she sat down on the footsteps of the building. Way too much money and time will have to be put into this new opportunity. . . Money wasn't a problem but she isn't know for being patient. But she still will enjoy every minute of it. She'll be able to pick out new flooring, wallpaper, lights, a sign. . . The mare let out a squeal,, just thinking it made her burst with excitement. In the middle of her squeal, a small chime rang from her saddle bag. Her eyes flickered, she didn't expect to get a call at this hour. The mare quickly dug through her bag in search of the noise. Within seconds, she pulled out a little blue orb. She popped the little orb and it grew to the size of a soccer ball. While she held the orb in her hooves she whispered,
???: Hello, Golden Locks speakin'. . . Oh! Hello dear, how 'av yer been! . . .

???: I'm actually sittin' on de footsteps 'av me new barber shop. . . .

???: Well, oi ain't ready for business jist yet. Yer remember dat cheap buildin' Oi was blatherin' about?

???: Well, its defiantly worth de price. Oi might actually 'av ter put more nickers toward renovation than Oi did buyin' it! . . .

???: Nah, its perfect. Its looks de shop I've been dreamin' about! . . .

???: Don't worry about me, Oi 'I'll be gran'. I'm a Golden Lock after al'. . . .

???: Well, Oi can't waste al' me time blatherin' ter yer! I'll give yer a call once Oi git back. . .

???: AH HA HA HA! Yeah whatever, bye!

With a hardy laugh, she popped the orb again; returning it to its original size. Talking to that friend always made left her in a good mood. With one last laugh, she slipped the orb back into her saddle bag. Slowly she got up from the steps and took a few steps back. Looking at the building gave her a rush of adrenaline. She was determined to get this building up and running as soon as possible. . . . Which won't happen if she kept dilly dallying around. Its time for the mare to head back to her hometown and get everything in order for the big move. . . But a part of her wanted to stay and stare at the building for a bit longer. Even though this was her first time seeing the place, she didn't want to leave it just yet. . . . The mare sat back down on the steps and pulled her notepad out. She decided to take a few seconds and form a little "To-Do" list.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


at hearing this maple literally had a panic attack which involved running around screaming and trying to get out of the pit


2015 Nov 22, 21:37:40 #36174 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 22, 22:36:41 by Jcfraven
*Going to go a route straying a bit from my norm and my character's proper story. Hopefully it's fine.

"If you say so, but I've seen the contrary before," He replies spitefully, before deciding to elaborate to save confusion.

"Want to know why I'm here? The real reason? Ran away from the Foal Protection Agency following a falling out with one of my designated homes. Tried to sleep at an Inn and woke up with them at the door. Not much fun, I assure you," He explains, swaying back and forth from his sudden tiredness, but keeping his eyes open nonetheless.


"Maple, calm down! We'll fix this. First, we need to figure out how to get out of here, alright?" Joy tried to calm Maple down, however useful his efforts may be.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


taking a second to think about thing maple sits down and begins to take deep breaths trying to calm himself down


"Okay. Look around, see if you find some way out. False wall, loose rocks, good hoofholds, anything." Joy went to look as well, focusing on escaping the situation. "What exactly did the guy want us to do?" Joystick mumbled, asking a rhetorical question.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Rush of MLP

"I see." Spook said, pausing to think.

"I'm not gonna say anything. If it'll help, I'll come with you to the inn so that you won't have to explain much. If you don't want to stay at the inn, I can try to help you." He said, talking in a serious tone.


"I can't ask of you to do much for me, you've already done a lot, but I definitely don't want to stay at the Inn. I can just get out of your mane if you want me to," He says, looking downcast.

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