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2015 Jan 17, 19:59:57 #33940 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 17, 20:02:20 by ChibiGrrl
Sweet and Tise were both surprised and hurt by Bygone's reaction.
The last thing they wanted to do was upset him.

"Bygone, I-I'm sorry..." Sweet said softly, her ears folding against her head.

"Please wait, if we put our heads together we can elude Umral.
It will be a simple task--
Sottises spoke quickly in a pleading tone, trying to appease Bygone.


Bygone shook his head, interrupting Tise.  "Dearie, it's no longer simple.  He knows I'm here!
I have to begin preparations immediately...
He felt around the insides of his pockets, making certain of the items inside.
<br />


Sweet looked at Bygone, feeling confused.
"I don't understand...He's your nephew, isn't he?
Why wouldn't you want to see him? He misses you...
she said.

"Bygone, please...allow us to help you,
to set things right!
" Sottises added, breathing quickly.
What kind of preparations? What are you planning?
she thought to herself.


Bygone felt that uncomfortable twinge once again, and spoke again.
"No!  I-I can't-"  He continued nervously fumbling with his pockets, bringing out a cylindrical item he held close to his chest.
<br />


Check ignored the talking, focusing on his book; he'd had enough excitement for the week.


Sweet spoke to Bygone, trying to convince him of their good intentions.
"Bygone, there's nothing to be afraid of. Umbral's not
angry at you for leaving, he just wants to see you again.
Sweet walked forward, reaching out to hug him.

"Please understand, it was not only Umbral who missed you.
Sweet and I...we missed you fervently as well.
Sottises added sadly, her expression open and sincere.
She looked very much like a lost filly...


2015 Jan 17, 21:19:18 #33946 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 17, 21:21:53 by DawnsEmbrace
Bygone did nothing to reject the hug outright, and held two items in his hooves.
In his left, the new cane with its specially molded top.  In his right, the cylindrical object which was now revealed to be Check's broken horn.
"Don't look at me like that..."
Bygone looked away from Sottises, emotion threatening to fill his eyes.  "Not like he used to..."

He held the two objects, looking at them.
"I can't face him...Not as I am now, but soon..."
<br />


Sweet released Bygone, looking up at him with a pleading look.
"Bygone, what are you planning?" she asked softly.

Sottises had dropped her eyes, wet with unshed tears.
Inside, her heart raced as she panicked, she felt she was going to lose Bygone...
"Please do not leave have only just returned..."
she said, her voice trembling slightly.


Bygone smiled, a manic light entering his eyes.
"No...No, no my dear.  I'm not leaving."
He shook his head and laughed, placing the horn back into his suit pocket.
"I just have one last bit of business, that's all.  It's just business.
And business must remain confidential, dearie.
"  His breathing slightly erratic, Bygone limped with his cane towards the living room.

[[You're up, Check.  He's about to cash in a debt.]]

[[EDIT: Aw dangit, you went offline.  Nevermind, I guess.]]
<br />


Sweet and Sottises remained where they were, both mares were familiar with
Bygone's way of conducting business. Both wore expressions of worry and confusion
at the stallion's behavior.


((Sorry, I'm here.  :) ))

Check kept writing, mumbling to himself.


Music btw]]

Bygone trotted to Checkmate, that manic light still in his eyes.
"Dearie, I'm here to make use of the favor ye owe me."
He glanced at Check's regrown horn, then resumed looking at Checkmate himself.
"If my information is correct, ye know a spell for suppressing emotions, yes?"
<br />


Indeed I do, Bygone.  Check put his book down, getting up.


Bygone smiled.  "I'd like to know everything there is to know about it."
"How much concentration it takes, how to cast it, everything ye can tell me.  If ye have a book that contains it, then I'd like that as well."
<br />


I don't have the book...I could teach it to you, but it's dangerous...I'd need a test subject, and this isn't a spell that's easy to break.


Bygone muttered angrily before speaking.  "I don't have that kind of time."
He grumbled again, and teleported an item into his hoof.
It was small, and crystalline in structure.  It held no color.
"Cast it on this, pretend it is yer test subject.  Let me see its magic done."

[[Quick question, what color is Check's magic?]]
<br />


((Black.  X3 ))

Check nodded, closing his eyes.  His horn lit up slowly, but grew in intensity until it was nearly blinding.  With the bright flash associated with magic, he cast the spell.


2015 Jan 17, 22:16:02 #33957 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 17, 22:17:46 by DawnsEmbrace
Bygone shielded his eyes, using one hoof to hold the crystal straight, and the other covering his face.
Once the magic was completed, the once colorless crystal had turned black.

Bygone moved it about in his hooves, examining it.
"Thank ye, Checkmate.  Ye're free of any former favors I may have held ye to before."
He held the small item close to his chest, and turned to leave.
<br />


Check nodded.  Farewell, Bygone.


Sweet and Sottises emerged from the kitchen, and quickly followed Bygone outside.
"Bygone?" Sweet called after him.

"Please wait!" Sottises added.

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