Started by michalthekid, 2014 May 13, 12:49:58

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2014 May 13, 12:49:58 Last Edit: 2014 May 13, 12:53:25 by michalthekid

Name: Michal

Age: 17

Likes: Dubstep

Dislikes: People laughing at his eyes

Personality: Funny, shy, kind

My first OC that I ever drew  ^-^

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Lol I just noticed how forced the smile was  lol


Well...Thank you for NOT being an Alicorn! that makes him stand out a bit b being a normal race...
But We'd really like to see more of him other then Age, Name, likes, dislikes, and 3 words to describe his personality.

Maybe Write about his BackStory? or where he lives? or what he does in his spare time? beleaves? stuff like that can be fun to read and also help bring out their personalty a lot!

Though I would recommend using a different mane style then Vinyl Scratch's, it's kinda...over done. :s


Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 May 14, 20:41:10
Well...Thank you for NOT being an Alicorn! that makes him stand out a bit b being a normal race...
But We'd really like to see more of him other then Age, Name, likes, dislikes, and 3 words to describe his personality.

Maybe Write about his BackStory? or where he lives? or what he does in his spare time? beleaves? stuff like that can be fun to read and also help bring out their personalty a lot!

Though I would recommend using a different mane style then Vinyl Scratch's, it's kinda...over done. :s

But, some questions need to be asked. Namely, her eyes? Care to explain, or was it just, there? It gives him a crazed look. It's disturbing :s
Also, there is an important part of a ponies personality that isn't there. What is his cutie mark?

All in all, an interesting, if underdeveloped, base!
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


2014 May 18, 08:49:05 #3 Last Edit: 2014 May 19, 13:16:36 by michalthekid
   <-Updated cutie mark

Back-story: Michal was born when his mother crash landed in her pregnancy. His red eye came because it had not yet developed color. His mother died shortly after. At the age about six, he used to walk around, all sad. On his first day of school everyone made fun of him. He became very melancholic. His dad felt really sad for him, so he bought him a joke book. He started becoming happier time by time and he started ignoring the other people. After a while, he started telling a few of the jokes to his class"mates" to see if they would still not like him. It worked. Soon he had a few friends. About 6 years later, his dad taught him to play the trombone. After a few concerts he also started to make digital music. He got a bit popular. Although he still is a bit scared of some ponies, he tries to keep up his good humor.

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