The Crystal Changelings [Mild Violence] [Easy Application]

Started by Cobalt Crafter, 2014 Apr 21, 01:31:19

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Cobalt Crafter

2014 Apr 21, 01:31:19 Last Edit: 2014 May 13, 22:55:46 by Cobalt Crafter
I hope I wrote this with good quality...


1. RP will be carried out in a present tense manner

2. Changling Drones, Underqueens, pony guards, pony civilians, Griffons, wild life even Diamond Dogs and pony nobility are playable. (Excluding dragons) Anything else will require you to ask permission in a post before going along with it.

2.1. Please try to balance the characters, try not to have everyone going Changeling Underqueensor other such.

3. The use of " is required when you are saying something IC.

4. Combat will be limited to what is in the show, no death. Unconsciousness and a mild scrap on the toe from stubbing it are allowed. This is to follow the kid-friendly orientation of the forum.

5. When you are attacking or pushing someone or what have you, the opposing side choses the outcome of the movement. Although if god mod seems to be active on a certain character they will be asked to redo previous posts.

6. You may speak in First or Third person. However mixing the two in the same post is not recommended.


Changelings are independent of thought, the hive mind exists as a telephone would work.

The time is before Sombra, the city and surrounding area are in a summertime (Excluding the far north of the hive) and is independent of Equestra, only small trade is apparent between them.

This is alternate universe, meaning that it's its own timeline starting from before Sombra, so the ending is up to the players.

This is first contact for the changelings, they haven't a clue how ponies work. They have lived off of the captive ponies kept in a green slime for over 6 generations. But they are expiring.



King Dr'Laqof the northern hives has set his eyes on the crystal empire. The crystal ponies had only heard rumors of the creatures. Their names are not widely known. Nor their powers. But the nobility that runs that empire knows of them. The guardsponies of the city are few but well trained to deal with a bandit raid or robbery.

With the recent lose of the crystal heart from the random thief that won't be mentioned for the rest of the RP how will the empire survive?!  :P


Please follow the following format when you post with your character for the first time. After that you may RP as you wish. I am using my own (Unoriginal)  OC for an example, followed by my starting RP.

Name: Northern Guardian

Race: Unicorn

Cutiemark: (This can be filled with text or an image) Red Shield with a One-Headed Hydra rearing it's head.

Coat/Mane/Eye colors: Baby Blue coat, Brown Mane, dark-blue eyes

Faction/Profession: City Outskirts Guard

Age and Gender: Young Stallion (note it's not colt)
Traits: Quick moving, Lacking in magic prowess, Cowardly, Sharp Eyed

Extra info: Wearing white-colored armor to provide small camouflage in snow.


Guardian is moving to patrol as normal, his hooves clanked as his thin armor hit the snow. He is patrolling the northern border of the crystal city today. Happy to be protecting the city he has grown up in with loving parents.

"If only I could still have the joy of my father today today." He sighs out as he recounts the events leading to their demise.

His father, a lower guardsmen and mother, the housemare had decided to show him some of creatures of equestria. This happened to include an uninvited hydra in the southern swamps. The encounter was swift and decisive. But being the colt he was, Guardian had protected his mother with his own body and a weak magical shied. The cutiemark now adorning his flank didn't make up for his loss. But it had made him feel the need to join the guard in defense of his home.

Shaking his head softly, he snorts out a puff of sir from his nose. "No time to think of that." He mutters to himself.

Hurricane Bash

Name: Hurricane Bash

Race: Pegasus

Cutiemark: Two vinyl records at an angle

Coat/Mane/Eye Colors: Scarlet red coat, red mane with a white outline, one red eye one green eye

Faction/Profession: Professional DJ

Age and Gender: Teenage Stallion
Traits: Thick headed, hates to be wrong, egomaniac, lots of bravado

Extra info: Always wears his favorite scarf, it was given to him by his mother for his birthday
Hurricane just got back from his last show in the Crystal Empire, but he knew he couldn't leave yet. They locked down the city  for word of an attack had gotten around. He walked slowly back to the inn that he was staying at, enjoying all that the Crystal Empire had to offer. The crystal ponies were walking around nervously and muttering to the pony next to them. Hurricane got the strange feeling that they were all talking about him. After all, he wasn't a crystal pony, so he could be the enemy... only he isn't.

He walked by houses, shops, even a pizza place, but he didn't stop for anything. There were perfume vendors spraying Coco Pommel brand perfume in his face, a music store, and a fast-food joint. Hurricane would not stop. He didn't know what to say about the perfume, because, well, he isn't a mare. The music store enticed him the most, especially because it had his newest album on the shelves. The fast food place wasn't that special, so he just bypassed it altogether. "Wow," he said trotting out of the shopping street. "Being a DJ really helped improve my focus. Good job, me." The uneventful day passed, and a new dawn was born. Hurricane slept in that day, though, because he didn't have anything better to do.
The master of Dubstep has arrived!

Cobalt Crafter

((Much better than the wording errors I have on the original post due to spellcheck and the such. But yes, backstory was well intertwined.))

Firstperson: "Returning to the city after my shift was after around noon was quite a surprise for me. Apparently while I was out there were sightings of some shapeshifting equine creature. I was sent back to provide guard in the square and market. A better change than running around in the snow wasteland.

I even saw a famous foreign music pony! Err, well I'm not so sure he was famous, but he looked to be from Equestria. He didn't have no shining coat to see, looked the part of one anyway. Eh, probably just been away on a trip too long and lost his coat shine...Who am I kidding, I never meet anyone important.

-Northern G's Personal Log"

((My char is open to talking to if you so choose.))

Hurricane Bash

((oh ok))

The next day, something EVENTFUL happened. He met a guards pony. He was a stallion, but Hurricane did not know his name. "My reputation is quite large," Hurricane said. "You have my albums on your shelves in the music store." Hurricane looked around for a place to sit. He frowned. "Don't you crystal ponies have anywhere to sit? My legs are aching from all the stuff I did today. I won't even explain that stuff." He sat on the ground with a small huff. "So, what's your story, eh?"
The master of Dubstep has arrived!


Name: Blue Star.
Race: Unicorn.
Cutiemark: Red Cross.
Coat/Mane/Eye Colors: Light blue fur, dark blue mane, red eyes.
Faction/Profession: Equestrian exchange student of the medical major.
Age and Gender: Young mare.
Traits: Joyful, playful. Friendly even to complete strangers. A very naive mare.
Extra info: Very small for her age. Agile and weak, her magic makes up for her physical weakness. Almost always she wears an old worn out saddlebag, it used to belong to her grandfather. Her long mane is usually held in place by a purple headband. In her bag she always has a dagger, which she uses as a lucky charm. (if you have a problem with the dagger i am willing to remove it.)

[A letter]:

To my dearest Smart Cookie,

i apologize that i'm writing so late, i didn't have the means to send you a letter sooner, sorry. It's been a week since we've hugged each other goodbye. The trip here was very long, our train broke down two times, which delayed us for two whole days. It wasn't anything serious, just the locomotive over heating. We had to stop and let it cool off. During the second stop we were allowed to leave the train, so i did a bit of exploring.

I could hear the hiss of a nearby stream, so i decided to follow the sound, and soon enough i found a river with a waterfall. Oh, how i wish i had a camera with me, or something. It was truly a wonderful sight. I watched the falling waters for quite a long time, by the time i got back to the train everypony was waiting, some of them worried, i felt really embarrassed. I promised not to run off like that again, but the teacher still didn't let me out of her sight for the rest of the trip.

We had to walk the final stretch of the way here, there are no train tracks directly to the city yet. It was a nice walk, actually, but only because its summer. I can't even imagine how it would be like to try and pass the tundra during the winter. And now i'm here, in my room, writing to you and unpacking. The room has a cabinet, a bed, a table and a chair. Oh, and a big window with a gorgeous view over the city. The teacher said that we now have two free days to get used to the time zone, i'm planning to go to the market, i'll buy you something nice.

And that's pretty much it, nothing else i would like to write you comes to mind. Please say hi to Wind and Cyril for me. I'll send you another letter in a few days, so try not to miss me too much.

Forever yours, Blue Star.

the letter was written and send the day before, and now the little blue mare is walking around the market.

((So whatcha think? Wanted to try a letter opening X3, not sure if it's any good though.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Cobalt Crafter

"Ain't got the building materials. City budget goes to the mines in the south and making the palace bigger. But I ain't allowed to talk politics on duty." He said with a slight sigh. "Not to offend but I don't listen to music much, if you want to know anything about me all ya gotta know is I got an eye for trouble, keep away from the north though. The patrols were pulled out due to a few sightings."

((I'ma fix some spelling errors in the starting post >.< y'all are doing better than me.))


Ever since the sun rose Blue was walking around the market, awing at the merchandise. She already had her saddlebag full of stuff, mostly small trinkets and accessories for Cookie, and a few food items she never saw before and wanted to try. With lolipop in her and a map of the city held in front of her with her unicorn telekinesis spell she walked on, not paying much attention to her surroundings. It was only a matter of time before she hit something and fell on her butt, her saddlebag opening in the process and a few of her bought good fell from it. "Ouch" she whimpered as she rubbed her nose.

((let's say she hit the Northern Guardian ^-^))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Hurricane Bash

Hurricane jumped back as a mare ran I'to Northern Guardian. He looked on in disbelief as she fell on her flank and rubbed her nose.  "You okay, miss?" He asked.  He was definitely caught off guard by that event. "You took quite a spill there."
The master of Dubstep has arrived!


The mare was quite small, her hitting into Northern Guardian probably didn't even faze him. "Yeah, i'm ok. Sorry." She said, blushed and stood up, not yet noticing that a few items fell out her bag.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Hurricane Bash

Hurricane smiled and nodded to the ground. You dropped a few things," he said.  Then he noticed something that looked like a music album. His album. "Is that my album?" he asked.
The master of Dubstep has arrived!


Blue looked to the ground briefly to see the items. "Your album?" She asked, picked the album up and gave Hurricane a closer look. After a few seconds she gasped. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" She said as fast as possible she blushed again and quickly picked up the rest of her stuff, putting it again in her saddlebag. "Of all the pony groups to run into i happen to run into one with the famous DJ Hurricane Bash!" again she was talking fast, almost fangirling about Hurricane.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Hurricane Bash

Hurricane laughed. "Well, my reputation is quite large. DJ life is fun. Meeting new ponies, stuff like that." He smiled. "Hurricane Bash, at your service."
The master of Dubstep has arrived!


As she picks up and hides back in her saddlebag the last item Blue smiled and held up the album. "Can i get your autograph? Please?" She said enthusiastically and with wide, sparkly eyes.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Hurricane Bash

Hurricane laughed loudly. "Sure, why not." He looks at Northern Guardian. "Got a pen?" he asked, never coming prepared time give out autographs.
The master of Dubstep has arrived!


Name: Chaotica
Cutiemark:a golden apple with a yin yang symbol in it
Coat/Mane/Eye colors:pink deamon like eyes
Age and Gender: young mare
Traits: smart conniving funny careful
Extra info: mare of discord and celistia

why do I have to go to the crystal empire I should be make chaos or something I have to go and help shinning armor man I wish I could see a changling maybe then I wouldt be a outcast


((Oh... um... i thought this is the time before Sombra... you know, a 1000 years before the events of the show? How the hay is Shining Armor even here if it is that time period?))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Cobalt Crafter

Quote from: chaotica on 2014 May 13, 18:40:31

Name: Chaotica
Cutiemark:a golden apple with a yin yang symbol in it
Coat/Mane/Eye colors:pink deamon like eyes
Age and Gender: young mare
Traits: smart conniving funny careful
Extra info: mare of discord and celistia

why do I have to go to the crystal empire I should be make chaos or something I have to go and help shinning armor man I wish I could see a changling maybe then I wouldt be a outcast

((Please reread the lore and rule section. This RP is abit more serious than your used to it seems. I'm not trying to be rude in any way but please take the example of everyone else and rework your post if you will. As well as a err...More convincing? Backstory, an alicorn COULD have existed during this time as evidence of Twilight and Cadence but unlikely. Just give us some insight?))

"Well I see you two are having a fangasm of a time." Northern Muttered before lowering his head. "I do have a quill and inkwell if that will do." He says in a dejected tone, pulling it out of his armor's pocket under his chest. Hoofing them over.


Name: Emerald  Bright
Race: Pegasus
CutieMark: An emerald that has shiny sparkles
Coat/Mane/Eye colors: A lightish green, turquoise with dark blue streaks running down it, a shiny emerald color
Faction/Profession: Equestrias most famous archaeologist, manly famous for discovoring the largest chunk of emerald in equstria
Age and Gender: a young mare
Extra info: she's always wearing glasses because she hates using contacts

Bright walks out of the mines where hurricane and blue are will a saddle half filled with a few fossils and small gem fragments, she walks past them heading to the town musem, she looks at her watch and she notices she will be late if she doesnt hurry so she starts power walking. after a few minutes she arives and turns her items into the musem, they offer her a large reward  but she declines and leaves. she heads towards the mine again when she notices the "fangirl" and a stallion who looks like somepony who makes music, she walks past them and goes towards the mine's entrance.

Cobalt Crafter

((As it seems changeling characters are zero I may drop northern in favor of pushing the RP in direction intended.))


"Oh, right, sorry." Blue said and took a few deep breaths to calm down. She opened her saddlebag and shuffled around in it with her hoof for a while, before pulling out a very thick walled jar of ink and a quill with which was partially broken in bout 2/3 from the point. She handed the ink and quill to Hurricane "You can write it on the album cover, please, mister Hurricane Bash."

((just to say, this whole "Blue is Hurricanes fangirl" thing was totally improvised on the spot X3 and i could play a changeling character as well if you don't mind somepony playing two chars at the same time.))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

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