Case of the Missing Slipper...(Calling all sleuths)

Started by friedbeaver, 2015 Feb 13, 00:03:04

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Police commissioner Stablewing read the letter, his jaw agape. He stared at the report one more time, before looking at the letter again. It wasn't possible was it? That there was a pattern going on here? A very odd...very odd pattern indeed.

"I need to get help." He decided, pulling out a quill and paper.

Dear (insert your OC's name here),

I know you from your reputation. You're an honorable guard/ servant of her Royal Majesties. I wish I could be writing on lighter terms, but there has been a grave incident.

Recently, Trottingham has been struck by a series of well...bizarre thefts. I use bizarre simply because it does not make any sense. The items reported stolen are the most unusual. They're mainly odd knick knacks or household items, but they've all been reported missing and there is evidence of a burglary. Certainly a few precious items have been stolen as well, but it's all the same that this sudden spree of thefts must be connected.

And then well, there's a letter. Apparently addressed by the thief themselves, threatening well to steal Trottingham's prized glass slipper. I don't know much of what to make of it really.

Below are the items stolen.

Ten pairs of slippers

A clock

A diamond brooch

A bathrobe

Ten quills and a bottle of ink

A carton of orange juice

That's all I have for now. Please send back soon.


Commissioner Stablewing 


((hello! is it alright if i join? i'll post a bit about the OC i'll be using below))

OOC:  Name: Common Justice
          Gender: Mare
          Race: Earth Pony
          Mane/Tail: Cranberry red, Mane up in a bun, and tail is short and combed back
          Coat Color: Cream(very very light yellow)
          Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
          Cutie Mark: A Golden Scale
          Occupation: Lawyer/Ace dectective(for the rp of course :))
          Residence: Ponyville(currently) Las Pegasus(formerly)

--------------------------------------------- RPing for this character begins below -----------------------------------

{it was a bright and sunny morning in Ponyville, and Common Justice was going through her paperwork as she would on an average day, when suddenly, the doorbell rang}

"Who could that be?" She asked herself.  Common Justice didn't get many visitors.

{she opened the door to see a police officer standing in the door, he was carrying some sort of letter}

"May i help you, officer?" Common Justice said, a bit confused as to what exactly a police officer was doing at her doorstep.

"Miss Justice, I presume?" The officer asked.

"Yes, thats me." Justice replied.
{the officer handed her the letter}

"This letter is from Police commissioner Stablewing.  He said that it was urgent this was delivered to you."  The officer said with a serious tone.

[stablewing? its been quite some time since ive heard from him...] justice thought.

"I see.  Well, thank you for delivering this letter, i'll see to it that i shall read it immediately." Justice said.

{the officer than left without another word}

{Justice sat down to read the letter...}

"... i see... well then, i suppose ive got a train ticket to purchase!" Justice Proclaimed. 

{So Justice went off to Ponyville Train Station, and purchased a train ticket for Trottingham}

"Your train will be arriving shortly" the mare behind the ticket booth said.

"yes, thank you miss."  Justice replied.  She was doing her best to stay calm, and be patient.  Justice hated waiting, especially when an urgent case like this one popped up, but unfortunately she had no choice. 

{At last Justice's train arrived.}

"All Aboard!" the conducter called.

{Justice and a few other ponies went onto the train}

{Justice looked around her, analyzing all the passengers faces, in case one of them might be a suspect.}

{At last Justice arrived in Trottingham, so she went to police commissioner Stablewing's office.}

{Justice entered}

"Commissioner Stablewing?"  Justice said.

"I recieved your message, and I am prepared to offer my services in any way I can."  Justice said firmly.  She hated crime, and would do anything to put a stop to it.


Stablewing opened the door, a small, pleasant faced grey stallion. "Thank you for coming on such short notice, ma'am. As you can imagine, this crook is quite a bizarre thief. Nothing of value, but an odd knick-knack collection. There might be something to it, I believe."


"I agree.  The theif must have a reason for stealing these odd items..." Justice said, attempting to figure out why somepony would steal these random knick-knacks.


Stablewing nodded. "Indeed, most ponies feel it's just an annoying inconvenience, but it's making a lot of us fear for our own safety and security. It's only a matter of time before the thief tries to steal something bigger. This was the latest note they left at the office."

Detectives! Is it really so hard to see the rhyme and reason to such treason? That such fun can be derived from being so naughty? That's the question isn't it. Well...ta ta ta for now. Only three days till the slipper is mine to be found.


{Justice ponders the letter for a moment}

"hmm..." she said.

"it sounds like whoever is behind this thinks its all a game." Justice said, puzzled.

{justice looks over the list of stolen items again}

"hmm... perhaps the theif plans to use these items to assist themselves in their grand theft." Justice thought aloud.


"If so, then they are rather silly to unveil their plot." Stablewing shook his head. "So far, we've found nothing though at the scene. The best we have is one witness account that they saw something zoom past them overhead the night of the theft.


"i see.  Did they say anything else? perhaps the shape of the mysterious thing? or the direction it was going?" Justice asked, eager to find more intel.


"Either a pegasus or a griffon, hard to tell under the cloak. But they were departing the house and then well...nothing. Just vanished."


"Hmm... Interesting..." Justice thought about this for a moment.

{justice has an idea}

"Aha! Perhaps they dropped their cloak at some point during the Robery streak! If we can find the cloak, we might just find the theif!" Justice proclaimed.


"There's a good dozen cloaks we find everyday. I don't know if our thief would be so naive as to allow a cloak to lead back to them, do you?"


{justice sighs}

"I suppose you're right" she says.

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