OC: Nameless

Started by SapphireRose, 2013 Jul 13, 12:03:57

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This is my OC: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1012795_174472709392984_190605757_n.jpg

She represents me completely. I have no name for her though. I'm bad at names. Anypony want to help me choose a name for her? I was thinking one that sounds like one word rather than two, for example; "Rarity", or "Scootaloo", but those are obviously taken. XD Thanks! :D


I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


How about Barber Rose?  :D

Ebony Inkwell

Goldilocks, Goldie Snips, Little Locks, Little Snips, or something like that for a name?
Hey, everypony! I'm Ebony Inkwell, but you can call me Inkwell!


Quote from: Ebony Inkwell on 2013 Jul 13, 15:07:54
Goldilocks, Goldie Snips, Little Locks, Little Snips, or something like that for a name?

I like Goldie Locks!  :3


Quote from: Ebony Inkwell on 2013 Jul 13, 15:07:54
Goldilocks, Goldie Snips, Little Locks, Little Snips, or something like that for a name?
Goldilocks is kinda cute, but I don't think it suits her.


How about Suzie? or the correction Susie?
I don't know this is what came to my mind
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

The Silent Wolf

How about Saphira, Whitsney, or Umala? Sorry if the last one is weird, I have a habit of giving things "Africanish" names because of my experience with TLK naming.
If The Silent Wolf is to long, just call me Kake

Skype if you happen to want to talk to me: Pokemonvskirby
I'm a little seal nerd, short and stout, here is my flipper, here is my snout~


I've got a few c:

If you want to base the name off of the cutie mark, here are some suggestions:

Short Trim
Silver Snip
Barberette ((bar-ber-et- ee))
Cold Cut
Summer Trim

Or, if you wanted to make a name that was not based off of the cutie mark but more towards her appearance... here!
Sky Fair

Some of the names I've used for characters int he past, but hey, I don't OWN part of a name. SO have a go at these! Maybe mix and match a few from each list c:

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