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Messages - Chitin

Alright, I know it's been quite some time since I last posted here, and I'd like to apologize for that, as well as apologize for not taking part in the open server weekend. My computer couldn't connect to the LoE servers, so I couldn't even download the launcher, and school's been keeping me busy. (Majoring in media and animation isn't very easy, but at least I've been able to meet some other bronies and pegasisters.)

Again, I apologize for my absence, and I hate to be more active in the future.
(I don't really know what the list of servers consists of, and from videos I've seen, I can only remember Chrysalis, Discord, and Luna.)

"I doubt we as Changelings would stand much of a chance should our Hive be formed in or around Equestria, but my time scouting around Ponyville has proven useful for this matter. As it turns out, there is a place all... Well, most Ponies fear to enter called 'the Everfree Forest', which should allow us to remain undetected should our true forms not be discovered."

*Chitin places down a map and continues*

Spoiler: map • show

"As of now I have my eye set on two key locations in this section of the forest: one large open area to the west, and a smaller area in the south eastern corner, close to the entrance. Should these areas be uninhabited by the supposed monsters this forest is said to be home to, I can see our Hive fairing ever so well before our next uprising. ...But of course, this is just a simple suggestion. Should you find this location to be inconvenient or too dangerous for the well being of our Hive, a new location can be chosen."

(This map is also about three months old, so I'm not sure if the layout of the Everfree Forest still looks like this, nor do I know what section this is. If we're lucky, it's the first part.)
"My Queen, it would appear Equestria will be opening its doors next month for two days. If you have time, I would like to take this time to discuss a possible base of operations."
Original Characters / Re: Weaver/Chitin
2013 Sep 21, 13:23:28
I'm going to college as a student in animation and media arts, so I draw a lot, but I feel there are a lot of improvements I need to make before I'll feel like I can draw well.

...But yes, I do draw, and I've been trying to teach myself how to properly draw pony anatomy, which I'm starting to get better with.
I'm a closet brony, and a heavy one at that. As of now I've seen all of season one and two (I was soo glad to finally see A Canterlot Wedding) and watch MLP videos and fan made projects whenever I get the chance. I also try to keep up with the current MLP trends and talk to my brony friends whenever I get the chance.

I also have two OCs; Chitn the Changeling and his disguise persona, Weaver the Pegasus.

Aside from that though, I own absolutely no merchandise, and while I'd love to have a Queen Chrysalis to display on my desk, I just can't bring myself to let anyone else know I'm a brony. I also haven't read any fan fictions, nor do I ever role play, but I'm definitely planning on changing that once LoE is released.
Hello, it's Chitin again.

I just wanted to thank you for your review and say that I've taken what you said to heart. I'm honestly surprised I didn't realize how vague my descriptions were.  :I

I just finished revising Chitin and Weaver's bios and was wondering if you'd give them another look.

Original Characters / Re: Weaver/Chitin
2013 Sep 17, 00:55:11
Quote from: Gracie Sky on 2013 Sep 16, 21:22:46
Aside from his undying loyalty, I know nothing about who he is... which might actually be all there is to him if his life revolves around the will of the queen.

His role as a spy among ponies, while not the most original, is still well conceived. His antics as a pony who isn't acting really pony-like leaves room for shenanigans and development.

:I I really wish there was more I could say about him! You must tell me more!

Yes, yes, I thank you for your review and have taken your words to heart. I've expanded both Chitin and Weaver's biographies to what I hope is a more acceptable and easier to review format. I'd be happy to hear what you have to say after these revisions.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: Pony Youtube
2013 Sep 15, 23:47:02
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Sep 15, 23:42:39
not sure if this is relatable but if you type in bronies on the search bar a pony in a diaper and paci trots across the screen

Just tried it, and that's actually pretty cool. ...No idea why their all wearing diapers and some are sucking of pacifiers though. They don't look like fillies.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2013 Sep 15, 23:43:00
Nightcore "music". I just find someone taking a song, increasing its speed, and labeling it as a type of music stupid, annoying, and insulting. (And no, I've never made any music before, nor am I skilled enough to do so, but if I were to hypothetically compose a song and later find the "Nightcore version" of it on Youtube, I'd be pretty insulted.)

...Then there's also getting blood stains out of clothes, cleaning up cat puke, miscounting stitches while I'm making a crochet/amigurumi pattern, running out of yarn before I can finish a crochet project, not being able to do the many plans I have spinning around in my head, when people act like a game is life or death and bash you for using the "wrong loadout" (I'm looking at you, TF2 community for hating backburner Pyros like myself), Youtube ads, Facebook Timeline, finding out a new MMO you've had your eye on has been announced as with a P2P model, and many more things.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: Pony Youtube
2013 Sep 15, 22:57:29
I remember finding this out completely by accident. I was looking up Queen Chrysalis vids. I didn't really take note of the black header until it turned gray when I started looking for some Derpy videos.

...Then I just couldn't resist trying every pony name I knew.
Hello, I was wonder if you could possibly critique my character(s), Chitin, and his alternate form, Weaver. I'll accept any criticism you have about them, so feel free to tell me everything you come up with.
Introductions Archive / Re: Guten Tag
2013 Sep 10, 21:26:30
Hi there, Cobalt! I'm Chitin, and I've been a brony for about two years. I originally tried to avoid MLP:FIM completely, but eventually gave up when one of my friends from school kept asking me to give the show a shot. Unfortunately though, I haven't been able to get past being a closet brony, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying MLP in secret.

Also, I must correct you on who the best pony is. While Pinkie Pie is an OK pony, it should be known that Queen Chrysalis is the best pony, for she can be every pony. :3
*Chitin bows* "I promise to do my best, my Queen."
I would be honored to become one of the Queen's deputies.
Name: Chitin
Gender: Stallian
Race: Pegasus
Picture/Description: (This is a drawing I made of Chitin two years ago to show a friend from school what he looked like after said friend got me into MLP. This was drawn before I began to understand Pony/Alicorn/Changeling anatomy though, so it's not really the best, but I am working on making a better one via editing an image from a Pony Creator.)

Current 'host' if any(like who are you posing as now?): Weaver, a red Pegasus with a white mane and tail with a crochet hook surrounded by a piece of yarn as his cutie mark. He's extremely friendly and very energetic.
Desired rank: Currently unknown, was very faithful to the late Queen Chrysalis, hopes to be a warrior.

Final note: "I served our Almighty Queen Chrysalis unconditionally to the very end... Now, in her memory, I, Chitin, shall serve our new Queen Nemora... *he drops to one hoof and bows his head* ...without question."
Video Games Archive / Re: TF2 discussion!
2013 Sep 08, 22:55:11
Quote from: Zaner on 2013 Sep 08, 21:45:26
Spoiler: show

I don't normally say this, but...

That's just too cute!  :3
Hello and welcome to the Legends of Equestria forums! My name's chitin, and I look forward to being your friend. :3

There's nothing wrong with being crazy, crazy is fun! Honestly, I think everyone in the MLP fandom has to be a little crazy, which is awesome!  :D
Introductions Archive / Re: Hi everypony
2013 Sep 06, 12:48:13
Hello, BananaNut! My name's Chitin, and I like to crochet amigurumi plushies (one day I hope to make an amigurumi Queen Chrysalis) and collect masks.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2013 Sep 06, 00:31:12

Love Off, Zacharie's an awesome character, love the song. All in all, an awesome combo.
Why, hello there, Kobalt! Please, allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Legends of Equestria Forums! I look forward to feasting on your lo-- er... Making friends with you.  X3

But yes, from one new member to another, I do hope you have a wonderful time here and make plenty of friends along the way. Maybe we'll run into each other in-game once LoE is released/has another stress test!