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Messages - ArtVeigar

Arty turned to Laserbolt, still trying to catch his breath. - [glow=black,2,300]"I've been in better conditions, but it's still nothing to worry too much. Thanks for your concern."[/glow] - He turned to the Evil - [glow=black,2,300]"Now, that thing definitely did something to regret. In the afterlife."[/glow] - Even if in his actual state Arty couldn't feel anger, the only thing he could think at the time was how much that thing need to leave the living realm.
[glow=black,2,300]"Darn it!"[/glow] - Arty let go of the light dome, ceasing the stacking and starting the three round count until it's gone. He went to Bleyd's body and touched it with his horn. It started to glow strongly, engulfing the two of them. - [glow=black,2,300]"Life sharing."[/glow] - Sacrificing half of his life energy, he revived Bleyd with 50% life energy. When the glow disappeared, Arty was breathing hard, notably tired. - [glow=black,2,300]"You can't leave us now, buddy."[/glow] - He smirked to his revived friend.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2013 Nov 17, 20:06:38
Got back from an surprisingly awesome trip to the countryside with my family. I never liked going there, but with all the people that came this time, it turned to be better than anytime before!

And when I wasn't playing or chatting with my family, I was playing my new 3DS. Pokémon X is AWESOME! :D
Tian started pacing around, what she usually does while thinking. - "Well, we obviously need to make her notice our existence, by either calling her to this side or interacting with her on her side."

After getting to think on his own, Arty came up with something - "Well... If we can't cross to her side, how about we act a little like ghosts? Like, you know, writing notes or things like that. Of course, we can't start breaking everything, or she might have a heart attack, like Wavelenght said."

Tian stopped and turned to Arty - "Yes! If we can appeal to her Generosity, to help logic-defying ethereal beings she might or might not recognize as her friends, we can make her cross to this side by her own will!" - She turned to the others. - "So, what do you all think?"
Gonna be out for the weekend, and come back at Sunday afternoon. Sorry for the trouble, and till then!
((Gonna be out for the weekend, and be back at Sunday afternoon. See y'all then!))
Tian and Arty stopped dancing, but couldn't stop giggling. - "Haha, that was so fun! Wasn't it?"

"Definetely! I was really in need for something like this. Thank you!" - Arty barely remembered the last time he could smile as much as he was at that moment.

"It was nothing! You should really thank Pinkie Pie, for her ability to bring Laughter wherever she is." - She gave an equally bright smile back to him.

They both to look at the building glowing in front of them. They could feel the Generous aura from it. - "So, this is Generosity's home?" - She asked Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2013 Nov 14, 21:30:02
Guess who just got a 3DS with Super Mario 3D Land and Pokémon X! :D
Oh, right! Sorry, my bad. I forgot the witch's name was Prismia. So, in reply to WolvesAndDragons, it was actually said in the book:
Spoiler: show
The necklace was a heart-shaped one with the power to amplify emotions. Prismia was jealous, and the necklace made her even more. But it also amplified Cadence's love powers, making her able to convert Prismia into a good pony. After that, Cadence became the new owner of the necklace.
Tian grabbed the icon and giggled, and her giggles became an even more excited laugh when the music started. She could see the spotlights and the band playing in the backstage. If before she would be frightened by it, now everything was incredible intresting for her, a full new view of the world. She turned back to the ponies and raised a hoof - "Come on, everypony! Let's follow the dancing pink pony!" - She couldn't hold herself and started dancing too, smiling widely from ear to ear.

Finally, the darkness seemed to fade and the light eased the pain inside Arty. He could breathe evenly, and his trembling body was slowly calming itself.

"Thanks for the information!" - (Please, let me out of this. At least for now.) Tian spoke apparently to no one, and went right for Arty, grabbing his hoofs and leading him to the bright way ahead.

"Woah!" - He was taken by surprise, but the sudden touch of Tian's hoof sent a wave of happiness and excitement directly at him.

"Come on, Arty! I'm sure some music will brighten up your day!" - They started spinning and dancing together at the sound of the song that came from nowhere, giggling while doing so.
Tian started to finally calm down. She had just gained knowledge far beyond the borders of her world, but Pinkie Pie was right. Just because there are Shadows who write and read her story, it doesn't mean her personality, her existence and herself in general had become a lie. She was still there, her friends were still there, and her problems were still there too. And for her, a disciple of the Masters of Harmony, any knowledge must be accepted as a gift. She will think better of it and try to understand everything later, but now, there are more urgent matters to solve.

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie. For trusting me this knowledge. For letting me share the burden of this knowledge with you. I'll think and try to understand all of this later, but for now, we have other problems to worry about." - She pointed outside, where the darkness has been pushed to by the aura from Sugarcube Corner. - "Remember when Princess Luna, still as Nightmare Moon, returned from her banishment and you and your friends went to defeat her? Do you remember the Fears that took advantage of the situation, feeding from the ponies fears and tried to swarm this world, but you pushed them back with your Laughter? Well, they are back, and stronger than ever. We are gathering the six Elements of Harmony to push them back again, and we already got Applejack and Fluttershy." - She pointed at the two. - "Would you mind giving us a hoof?" - She smiled gently at the pink pony.
Everything turned to be as they were expecting, Sugarcube Corner became the beacon of hope it should be, and Pinkie was napping quietly in the middle of everything. But with all this, something, someone, has changed forever. Tian was sweating and trembling, her breath harder than ever. She was looking up and to the sides desperately, but she wasn't looking at the walls or at the ceiling. She was staring at something beyond it all. She tried to calm herself, closing her eyes, but the click-clack was hitting the depths of her ears and she couldn't focus. - "What is this? What are these... Ponies? No, this isn't the right word. They are watching, reading, they are controlling. The universe, all those universes, created by them and for their own amusement. These shadows.... How can one know about all of this and still keep their sanity? Is this our origin? Our meaning of existence? I... I don't know what to think... I don't know what to do..." - She fell to her knees while mumbling her philosophycal questions. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel them staring, she could still hear her life being narrated inside her head. - "How can you be so strong, Pinkie?"
I don't know who Prismia is and I don't want to until the right time. So, if it's anything season 4 related, please, use spoiler tags.
Tian looked serious at Pinkie. - "If it means I can understand you, and become able to help you, than I am more than willing to go as deep down the habbit hole as possible." - She raised a hoof and waited for Pinkie to give her the paper.

That crazyness was too much. That place was too much. Still waiting for them to cleanse that place or for any miracle to happen, Arty was still standing imobile, head between hoofs, his head hurting so much he couldn't even pass out, as the pain wake him right away. His body couldn't handle that place, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Tian's face was still looking puzzled - "Yep, I still don't understand, but... Really? A script?" - Trying not to think about how Pinkie got those notes, and having no reason to doubt her, she kept going - "Pinkie Pie, the most outgoing pony in Equestria, following the script of her own life? Do you know what is it?" - She stood up - "It's just BORING! What is the fun in living like you were told to, knowing how to act in every situation, maybe even knowing everything that will happen to you? That's not you at all!" - Tian was pacing around Pinkie, looking totally astonished. She suddenly stopped, her face as serious as it could be staring directly into Pinkie's eyes - "Does that mean that everything you've done until now, every smile you brought to ponies' faces, was a lie? Were you only following a script?"
Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2013 Nov 03, 23:39:24
What does tl;dr mean?

Too long; didn't read. It's used to identify the summary or conclusion of everything I said for those who are too lazy to read it all.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2013 Nov 03, 23:49:27
The fact that I'm used at being all by myself. I have always been the type who enjoys being alone at night, playing games and listening to some good music. I like that. But I'm so used at being alone that I just lost the ability to make new friends, to talk to people I don't know. That's troublesome. I know that being with others is better than being alone, I enjoy it way more, but I got so used tht all the people I get to know are the friends of my friends, and since I've started college, at the beginning of this year, the only close friend I have is also has trouble when talking to new people. And the fact that I almost lost contact with half of my close friends from high school doesn't help.

I want to know more people, I want to make new friends. I just don't know how anymore.

And what annoys me the most is that I'm, in fact, cool about this, and don't do anything to change it at all. I'm just that used.
As long as they give it a good reason, like with Twilight, I'd be okay. For me, turning into an Alicorn means that you understand harmony and love at it's core, something that isn't easy to achieve. But since the mane 6 are all bearers of the Elements of Hamorny, and being close friends with the Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle, even being part of her process to understand harmony, makes them actually suitable for the tranformation.

But in fact, I don't think it's their destiny to become one. As we know, destiny is an important concept in the world of My Little Pony, and something that had an even stronger meaning at the last episode of Season 3. I guess becoming an Alicorn is something that only happen to those whose destiny is to be one, and it would add nothing to somepony whose destiny is to take care of a farm, or to make dresses. But it is important for those whose destiny is to become the living concepts of Sun, Moon, Love and Magic.

I'm not saying that everypony's destiny is defined from birth. What I'm saying is, basically, that you only get what you pursue. If what you pursue will make you turn into an Alicorn, then you might turn into one. Otherwise, you won't.

And well, at the end, I just took this post as another opportunity to share my head canon. So, tl;dr, I won't dislike if it makes sense, but for me, it has no need to happen, and I'd rather them to stay the way they are.
Still channeling the magic, the dome just stacked a level, and now the effects are 60% stronger incoming attacks, 30% weaker outcoming attacks and 15% damage to non-boss enemies and 6% damage to bosses who cross it.

[glow=black,2,300]"Our combined strength don't stop to amaze me. Our shield is awesome!"[/glow] - Arty smile widely. Before entering this dungeon, he had never thought fighting alongside a friend would make such a difference, but since the first time he fought together with Majem, he started learning how wrong he was. - [glow=black,2,300]"But this guy really doesn't let us breath. Come one, we are almost there!"[/glow]
Spoiler: Time for some rant • show

It probably will in Brazil. Sony announced two weeks ago the official price of PS4. While the Xbox was already annouced to be 2200 Reais (about 1000 US dollar), the PS4 will be coming at the small price of 4000 reais (about 1800 US dollar). Cheap, isn't it? :l

Some say it's Sony's way to show dissatisfaction and protest against the huge taxes in Brazil, overpricing it to induce people to import from other countries, what will be cheaper (like half of the official price) and will give less money to the government. Others say that it's all a marketing strategy, overpricing it at first and then making the price drop, causing the illusion of it becoming suddenly cheap, while it will only be less expensive.

But in any way, importing eletronics causes a lot of trouble here, as it'll take long to arrive and if anything happen to it, it's extremely troublesome to return or trade. That probably made Sony lose a lot of potential consumers, and if I don't get a confirmation it's all a protest against the taxes, what is indeed an absurd, Sony will lose as much trust I had in it as Mricro$oft did. I never liked M$, and I never will, but my brother is the one who will pay for most of the console, so let's just say that Sony, indeed, lost at least one consumer.

But sincerely, I'm just getting a console because I really need some games that won't be coming for PC, like Kingdom Hearts III. I'm on team SteamBox, and I'll always be. Go PC! Go Steam!