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Messages - AaronMk

Pony Off-Topic Archive / The Clover Thread.
2014 Aug 16, 17:16:42
Because adorable limbless horse needs some love.

The art and OC credits go to MT. Continue being based.

Alternative art source.
No. It is grosse Deutsches Kaisereich.

Heil die kaiser[en], baby.
Horse people still love horses as they would their dog or even part of the family. Practical use doesn't often translate to how much love and adoration an animal receives.

Granted, practicality also translates into the cost and risk an individual may face in owning a horse if he or she is dependent on the animal. But the development of love for it wouldn't really stem from it as a result of it needing to be alive in order to sustain its owners. I may pull allegory out of my back pocket and argue for slave owners, having another man working to sustain his way of life doesn't mean he necessarily "loved" his slaves. Not in the same way that we would love a member of the family, community, or even the dog.

There's another I'd post but it's 2legit4loe

And there's another for Luna. But 2dark4u
Oh disgusting, another Brony. There goes the neighborhood.
Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2014 Aug 14, 19:30:34
Spoiler: show

MGS5 Box Art


Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 13, 22:58:49
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Aug 13, 22:49:10
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 13, 09:42:34
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Aug 13, 09:29:41
Cadence will become The Jackal, Twilight will turn into either Ayn Ryan or Sophia Lamp. Both will become villains in the next pone series having lost their respective abilities to bear the elements or association.

Next pone series? I don't get what your sayin.

I'm talking Dragon Ball progression. Each one being its own successive "series" in its own right.

Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z > Dragon Ball GT

And somewhere there are movies. Direction of arrows mark progression of series into the other next series.

I'm not really into Dragon Ball so I really wouldn't get what you sayin. But, that's alright. What's with the new profile picture? It looks weird. Can't have something like Dragon Ball characters or the guy you had on before?

Don't you know Nicolas Cage is going to be in Season 5?

He really wants some of that cake, you know.
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 13, 09:42:34
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Aug 13, 09:29:41
Cadence will become The Jackal, Twilight will turn into either Ayn Ryan or Sophia Lamp. Both will become villains in the next pone series having lost their respective abilities to bear the elements or association.

Next pone series? I don't get what your sayin.

I'm talking Dragon Ball progression. Each one being its own successive "series" in its own right.

Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z > Dragon Ball GT

And somewhere there are movies. Direction of arrows mark progression of series into the other next series.
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 11, 16:07:12
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Aug 10, 02:06:45
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 09, 11:57:38
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Aug 09, 01:19:11
Some Martyrlestia

"I have given you all, Twilight. The elements, status, the means to find your true friends... Now the only thing left..."

To become the new ruler of Equestria.

To become the hero we all need, but do not want.

She shall press their tears into diamonds, and force us to carry them into battle. We're all Diamond Dogs now.

I don't get it. Do they transform into diamond dogs or something?

This is why you should get broadened horizons. There is maybe one guy here who I know would get what joke I was trying to make. Learn you some Kojima.

Cadence will become The Jackal, Twilight will turn into either Ayn Ryan or Sophia Lamp. Both will become villains in the next pone series having lost their respective abilities to bear the elements or association.
I didn't do anything as a foal because I'm not a horse.
It's obviously a psuedoanrchisticlibertarianmonarchialneofeudalist state with fasci-socialist tendencies with a secular-moralist guided disestablishment philosophy placed in the State Church.
Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Aug 12, 18:25:06
I don't really care about the ponifications either way. They neither annoy or entertain me.  :I That seems to generate hate from others... the ponification... even though I really don't see it too much. I know there's a lot out there but I don't run into it for whatever reason as much.. that or I'm just so neutral I pay little attention to it. It definitely wouldn't be an OC...

Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2014 Aug 12, 17:27:47
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Favourite Mod?
2014 Aug 12, 17:21:32
The Frowning Pony, Carcer, maybe Rig.

Yup. All my "forum heroes" are DB mods. I shall post evidence to the case:

You're welcome.

Kiss kiss~
Video Games Archive / Re: single player
2014 Aug 12, 17:17:14
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2014 Aug 12, 15:56:28
there is not single player option. Remember this is meant to be a social mmo
so there has to be other people running around making everywhere more alive and entertaining
after a while of running around with nobody else, the game will get kinda boring

The game is - if at the present moment - a glorified chat box with some small video game aspects.