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Messages - The Stars

You know... You should never really make fun of characters from games such as Phoenix Wright.
You never know; His name might be Copywrighted
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Cute Image Thread
2013 Nov 04, 10:54:20
In about a day I've been getting plenty of people commenting on this as Cute... So, I'm gonna leave this here for the topic to judge. :P

Well, I was nothing for Halloween, but you can guess what Range is! :D

Price nods and follows the Mayor along with his niece and nephew. "Don't worry so much, Tian. I'm sure they'll hold their ground till we can get there. Besides, I just know these two youngsters are just waiting to get a closer look at adventuring." Price says, looking back. Polar nods excitedly and Star just nods a little bit as they both climb up on top of his back and sits there for the duration of the walk up the mountain. "Well, might wanna get comfortable, you two. No doubt we're gonna get into a whole lot before this is all over."
"Well, I think me and the foals have everything we'll be needing. Range suuuuure did load us up quite a bit." He says, setting the two large cases down as they make a metallic clinking noises. "I'm just about ready to go up there any time if you all are, just going to go over a few things first..."He looks through his overstuffed right side of his saddlebag and pulls out one large, hard, thin leather coat to wrap around himself. He then pulls out a few scarves and cloth goodies for Polar and Star, seeming to be tailored specifically for their size. "Cold enough down here, Kids. Higher we go up, it gets even colder, also you might start to feel a little light headed. Don't worry about it too much, but if it becomes serious, tell me and I'll get you down as soon as I can, alright?" He asks the foals. They respond back with a nod as they hastily put on their winter attire.

"If anypony needs medical supplies, I have about 5 Life regenerative potions, along with 2 separable small bottles filled with a concentration of smelling salts. Quick warning before you actually do ask me for some: It's not the ammonia based formula, rather made with lavender instead, but that doesn't mean it's not as strong... Believe me when I say: You don't wanna smell too much of it." Price says, laughing. "But anyways, I assume everypony else came prepared for whatever's causing the problem?"
Price slightly blushed, although grunting as he playfully tries to escape. "Hah, aside from my new position as Ambassador, same old, same old." As he becomes released from her grip, he coughs a little bit and laughs. She really did give him one tight squeeze. "Heh, And don't be fooled by what little spells the kids know. What they make up for in lack of variety is made up with complete flexibility." He says, looking at Polar and then Black Star.
As Tian runs her hoof through Polar's mane, she chuckled and stood proudly as she replied, "You can count on us Ms. Tian Mam!" She says, saluting. Her brother simply looked towards her, lightly giggling but only returning a nod to Tian.
"The trip was quite visual to say the most!" Price says, going by to take out all of his luggage. "And hey, this pretty much helped me get to understand where I should go to meet up with you. We've got lots of catching up to do; So much has changed in two years that it shocks me even." He carries around everything upon his back as he returns back to Tian, strangely enough his overhaul seeming to not encumber him that much, or at least showing discomfort. "I'd like to mention a few other things but..." He says, looking around at everypony else. "Iiii might be wasting time trying to make small talk. Heh, I'll try to save it for another time." He smiles, quite friendly.
Price nods. "Sounds reasonable enough. We all agreeing on this?" He turns back to Range and Crimson.
"Well, no better lead than what we got. I say we follow the northwest passage." Range agreed with Tian's decision.
"More than just some wonderful mare." Price says as he exits the carriage and steps up to Tian, not even bothering to get his cases first. "A strong-willed and strong bodied friend... Been about a year or two, hasn't it, Tian?" Price says, smiling, glad to see a familiar and friendly face. The young foals climbed out and looked up at Tian, climbing ontop of Price's back to get a better view. To them, compared to many other ponies they've seen and met, she seemed a bit different, yet not so much at the same time. They shrugged the thought, thinking they're just seeing things. They figured it'd be nice to at least wave at her instead of just giving her a blank stare. "Heh, and Range has had a couple of new additions to the family, and I'm supposed to be evaluating them on this mission... I tried to say they couldn't come, but they just...wouldn't... stop...asking!" Price emphasized his last few words, laughing along with his niece and nephew.
The Retirement Home / Re: Tulpa discussion
2013 Oct 22, 16:38:18
Hm... I've went over the visualization step... I keep getting oddly mixed bag of results here when I close my eyes, random bits and pieces just starts getting replaced with my original visual. Kinda like I just threw my tulpa into a bag of candy and tried to pull her out, but got lots of random itty bits.

Strangely enough, when my eyes are open, I can see the visualization much better; my mind can think clearly.

I guess what I can say as a tip is just do what makes you feel most comfortable, I suppose. I've found it more pleasant to use my eyes as they're open... Just so I won't get random images of random people and characters o.o Some of which I don't even remember the name of :U.
Great to know! Now, if only if we knew where Magmaris is... @.@ This pretty much turned into a 1-on-1 RP :U
... I seriously would like you to know you're in a thread FAR off topic from what you just said... Thought I may bring that to your attention :T.
I've completed an entire revision of my OC page, for those of you who'd like to view.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2013 Oct 19, 19:15:07
Consistent Grammar errors... I mean, have you ever had this one moment where you're typing with your friend and the grammar he/she has is just... Well, you ever feel like SLAPPING somebody silly because of how bad it is? Ever feel like you just don't even want to bother with reading what they say?

Well that's just me @.@
Price smiled and said, "Well, good to know you took care of bad blood, Jenzy. We wouldn't want them running around wild and causing everypony problems. Anyways, I'll let you go and catch up with your friends and return to my family. It's been great getting to catch up; Maybe we should get acquainted on a few adventures sometimes. Would like to see how you are in action." Price compliments. And with that sentence being said, he goes off to sit with his family at a table nearby.
Price nods. "It's a simple name, but memorable in a way... Oh, but uhm, now, you; How has life affected you these past 2 years?"
Price sighs and whistles a bit. "Well, for about the 1st year after, it was kinda bumpy, but it lead to me getting accepted into another's home, new family arising... Heck! The 3 of us even managed to hault the Hive from harming any others!" Price says, remembering  what he and his newfound family had accomplished. "It was amazing, like I'd really done something... But then I became ambassador." Price frowns, quickly remembering how much he did not like being placed there on the spot. "It is not fun being an ambassador of a much hated race... Nor is it really easy; Besides, I'm still stuck on the absurdity on how the leading Commander of the Reconnaissance team even qualified for a political role, but I chose not to complain and just accept it. Thankfully as of today things have seriously calmed down, what with a little bit of rants here and there, but I managed to get everything under control, even have a village built within the Grasslands, trying to immigrate every changeling in Everfree Hallows to there as a safety and living standard. Aside from that, just a few contracts from the Princesses here and there and taking care of my niece and nephew is really all that's left to say. Nowdays, I just go by Price... I think the name suits me pretty well, given all the turns of events that's came across me these past 2 years."
"Vanguard..." Price recalls, almost forgetting it himself. "Vanguard - 1278 to be exact. Just, thought I'd come by and talk a little bit. Lot of memories coming back to me, and you were the first Equestrian I saw after deserting the Canterlot assault."
"I... I'm not sure, but..." Price says, Kicking a rock around as he sighs. "But do you remember a changeling that was running away, back when Canterlot was being invaded? When we met, I was hiding within the shadows using shapeshifiting to repeat the color pattern of the ground, yet your keen observation still caught a glimpse of me."
Price makes his way over to Jenzy, trying to remember his face. It seems to come back to him, however only slightly. He walks up to the stallion, remembering back to when he ran from the Canterlot invasion; He was the last one, making sure all the escapees have made their way first before finding a safe haven for himself. Getting closer to Jenzy, his face becoming more detailed, Price remembers  how he slipped up, managed to let himself become discovered and then by chance, he met this one stallion that appeared to not have much problem with him at all... In fact... He was quite friendly towards Price, to his surprise.

"Excuse me, Sir?" Price says to Jenzy, calling from a distance. He hopes that he does indeed have the right pony.
Price's ears jump up at the sound of the name 'Jenzy' hitting his ears... Jenzy... Now why did that name sound so familliar, he wondered? "Eh, you guys get situated nearby, I'm gonna go see something." Price says as everypony else nods, getting themselves situated in a seating area nearby. Price went off to see this pony named Jenzy, trying to see if that name rung any bells to him.