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Messages - Tekner

You're "A" Pinkie Pie? There's more of you? ovO

If you cant do it because it's not pony, then make it pony.
If you don't like that, then sing something else.
If you still don't like that, then you're just making up excuses. >:O

How's it coming Ryo?
Press the little arrow (I think it's an arrow) above the volume and mute controls to the left of a stereo track to open up the audio menu. About 2/3 down the bottom will be "Split Audio Track."

I'm 3000 miles from my house and computer, and will be until Wednesday, so I'm not going to be too useful until then. That's why I rushed my cover. I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything with it until Wednesday otherwise. Last resort: google "Phase cancelation in audacity."

When two sound waves with identical frequencies collide, they boost each other. But two identical frequencies on opposite sides of the wave's phase cancel each other out: Phase cancelation. Stereophonic tracks usually have panned (directional) instrumentals, but the vocals are mono. Thus vocals can be almost exclusively targeted by phase cancelation, but the instruments are left intact.
I made it myself. I took the song itself (audio ripped from YouTube) and applied phase cancelation to isolate and remove most of the vocals (you can still hear the reverb in the background if you listen.)

Google "YouTube 2 mp3" to get the song.
Next get an audio editor (I use Audacity.)
Open the mp3 and separate the stereo track into its channels.
Make them both mono.
Select the entirety of one of the channels and invert it.
Next import your vocals, or record on top of the mp3.
You can't just give up on a challenge like that. There's a reason it's called a challenge, duh! Just put yourself out there like I did. We're all among friends here. Besides, it's really fun to here others' voices online. Please!? Don't let me be the only one who tried, Pinkie. :(
Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2012 Jun 15, 03:16:55
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 15, 02:44:21
Well... I guess I'll be the first to take the dive. I got tired of retaking the recording, so I just stuck with this one.
"Coldplay" is now my least favorite word ovO
Cover here.

Note: I am not a singer. Have earplugs on hand. :I

Tekner is my new favorite pony.  ovO
:0 ^-^
Quote from: Trilight Dashie on 2012 Jun 15, 07:24:42
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 15, 02:44:21
Well... I guess I'll be the first to take the dive. I got tired of retaking the recording, so I just stuck with this one.
"Coldplay" is now my least favorite word ovO
Cover here.

Note: I am not a singer. Have earplugs on hand. :I

HOLY F...*looks out if SweBow's around*!!
A couple of off-tunes when you were singing, but to be honest, it's incredibly good. You sound pretty similar to the original singer. However.... hmm.... 0:5X..... yea, thumbs up for effort  lol

Quote from: Trilight DashieBut "coldplay" is almost impossible to sing perfectly with bass voice ^-^
Finally someone who understands! O: The only way I can hit that note without issues is by warming up for hours beforehand.
Please forgive me if I didn't feel up to it at 10 at night >.<

So my pretties... Who's up for the challenge next? :/
Bum bum bum...
Well... I guess I'll be the first to take the dive. I got tired of retaking the recording, so I just stuck with this one.
"Coldplay" is now my least favorite word ovO
Cover here.

Note: I am not a singer. Have earplugs on hand. :I
The Retirement Home / Re: OC Voices!
2012 Jun 15, 01:20:29
Hey. Pst! Just take the compliment.
The Retirement Home / Re: OC Voices!
2012 Jun 15, 00:09:29
Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2012 Jun 14, 23:44:36
Quote from: PrincessParfait on 2012 Jun 14, 23:04:53
I have read Of Mice and Men.   :P

Good to know I have two scholars judging my work :D
The Retirement Home / Re: OC Voices!
2012 Jun 14, 22:54:54
Thank you. Both of you ^-^
I'm just curious if either of you, or anyone else for that matter, has read Of Mice and Men, or if you're just trusting me that Lennie is supposed to sound like that lol

Also, the "Awesome" clip is a reference to a few videos on youtube. You would have had to have seen them in order to get the reference. I hope I'm not the only one who got it >.<
The Retirement Home / Re: OC Voices!
2012 Jun 14, 22:05:26
Well. I haven't done this in forever.
While I'm not actively seeking a role as a voice actor, I do think I have some minor skills in that area and made a few fun recordings for you guys.
Let me know what you think :P

My Speaking Voice
My Radio Voice
My Awesome Voice
My Lennie Voice
Resolved Issues / Pony Off-Topic Board
2012 Jun 11, 21:05:51
While not logged into the website, you cannot see the Pony Off-Topic board at all. I assume this is a bug because all other user boards are visible and there isn't anything special about that board that I am aware that would deem it not view-able by non-users. This is also important to me because it makes my post parser app not able to pull information from that one board, which is annoying because it's frequented by most users.
I would like to remind everyone that there is a reason I added the "(as unbiased as you can get, anyway)" tid-bit. I agree with Zygrograxgra that nothing isn't biased, ever. Basic humanity dictates that everything we do is biased, but per that fact, that means that ultimately there isn't a thing we can do to avoid bias. Instead of saying "I don't like this system because it is prone to bias", just do your best to design a system that has as little bias as possible/is necessary, which is what I think I've done. To address the complaint that it still involves the users, which will introduce bias to the system, I'd like to remind you that bias is necessary for the badge system (or any such similar system, for that matter) to work. We're going to want users that are helpful and considerate to have the badge. If everyone was impartial to everything and everyone else, we wouldn't be able to pick the few people that truly deserve a badge. Skepticism and anti-intellectualism are two of my least favorite horseman, please don't fall to them.
The Retirement Home / Re: Minor Hicup
2012 Jun 08, 16:32:11
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 08, 14:54:19
Quote from: Equestrian on 2012 Jun 08, 14:38:39
Quote from: Dr. Krest on 2012 Jun 08, 14:21:01
Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 Jun 02, 02:42:37
no the very last words were words of a final revenge... I LOST THE GAME!!!


Anyway, just found this thread thanks to Equestrian.

Does anyone know of a good offline Post-saving tool? Word just doesn't work well enough.

Do you click modify and copy everything, including all the codes? That should be as good as anything.
I used Google Docs to store my OC stuff, but I'm not sure that there's a place for storing entire threads.  Especially Roleplay threads, information threads and all; I like being able to look back at archived thread data and pull things from previous games to implement, but I don't want to spend a couple days quoting every single post.
Give me a day and I can help you with that problem programming-style ^-^
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 26, 06:40:45
Don't you pick your cutie mark in the character creation menu?Also we start out as adult ponies.
Setting the cutie marks in the character creation screen is to make sure the system works. When it comes time to test, it'll be removed and you will have to earn it, as said by others already. Please keep in mind that most everything you see in the livestream previews are going to change in some way. If something you see in a preview conflicts with something said by someone on staff, it's probably just temporary/under testing.
What the O: did I just watch?
Animations Archive / Re: Cute Animations!
2012 Jun 07, 22:46:27
I read the comments like I usually do before I watch a video and saw that some of you apparently cried at the second one. I just scoffed to myself and proceeded watching it. All of a sudden I had not one, but two tears in my eyes, and It wasn't out of sadness. I still don't understand what happened.

I love it when things get me emotional and I can't for the life of me understand why. It tickles my logical brain into analytical overdrive over something so simple, beautiful, and elegant.
Quote from: SweBow on 2012 Jun 06, 16:58:23

About this, I guess?  x3
That's no pony, you silly filly!
Swebow put up a page with useful links for keeping track of our progress here.
Quote from: Morgan Sententia on 2012 Jun 05, 14:24:53
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 05, 14:04:52
Unity is completely capable of remapping keys and I see no reason why we wouldn't add such a feature.

Forgive my rudeness in anyway, But maybe Some of us here in loe might be left handed, for all we know.
I'm sorry if my last post appeared annoyed in any way. There was no rudeness intended or received, don't worry. ^-^
Quote from: Equestrian on 2012 Jun 05, 14:28:11
Quote from: Morgan Sententia on 2012 Jun 05, 14:24:53
Quote from: Tekner on 2012 Jun 05, 14:04:52
Unity is completely capable of remapping keys and I see no reason why we wouldn't add such a feature.

Forgive my rudeness in anyway, But maybe Some of us here in loe might be left handed, for all we know.

Unity is completely capable of remapping keys and I see no reason why we wouldn't add such a feature.
Unity is completely capable of remapping keys so we'll probably add such a feature

EDIT: I just checked and customizable controls are already implemented.
Unity is completely capable of remapping keys and I see no reason why we wouldn't add such a feature.