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Messages - ArtVeigar

At first, Slash was startled, then confused, and finally amused by the poet's words. He noticed it wasn't a Night Pony, and to be isolated from the town, he can only be a wanderer. Also, he noticed he wasn't carrying much for someone who would be traveling, and still was kind enough to offer a blanket. The only one he apparently has. Smiling at the unexpected pony, and knowing he probably still had some time, he walked in his direction. - "I really appreciate your offer, Mr. poet. But as you've figured, I really am in a mission, even if for now it's only to wait for my companions. Meanwhile, I would be pleased if I could listen to your words some more. Few know, but I actually really enjoy poetry." - He sat at the poet's side, after coming to the conclusion that, if he has to wait, it wouldn't hurt to hear one or two poems. At that point of the forest, together with the light from outside, the snowflakes found it's way easier through the leaves of the tree, forming wide white spots on the ground. Even if caused by unkonw agents, the unexpected snow covering the colorful spring blossoms created an amazingly beautiful view.

Vladmir also smiled due to the changeling's words. - "You are right, Ambassador Price. There is still hope. There are some concepts some ponies are so used to, it's so deep in their hearts, that it's almost impossible to make them change their minds. But things are changing, and with each new generation less and less accept these concepts the same way, and thanks to them, society is, then, being cleansed from these wrong ideas." - He turned to the main entrance again and proceed his way.

The serious faces of Arty, Tian and Skylight also turned to a hopeful smile. Even Nightwalk managed to let a smile cross his face. What didn't last really long, thanks to a blue-eyed white pegasus. - "WHAT? AM I SEEING THINGS? Where is a photographer when you need one? A Nightwalk's smile is something you see once in a LIFE TIME!" - Skylight's face showed genuine surprise, while Tian couldn't help but laught. Arty, on the contrary, feared Nightwalk too much to laugh in his face.

"You're so mean, Captain Skylight! Haha."

"Ah, he deserves it! It's his punishment for making me live seeing his frown!" - She said with a wink. Nightwalk only shook his head and sighed.

They finally reached the main entrance, leaving the building. They saw themselfs in the Hollow Shade's main plaza. Right in front of the building, a fountain made of stone with the sculpture of Luna in the middle was standing. A pathway circled the fountain and branches coming from it made it's way toward the city. Benches were placed around the plaza, next to beautiful types of glowing blue and red flowers, species only found in this dark forest. Some distance away, houses and comercial buildings made of stone and dark wood could be seen. They were built between the forest's trees so perfectly it seemed to blend with the nature, and it was hard to know what was hoofmade and what was natural.

Nightponies could be seen walking and flying around, living their lifes, most of them wearing winter clothes. Common earth ponies, unicorns and pegasus, even if few, could also be seen around the town.

Vladmir motioned a hoof toward the town with a wide smile in his face. - "Now I can really say: welcome to the Hollow Shades, my little ponies!"
"Well, it seems it does serve to our main purpose, and even more! It's great, isn't it, Price?" - She turned to the Changeling with a cheerful smile. - "And now we can proceed with our journey to the next camp! Is everypony ready?"
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Dec 01, 13:44:31
Quote from: Jenzy on 2013 Dec 01, 01:19:45
Pretty splendid episode!
Spoiler: show
Totally called that ending!

"Wait. There are only 5 of them there. OH, I bet it's Pinkie! Haha..." Gee, I wonder what gave it away...

And the painting was probably Pinkie watching. They never explained that part, but hay! Blue eyes. You could probably still connect it to her. At least, that's my analysis for that part. ovO

Anyway, the story went pretty well. I'm not gonna go too highly hypocritically critical. I don't even need to. So far, Season 4's going in a pretty great direction no doubt! :D

And it's nice too that they didn't find the answer yet in this episode. And... ooh, that cliffhanger. I wonder about who or what that "mysterious shadow pony." I guess we'll find out next episode or a later one. It's always great to find something from a past episode make a surprise appearance in a way later one. Heh. Only time will tell.

I guess that wraps it up for now~ Heh. I'll probably make up "level" names for the episodes, just 'cuz. :]

World 1-1: The Princess is in Another Castle [Princess Twilight Sparkle Pt. 1]
World 1-2: Rooting for Harmony [Princess Twilight Sparkle Pt. 2]
World 1-3: Castle-Mania Scramble [Castle-Mania]
World 1-4: Daring Don't [Daring Don't]
World 1-A: Flight to the Finish [Flight to the Finish]
World 1-5: Mane-iac Power Showdown [Power Ponies]
World 1-B: Bats! [Bats!]

Yes! Best way to surprise viewers is to bring back something from several episodes ago that seemed completely and totally insignificant. They'll have forgotten about it by then.

Spoiler: show
Yep, but I really hope they won't wait until the two parter at the end of the season to bring it back.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2013 Nov 30, 23:25:55
Just discovered another awesome Touhou arranges circle, called Liz Triangle. They are awesome.
Going inside the building that seemed to be almost like a tower of a castle, they could see a couple ponies wandering by carrying piles of papers and files. The hall was wide and round, with a couple of doors at each side and two staircases, one at each side, leading to the next floor. Like outside, it was darker than most would expect. Paintings of unkown Night Ponies were hanging in the wall, and the ceiling was decorated with a moisaic of a solar eclipse. At the side, next to the main entrance, there was also a counter, where a gray female Night Earth Pony with yellow mane and wearing glasses was standing behind.

"This is the town hall. Beautiful, isn't it?" - He motioned his hoof toward the paintings and mosaic. - "Those were the past mayors and other ponies important to this town and the Night Pony's race in general. After the corruption of our loved Moon Princess, Luna, and her subsequent banishment, the fear of the ponies agains the beings of the night grew exponentially. We were also banished from society, and were forced to find a far away place to build our society." - A hint of sorrow and sadness could be noticed in the mayor's voice. - "It was thanks to them, and to the monks at the monastery, who have never thought bad of us even after the war, that we found and built this town, so we could live happily and peacefully. Even today, some of the prejudice from the past still lingers." - He looked back at Price - "I think a Changeling probably understand how we feel. We surely share some historically similarities in this matter."

Skylight, Tian and Arty listened silently to the story, and Nightwalk only nodded.


In the forest, the tall and dark trees blocked most of the sunlight, making the inside really dark. Taking advantage of this darkness, different types of fungus could be found over the trunk and near the base of the trees. There were lots of different types of mushrooms, some edible, but some poisonous. The animals that lived there also had darker coat, as stealth helped to protect against predators or not to be noticed by prey.
The forest outside the town was a little brighter, as the trees were slightly more apart from each other than where the town was built. Even if the Night Ponies are usually quiet in their daily lifes, outside of the town was even quieter, and it was easy to listen to the birds, insects and other small animals. It was the natural definition of peace. Until the sound of something big and fast flying thorugh the foliage breaked the silence.
The dark gray pegasus. holding a medium size bag, came from the forest and landed some distance away from where Fei was lying. He looked to the sides, and then sighed. - "I think I was too fast... Hopefully they won't take long to get here." - He said to himself, still not noticing the pony.
I think the plan is good! I don't think it's really necessary to explain how he got to the town, so you can just make an introduction post, telling what is Fei doing while the other were arriving. If you want, you're also free to describe small actions and reactions from some of the townsfolk, if Fei interacts with anyone. Otherwise, you can only describe Fei's action and overall location. As soon as I finish something I'm doing, I'll make a post describing the town, so you'll have more to work out with. But for now, you can imagine it as some sort of darker Ponyville, with more goth-like structures, houses made of stone bricks and/or a dark type of wood that merges with the natural dark trees from the forest, and few candles and lanters to provide only the amount of light needed to be able to see.
Accepted! :D

Feel free to post whenever you want, or, if you want, you can discuss how you want to start through PM or in the OOC.
Spoiler: show
For some reason I've totally forgotten about Pinkie through the episode, and couldn't stop laughing at the end lol I should have thought it was her.

But yea, awesome episode! Made me laugh almost the entire time (I love seeing people (ponies in this case) get scared, it's too fun! :P)

Looking foward to next week! :D
Thank you a lot for your interest, Galvin! I really enjoyed your idea, and I'm also interested in how it will turn out in the long road. Besides, having anothe member will help a lot with the RP's pace. You can submit your sign-up form whenever you want! It'll be a pleasure to have you RP with us! :D
Tian noticed what Wavelenght was trying to do and did the same, standing by his side. - "Yes. The past is something that stayed behind. Your friends are here now. If your past is holding you back, we will push you foward. Together, we shall learn from our mistakes, to become a better pony in the future." - Tian smiled and raised a hoof toward them, as if calling them to come with her to the uncertain, mysterious, but full of hope future.

Arty, in the other hoof, couldn't smile like Tian. The only thing he could do was trying his best to endure his headache while the darkness came closer, and despair and fear filled the heart of those near him. The hope orb he had consumed at Sugarcube Corner has been proved to be useless, and he could do nothing but trust his friends and wait them to recover from their traumas.

It just fainted for a little while, just it..... >.<

Well, sorry for not posting anything for so long, but college was really tough and I didn't have much time to think about how to make things here move the way I want. One thing is to follow someone's story, but creating your own is completely different.

Now things are getting a lot easier here, as most of the subjects has already been finished and I just need to finish and submit a work until Monday, and then that's it! I'll still have other things to do, but I'll have a lot more time to put on this, and if everything goes as expected, this can be back on track next week.

If SuperNova doesn't mind, he can make his post for the last round of posts.

Sorry for the trouble, I'll try to avoid things like that in the future.
((I guess everyone is waiting for the other to post, and some probably just forgot it existed after so long... Let's do something and see if there is any reaction.))

Tian was pacing from one side to the other, thinking about how to proceed. - "So, what's the best formation? I can scout ahead, while Price stay in the end of the line to watch our backs. Behind me and in front of Price, the ones with better defense, and the mages in the middle. And in the center of it all, T.C. scanning threats from all sides. In this place, things can come from above, below and the sides, so we need to be ready for absolutely anything." - She stopped and looked at the others. - "Is that good?" - She asked.
Chrysteel's change of arua again affected Arty's emotion-based powers. Feeling the new burst, he started to channel more and more energy to his horn. - [glow=black,2,300]"I'd love to stay only as a supportive type, but the faster we end our enemies, the lesser we will need to worry about being hurt by them."[/glow] - Spreading over his body, the white mana started to change his armor from black to a bright white as himself, boosting him with light-based protection instead of dark-based protection, what had better synergy with his actual self. Besides, the white glow started to take physical form, molding itself and being divided into six light orbs. - [glow=black,2,300]"Paladin mode - on!"[/glow] - Each summoned orb was in fact a weapon: two Light Swords, one Light Greatsword, one Light Shield, a Light Bow and a Light Staff. In a single turn, Arty can wield one two-hand weapon (greatsword, staff or bow) or two one-hand weapon (shield and sword or two swords).

Spoiler: Weapon Stats • show

Even if controlling through magic, there are still range restrictions for each weapon and, having to control them, Arty can only use magic related to the weapon.
Greatsword - medium range, low speed, medium defense, strong attack, offensive/defensive spells
Sword - Short range, great speed, low defense, medium attack, offensive spells
Bow - Long range, medium speed, low defense, medium attack, offensive spells
Shield - Short range, great speed, great defense, zero attack, defensive spells
Staff - Long range, medium speed, zero defense, zero attack, buff/debuff/healing spells

One of the orbs raised above Arty's head and turned into a Light Bow, aiming directly to the Nameless Abomination. A single light arrow was precisely shot towards it for a 30% damage against non-boss enemy and 15% damage agains bosses. Being aimed, it's harder to avoid and has a 50% chance of striking a 50% stronger critical hit.
Tian facehoofed herself at Stardust and Laserbolt's try to defeat the opponents. - "You cannot destroy a Concept with pure magic and brute force!" - She looked at Rarity and Applejack. They were taken by surprise, and she could easily see that their past deeds still weight on them. The Hope was fading and Fear was starting to invade. She needed to say something. - "The only way to defeat them is through will power and conviction! You must face them and show you've gotten over them! Face and accept the ugly truth even if it's painful! No one is perfect, and we all have done things we regret and went over traumatic situations. But don't let them hold you back, and instead, learn from them to grow stronger! Rarity! Applejack! Stare them in the eyes and show them your strength! Don't back off now! Your friends need you!"
"That's how I like it!" - She said with a smile, looking at the now determined Wavelenght. - "So let's waste no more time!" - Leading the way, Tian opened the door of the boutique and looked back to the others. - "So, where to? To the flyer prodigy, the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash? Or to the fourth Alicorn Princess, the Element of Magic, Twilight Spakle?"
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2013 Nov 26, 16:25:57
Just saw the four episodes of Pokémon - The Origin, and that was SO AWESOME! :D
I have to say that, besides the statement from Meghan McCarthy, her arguments haven't convinced me. Depending on the situation, it could be easy for Celestia and Luna to make up a story like "Discord disposed of Stawswirl", to preserve the image of the wise magician to serve as inspiration to other unicorns, while also changing or hiding little bits of his story and personality to keep ponies from going to the same path. Much like what was done with a certain character in the Star Wars series (if you don't know who I'm talking about, the it would be a spoiler for you I don't want to give).

Truth is, if it wasn't a Word of God, it would still be a really plausible and really cool idea.
Tian turned to Laserbolt with an expression showing signs of a controlled anger. - "Please, refrain yourself from saying things like that. This is not the Plane of Terror, but the Plane of Concepts. Thing here can be either good or bad, but at the current situation, the bad ones are trying to cause havoc." - She stopped a little, and remembered it was the first time she or anyone had mentioned it to Laserbolt. Calming herself, she spoke with a gentler voice. - "I'm sorry, I think it was my fault for not being clear before. But it's just..." - She turned to look at little 'Cruel and Fluttershy, while also remembering Pinky, before looking back at Laserbolt. - "I don't want them to be put in the same place as that things outside."
Tian smiled softly at him - "You just did what had to be done. You adapted to the situation, and throwing logic away, you knew that what you were doing wouldn't kill her, otherwise you would have stopped yourself. You don't have to feel guilty, as you haven't done anything wrong. As I've said, you can't take everything in this plane to the letter. What you've done was the equivalent of a grapple at that situation. Nothing wrong with that."
That is indeed a nice wallpaper! I just love whenever the pony world shows anything that diverges from our world, like the effects in this image.