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Messages - Scoots

She would look up and nod, "Arguing is pointless when neither side has an objective in such a strange argument.. By the way, My name is Star Skywatcher, Ponyvilles greatest Astronomer, and who might you be?" She would ask curiously to the hooded man.
"No it doesn't, but it is part of the festivity Silly! I along with many other level headed ponies enjoy it!" She would say, looking up at him.
"You are no fun! I happen to enjoy the winter wrap up every year!" She would reply.
"Well that is why I love it of course, I have heard that toon since I was just a filly. And it will be with me forever!" She would smile and close her book.
She would look around, hearing a grouch, not sure who or where the person is she would say,
"It is a wonderful song!" She would cry out as if slightly offended.
Star opens the final page of the book, as she looks up at the sky and casts a spell. She then begins writing in a blank page of the book, still whistling the winter-wrap up song.
Original Characters / Re: My OC's
2012 May 22, 08:16:29
Quote from: Lary on 2012 May 22, 07:22:11
Oh man, a pony based on Avatar. Never thought I'd see the day.

My face: :3

I love Avatar, and I love ponies.

I realized they could mix.
So I mixed them.
Mixed them so much it made the mix for CUPCAKES  ovO
Would sit back against a stop sign, reading an astronomy book, whistling the 'winter wrap up' theme.
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 21, 22:28:25
Who would win in a fight?

Nightmare Moon or the Lich Pony

Definitely Lich Pony.
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 19, 21:51:32

Half Pegasus, Quarter Demon, Quarter Night Elf.
Star walks down the street, she then sits on the sidewalk, and begins writing in a journal, she sighs, Appearing lonely.
(Night Guys!)
"Gotcha, I am going to go home and research the comet that is supposed to be seen tomorrow. See Ya teal!"
She walks out and exits the hospital.
"Umm, I can get you a phone to call your Marefriend to get you home."
She smiles and pulls out a cellphone.
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 22, 02:00:46
"It's Teal. My name is Teal" (:

Quote from: Scoots on 2012 May 22, 01:59:41
She comes back, the doctor following her with a wheel chair, The doctor would smile and say,
"You are welcome to leave, Teal. But you must stay off your wing and use this chair."
He pushes the Wheelchair forward a bit.

Teal looks at the chair with a frown.

((strange that it's his wing that's hurt and not his legs but he has to sit in a wheelchair anyway))

(Rainbow Dash had to aswell when she hurt her wing, its because Pegasus often use their wings, and they need to keep you off of your wing.)
She comes back, the doctor following her with a wheel chair, The doctor would smile and say,
"You are welcome to leave, Teal. But you must stay off your wing and use this chair."
He pushes the Wheelchair forward a bit.
"I can Umm, check with the Doctor to see if you are clear to leave yet, Just gimmy' a sec."
She stands up and walks away.
Star smiles, and giggles a little,
"I guess the doctors let her in because they thought the same thing as I did, I wasn't passed through because I was just a by-stander."
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 22, 01:49:53
"M-my marefriend? Fall is here?"
Teal sits up and looks around.
"Where is she?"

"Fall? I don't think thats her- Oh! Well, I guess shes just your friend then."
She points over at Moonbeam.
"She seemed to care alot, she stayed here all night, seems she cares alot. Hehe."