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Messages - LeviathanTS

Oh, sorry, I just found this topic, my reply is late, but will be relevant for the next OSW

After downloading the game, you need to find the LoE zipped folder, and then extract the entire folder
I understand entirely, I was just wondering if chat were returning at all, but there's no rush really, all staff performed unbelievably well during the event  <3
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 28, 18:14:52
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jan 28, 04:19:37
In this case my definition of functioning properly would be not bursting into tears 3+ times a day, throwing things, or having ideations that can't be discussed here. As it stands I'm gonna have some cleaning up to do when I get back. Broken glass all over the floor.. .

I apologise for not having replied to you again recently,

I have been reading your posts, but feel my advice may not be effective

However depression and other similar states can be tough, but its important to remember that it is always possible to return to the state you were in before you had it.

If there was one thing that did help, it was knowing that others cared about helping me recover

**And I would like to say, while it can be hard to emphasise over the forum, I do really do care about how you are right now, and so I will continue to offer support to you**

and im not the only one, quite a few people have replied to your posts

You probably feel like this:

My depression will never go away...

I don't even know what caused it, and that worries me, how am I supposed to tackle depression when I don't know what caused it in the first place???

I cant be bothered to tackle my depression...

(Thoughts while speaking to others) I have depression, but you don't care, nobody does...

I used to love this, but its just not the same anymore

I don't care what happens to me
But ALL these feelings and negativity DOES GO AWAY
You just need to counter the symptoms, and I respect how difficult that is.

I'm here if you need me, however it is common to want to be independent

It may be a good idea to spread 'familiar' and friendly objects such as posters, to tackle home sickness
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Jan 28, 03:39:46
2. There are some bronies out there who do very weird, gross, and/or bad things, and/or who act very rude and annoying. Sadly, there are people who think all bronies are like that.

Agreed, I personally like the show for what it is, its entertaining and has good humour, and isn't the average 'Andy went to go get some ice cream' Children's show, its enjoyable for everyone

I personally wished this part of the fandom didn't exist, it gives bronies a bad stereotype and makes people who watch the show deny being a brony.

**Don't let anyone tell you that it is bad to be a brony, it is wrong of them and you should just be yourself**
I would also like the chat box to return, when possible
Pure awesomeness, I don't know where to start...

Ok, first off I'd like to send a huge thank-you to all the developers

I greatly appreciate the fact that dedicated servers cost money, and that the game is completely free <3 <3 (I cant emphasise how much I mean this)

The game was awesome in every way, beautiful scenery, great sound affects, good humour, the design team and everyone involved in the development really nailed it, despite being volunteers

The moderators, who managed to filter out (the already minimal) infringements, while at the same time being nice to each and every pony, best moderators ever  0:)

Those involved in countering the DDoS attack, did amazingly and managed to save the OSW from the current and upcoming attacks, seriously, well done!

Those who struggled to play during the OSW may have sent complaints, and its easy to be discouraged by this, they fail to see the problems that you had to face, but, the fact that they sent complaints goes to show how much they wanted to play this awesomeness, use that as encouragement instead!
I would also like to thank the entire community, each and everypony was kind to each other, had a good sense of humour and was generally maintaining the great atmosphere the game provided, I hope to see you all again! I miss the game and all (with the exception of the only hater I saw) who played.

I really do miss it

and finally thanks to those who somehow managed to read this entire post (You're also awesome  <3)

LeviathanTS, Frost Burn the unicorn

Quote from: Stuff on 2015 Jan 24, 10:19:39
How the f :D  do I fix that? It keeps happeneing every time i start and I can't play. :c
and me....
If you have to ask how to confuse yourself, you're already confused!

What is Derpy doing now?
Secretly has Half life 3
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 07, 14:28:24
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jan 06, 22:58:43
Why is it GTA 5 has such terrible controls on console? I played GTA 4 on PC and controls were way smoother and easier to manage, for both driving and shooting. I can't aim for crap on XBox, took me 5+ tries to get past the the first shootout at the very beginning of the game. And whose idea was it to make all the driving controls be done with the triggers and bumpers?

Maybe I should have waited for the game to come to PC.

Just need practice, you haven't played a console game since the PlayStation 2,

The driving controls have been like that for a while, in most games this allows you to pan the camera and steer with different elements of the controller, before, steering would also centre the camera, which was irritating in my opinion.

I remember the first time Battlefield 3 came out on Xbox 360, (I jumped online straight away) everyone wanted to try piloting a helicopter, the controls were not what you expected them to be, whenever someone attempted to pilot one, there would became helicopter carcass about 5 seconds later lol

I like the controls for the helicopters in Bf3 now (and the veteran control scheme in Bf4), although you still get people who are new crashing them the moment they attempt to pilot....
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 04, 20:57:12
I'm not sure, its possible I guess but then again, I'm not an expert, I'll probably be getting the Xbox one version soon anyway.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 04, 20:33:09
Tbh I felt the same way about GTA V before I got it, but its actual not what you think when you play it, there isn't excessive use of profanity within the game, and the humour isn't entirely adult themed, there's a funny part involving Trevor and an old couple, and a heist that doesn't go to plan... I won't say what happens in case you do decide to get it.

From what I can remember about online, I remember seeing quite a few bronies playing it as well,

I'd play with anyone, but I don't have the Xbox one version yet...
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 04, 19:38:40
Nice to see things looking up!

I only have the 360 version of GTA V, enjoyed the story, but online didn't last very long because everyone had semi-infinite amounts of money. I hear they've fixed that problem now though.
Gmod physics,

Sometimes walking over a prop (object) hurts you, or it can kill you instantly, even if its just a paint can.

Still its pretty funny when it happens to others on the server
Oh, your cutie mark is the lambda symbol from half life! I also thought that would be a good idea for a cutie mark, nice  ^-^
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 03, 22:03:17
As with most jobs, it will seem awful at first, but you've been told that it does get easier, so all you have to do is endure for a month or so, and you'll get better and enjoy it more and as well as get along with others, being new to the area is an added difficulty, but one that im sure that you'll over come!,

and also, if most employees mentioned that it took about a month to settle in to the job role, its basically just another way of saying 'the job got a lot easier after I had a months experience'

Hope this makes you feel better, its just important not to get overwhelmed.

You are sure to have things to look forward to, for example, theres an open server weekend on the 24th-26th January!  :D

Ill continue to offer my support  ^-^
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 03, 21:34:38
Bear in mind that, it only takes one thing to ruin your day, the fact that you were called some place you weren't needed and recalled to go do an even tougher shift seems pretty nasty (especially since it was your first day as well)  O:

Working from 9:30am to 7pm is pretty brutal, so by the time you got to posting about your day your spirits will naturally be very low. I shouldn't expect future working days to be as unfair as the one you experienced today, and you may find to enjoy your next shift a lot more then your first.

I know it'll get better, and remember you can always find a job more suited to you, if it doesn't work out...

I hope I haven't been too repetitive, just wanted to get a point across.

Post Merge

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jan 03, 21:22:19
Comically enough the supervisor said my car caused a commotion at work. Another employee saw and and reported it, believing someone had broken into it in the employee parking lot. Within a few minutes everyone was scared we had a vandal in the office. The supervisor played along for a while before finally telling everyone it happened elsewhere, since I called and told him about it yesterday. They'll have to fix it while I'm at work on Monday. Days off don't exist for CCAs.

Fellow employees will likely be more sympathetic towards you, and you will likely bond better with them now. Being new to the area and a vandalism victim, it is quite a story, one that affects how people will behave towards you. You will like your job a lot better once you get to know people!

You might not be the only brony....
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jan 03, 21:15:38
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jan 03, 20:40:43
Terrible day at work. I was supposed to be working in another district, but when I got there at 9:30 they said they had more than enough people. So I got sent back to my station and they gave me the hardest route in the district. No less than 10-15 miles of walking. It's evaluated as a 7 hour route, and I didn't get out of the post office until 11:00. By 5 I had to call for backup, and 2 wingmen came to help me. We just barely got the route done by 7PM, by the last few streets it was pitch black and I couldn't read the addresses on the mail except under streetlights, so it took me twice as long as it should have.

I was scared I was going to get in trouble, but my supervisor said "If it was your 10th day out on your own I would probably have some choice words for you, but for your first time out on your own you did an okay job. It's going to be a struggle for you for a while and it might feel like you can't do any better, but I guarantee you will get better in time if you try, whether you believe it or not."

He says he's had grown men kneel down on the street and cry while carrying mail because they thought they couldn't do it. It's no wonder that, despite the high pay, mail carriers have over a 50% turnover rate.

Thank God the weather as nice today. It was sunny and warm. Had it been freezing rain like it was yesterday I don't think I'd have survived.

Wow, you don't have the best of luck do you? I'm sure it'll get better though!  :D

The first days of working in a new job area will be relatively difficult, and it seems in your situation that you had all the odds stacked against you.

I'd probably say to give it a few weeks, considering that you were given a tough work load and it being your first day, it must have felt awful to have started and finished at the times you did and be very difficult all at the same time.

Hopefully you will get lighter workload on your next working day, and as your knowledge of the local area improves, maybe you'll find it a lot easier and quicker to get your shift done (and thusly less stressful and more enjoyable).

But know that you are not bound to that job, I always believe that you should try to find a job that you will enjoy, they are out there, and while jobs are sometimes hard to come by, it never hurts to keep looking for one that you'll enjoy more, even if it comes at the cost of a reduced income.

To conclude, I suggest that you stay with the job for a little longer before concluding that you don't like it/ don't feel you can do it, it is very common to dislike the job on the first day, but its almost guaranteed to get better.

Personally, if I believed a job was definitely not for me, I would try to find another.

I genuinely enjoy reading your posts, and try to offer my advice where possible, but I don't know how helpful it is to you.

Keep strong!  :]

The brony community supports you!

Could be interesting if the next mane 6 were the CMC group of Ponyville combined with the trio likely formed by Babs seed in Manehattan, and each one finally gets there cutie mark.

I'm probably the only one who thinks this though...

I wouldn't like to see the current mane 6 disappear from the show entirely

I like MLP as it is for now  ^-^

My turn to use strike through in a stupid way
Yeah... sorry about that X3