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Messages - CMC Scootaloo


Quote from: Natfoth on 2015 Feb 19, 20:36:18
Builds are going live right now, uploading the post now.

YAY! 0:)

Quote from: Akilas on 2015 Feb 19, 20:26:04
Where is the client  DD:

Looks like this OSW is pulling a "August 2014" on us. :(

Quote from: bronieBoy262 on 2015 Feb 19, 19:39:23
will the download be up for every one :D or just the people who played it last time ono

It's an open test, not a closed one. Don't worry, the game will be available for everyone! :)

@Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Feb 19, 19:41:50
Call me cynical, but I doubt even one of the devs of the game would convince someone that concerned about viruses that the game is safe.  My dad refused to let us hook up our Wii to the house network because he was afraid of, as I understood it, someone using that as an opening to get onto our network and getting at files in other computers.  He wasn't so paranoid that he didn't let us download anything, but there was a slight over-caution that wasn't easy to overrule.  At least he's not trying to lord over downloads on my personal laptop.  If anything, I did gain a sense of caution when downloading stuff too...but it does border on paranoia quite often.   :I

Well, people are different. And the anti-virus program he uses told him that there were a lot of trojan ponies horses on his computer after downloading the client.
So his concern has legit reasons. It must not be paranoia in this case.
I'm currently in a PM talk with someone who gets virus messages from his anti-virus program when he tries to download the old client. And now his dad forbids him to download it because he thinks it's a virus. I already explained him that it isn't one and why this happens, but he doesn't believe me, it seems.
Can anyone from the developers hop in for a moment and confirm that the game files are all safe so that I can show him that, please?



Quote from: Natfoth on 2015 Feb 19, 18:45:53
Countdown timer is fixed!


But better fix up the client! That's the urgently needed thing here! :D

Quote from: TecFox on 2015 Feb 19, 18:01:58
I still think the timer is incorrect.
I know that EST is 6 hours behind my local time so 12:01 a.m. EST would be 6:01 a.m. at my place but from the time of writing this post that's already in a bit more than 6 hours.
Also the source of the timer says something about Los Angeles which has PST.
I'm confused :o. Various sites tell me that the current time in EST is 6:00 p.m which is 6 hours away from the start time given in the first post.

That's true, the timer is incorrect. It shows almost nine hours from now on, but it's almost six hours anymore only.

Also, not even six hours anymore! Get hype, everypony! We're soon back in Equestria! :D 0:)

Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Feb 19, 15:29:16
The client isn't up yet, a new thread will be made when it's available.

Please be patient.

I try to be patient, I just hope it isn't like in August again, where we had to wait about half an hour after the supposed start of the event to download the client and enter the game.
Don't forget that a lot of players want to download them and that there will be a gigantic run on the servers once it's up that will lead to notches for a lot of players that can't play then because so many try to download the client at once that the site crashes.
I know that you have planned this OSW very spontaneously, so I can understand that it takes longer to create the client, but the ones who couldn't play properly the last time because of the DDos attacks don't deserve another weekend where they can't play because they don't even get a chance to download the client. :(


Quote from: zac9088 on 2015 Feb 19, 15:44:23
i wish the servers were open more often  :c but atleast i get to play finally for the first time  0:)

We all wish that, but the game is still in development and keeping the servers up more often (or permanently) would need too many resources and distract the developers from developing the game properly.

Make as many screenshots and videos (with Fraps) as possible, to have something to remember and to tie you over until the next OSW! 0:)

Quote from: Scootashy on 2015 Feb 18, 21:18:19
I'll be sure to be there for the server test

Hi Scootashy! 0:)

Quote from: lily7603 on 2015 Feb 17, 20:33:01
Ahahahahaha YESS!!! What a nice surprise to come to from a long day of school! ^-^
Pinkie seems to be excited as I am for the 7th LoE open server weekened!

Five OSWs and my trusty Tartarus tour guide is still here. :D Maybe we can meet again this time. 0:)


Quote from: Chack on 2015 Feb 18, 10:17:06
Oh my. I shall attend. :D
This'll be... what, my 6th time? We got dis!

It will be the sixth one for you too? Awesome! 0:) That means we both had our first Open Server Weekend in July 2013! 0:)


Quote from: Draco1182 on 2015 Feb 18, 16:23:42
This is going to be my first time playing Legends Of Equestria and so I will try to stay up all Friday night (Joking  ^-^).

Why joking? I stay up all night every time! :D

QuoteSadly my recording system is still broken

What recording system do you have? Because it's not too late to buy Fraps before the OSW starts. ^-^
Oh my gosh, another one! :3 :D

You are not only great developers, you also know how to treat your fanbase! <3
Oh gosh, it's not even a month after the last one and now we can get into it again already! :D
I so can't wait! Going to open a new Hide & Seek thread tomorrow! 0:)

@Itty Bit

Quote from: Itty Bit on 2015 Feb 16, 17:11:07
Well golly google gosh!

Wow, it's Itty Bit!

But aren't you too young to play an MMORPG?


Quote from: Caballia on 2015 Feb 16, 20:27:40
Don't forget to bring your papers.

What do I have to do to get an OK from you to play as Scootaloo?


Quote from: Minor-T5 on 2015 Feb 16, 20:29:43
Yay! I can't wait naow!
But I must be patient...

Schmooky! I make Hide & Seek events again, hope you will get to play it more this time!

~Please don't spam emotes
Quote from: DarkSpectre on 2015 Jan 24, 09:08:24
Give 'em time, DDoS attacks aren't always easy to deal with. I'm happy that the website is up and running again. For a while I thought it was just because we all hugged it and the game server too hard. I'm sure that once this day gets further along and they are sure that they won't get downed again, they will get working on more servers for us.

Yeah, I figured already, but still. The server can't handle all those players. We need more of them.
If they don't add more server, it doesn't really make a difference to the DDos attacks. It always adds up to it that we can't play then.

Quote from: Edgus on 2015 Jan 24, 09:19:41
Wow, I actually eventually managed to get to character creation. Created a pony, while doing this face.  :3 It loaded up a screen with Canterlot on it, but I couldn't see my or anyone's character. It just shown me a side-view of it. No UI shown up too. Well, at least I managed to get somewhere. Happy I've got to at least create a character.

The same happens for me too. ono I try to make a new pony now and to get over the Cloudsdale route and then I go to Ponyville through the Heartlands.
I don't want to risk to enter Canterlot right now, especially if it's true what DarkSpectre says, that it only affects Canterlot.

Edit: It works! New servers, Levade and Europa! Thanks so much, dev team! 0:)
Why is there only one server? It isn't enough for all the players that want to play the game, it's already full.
Can you please add more servers? That is urgently needed. Especially after we couldn't play so long due to those dumb attackers. :l
Legends of Equestria has an own launcher now! 0:)
I can only start it from my "Downloads" folder, every time I move it into my Legends of Equestria folder, I get an error message when I try starting it, but that's a minor issue.
Legends of Equestria has a launcher now, that is so awesome! :D
I wonder if this means that we will get more regular OSW's from now on? 0:)
When is the next stream going to happen? I'm starving for one. DD:
Quote from: Semeringem on 2015 Jan 10, 22:16:14
Hey is it ok if I record some game play on the 24th-26th and upload to You Tube?? X3

As an experienced LoE OSW attendee, who attended 4 from 5 OSW's so far, I'm going to answer this question:

Yes, it's allowed and encouraged. A lot of people, including myself, have made a lot of videos.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand here we go again, what a way to kick off the new year! 0:)
And you're doing it exactly one year after the one in January 2014, I can't believe it, such a perfect timing! :D
Does that mean I can predict now when the other ones in this year will happen? :D

Anyway, I'm looking forward to another three days spent in Equestria! :D

I will definitely held my Hide & Seek events again, after they worked so well last time!
And I'm going to fly to the castle! :D
I can't wait! Let the pony dance, bronies! 0:)

Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Jan 03, 01:29:30
Still Pre-alpha.  There's a lot of work yet to be done before we hit alpha X3

I'm interested, how many stages does a game run through before it's finished?

Quote from: Galapagois on 2015 Jan 03, 11:49:08
I bet it's gonna suck and be full of bugs and stuff.

I hope there are going to be a lot of bugs! xD
I want to try butt-sliding in Canterlot, I never got around to do that so far! :D

Quote from: White Pony on 2015 Jan 08, 04:42:50
I'm making preparations to ensure I have food and drink readily available.  Nothing like "Red Bull" energy drinks and pop-tarts to keep one going.   ;)

I also stuff myself with food always; tons of pizza, caffeine-containing energy drinks (as well as Red Bull type ones) and cream-filled chocolate bars! :D
Hey chocoreichan!

I haven't knew that you're registered here! It's great that you pile up the japanese episodes here!
Do you have any clue when Season 3 will start in Japan? According to the latest information, it already should have started a while ago.....
The servers go completely haywire now. Levade is full, Piaffe and Pesade don't load the pony character.
Courbette worked fine, but begins to make problems too now. So, I call it an end for this event. Sorry guys!
But don't fret! There will be another one this weekend! The third event still has to happen!
It will just be at another time than 08:00 PM EST, since I realized that a time so close to the end of the OSW is not very comfortable.
Probably at 04:00 PM or 05:00 PM EST, but I'll inform about that in the start post!
Keep an eye on it!

Thanks for attending everypony and I'm sorry for those that came later and couldn't play anymore!
It was fun with you, let's hope we can meet again at the third event!
To all players from the second Hide & Seek event:

Pesade does not seem to work anymore. So, we're retreating to Courbette now. If Courbette doesn't work too, try Levade and Piaffe (in this order).
And please forward this to any of our players, if you can contact them somehow: Summer Breeze, Princess Twilight, Nightstar Stylus, Insight, Rainbow Dash and Onyx Blaze.
Quote from: WolfKomoki on 2014 Aug 09, 13:08:31
Server Shutdown?
It's not the 10th!

Guess I'll go to sleep then.  :/

It's not over yet, don't worry. Somepony said they do that to rearrange the users on the servers so that others have a chance too.

Post Merge

To all players from the second Hide & Seek event:

Pesade does not seem to work anymore. So, we're retreating to Courbette now. If Courbette doesn't work too, try Levade and Piaffe (in this order).
And please forward this to any of our players, if you can contact them somehow: Summer Breeze, Princess Twilight, Nightstar Stylus, Insight, Rainbow Dash and Onyx Blaze.][/URL]

QUICK NINJA EDIT: The servers go completely haywire now. Levade is full, Piaffe and Pesade don't load the pony character.
Courbette worked fine, but begins to make problems too now. So, I call it an end for this event. Sorry guys!
But don't fret! There will be another one this weekend! The third event still has to happen!
It will just be at another time than 08:00 PM EST, since I realized that a time so close to the end of the OSW is not very comfortable.
Probably at 04:00 PM or 05:00 PM EST, but I'll inform about that in the start post!
Keep an eye on it!

Thanks for attending everypony and I'm sorry for those that came later and couldn't play anymore!
It was fun with you, let's hope we can meet again at the third event!