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Messages - Blues-Music

Quote from: Link on 2012 May 27, 18:29:34
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 27, 18:27:47
"One second Tator I sense links power I just need to get time in my realm ,and i'l be right back."Baltor says then teleports next to link.
"Hello link mind giving me a normal timeline for my realm i'm a new god the god of imaginati-"Baltor says until he notices the dark thing."What is that?Problem is we have to worry about it causing pain because I didn't make that thing."

"Hello there Baltor, I've watched your work; it's nice to finally meet you. I can certainly supply some time for your realm, but couldn't you just imagine it to make it there?"
"I can only imagine illusions I don't think a time illusion would work."
"One second Tator I sense links power I just need to get time in my realm ,and i'l be right back."Baltor says then teleports next to link.
"Hello link mind giving me a normal timeline for my realm i'm a new god the god of imaginati-"Baltor says until he notices the dark thing."What is that?Problem is we have to worry about it causing pain because I didn't make that thing."
Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2012 May 27, 17:52:05
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 May 27, 17:47:16
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 27, 17:29:34
((good point, if your god of imagination you can do just about...anything :I))
Well I like to limit these Powers to just creatures or else Barlot will be over op being able to imagine everything he wants to life or being able to kill a god by imagining him out of existance or making a god killing weapon.
Also is it okay if I make some of my creatures from games?If yes then here is my first.

((Back to the RP.))
"Thanks Tator if you would like I can imagine creatures for you."

((Imagination makes things seem real, yet their not. So if there was an house, and you would be able to punch it. Your hoof will go right through it. That might be a good way of balancing it, not to make it op.))
He found 2 ponies out infront of him. "Hello...who are you stallions?"
Great idea!this is barlots new power now.
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 27, 17:49:02
(( know Creatures, plants and animals, are TATOR'S domain right? God of nature? o.O))

((Not animals I mean mystical creatures never known before outside someones ability to imagine so you unique creatures.))
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2012 May 27, 17:29:34
((good point, if your god of imagination you can do just about...anything :I))
Well I like to limit these Powers to just creatures or else Barlot will be over op being able to imagine everything he wants to life or being able to kill a god by imagining him out of existance or making a god killing weapon.
Also is it okay if I make some of my creatures from games?If yes then here is my first.

((Back to the RP.))
"Thanks Tator if you would like I can imagine creatures for you."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2012 May 27, 17:26:47
((Can't you just imagine them into your realm?  o.O ))

The elementals watched as he trotted into their territory.
"You will regret this disrespect,God."
I didn't want to create plain land I wanted some grass ,and trees with them.
After Barlot follows Tator he says "Hello Tator i'm a new god here ,and I was wondering if I could have some land ,and trees for my realm."
((Sorry thought he was in mortal form.))
"Hello Tator I was looking for you oh ,and Nostro is here too excellent thats two for one.."Barlot says with a smile."I am Barlot god of imagination I just got to zeth ,and my realm is a little empty mind giving me some land ,and ores I can add to it?"
"I am gonna need souls for these lifeless bodies."Barlot thought in his mind."Hopefully she is in zeth ,but this form will cause too much comotion from the mortals so I should shapeshift."
Barlot then turns into a pegasi ,and begins flying over zeth.
He then senses Tator ,and nostros power then flys towards them.
"You there mortal you have the power of a god ,but which one?"
((Is Tator in the nature realm or still in zeth?If in the nature realm then continue with this.))
"So this is the realm the princesses wanted me to make."Barlot said "Well I guess I should put some land on it better go to a god that can put some."Barlot thought."Hmmm should have some trees ,and green hills the nature god should do."Barlot said while going to the nature realm he then sees meadows ,and says "Hello mortal do you know where the god of nature is I really need some land in the imagination realm."
((If he isn't then this one.))
"Hmm isn't here."Barlot says in disapointment."Well better create some followers."He says while flying back to his realm.
Quote from: wolfblade on 2012 May 27, 14:06:45
((then pony shepard goes on an epic journey to stop them only to be greeted by a bad ending ))

((Follow the indoctrination theory ,and the ending becomes amazing also making each ending different here is a video about it.))
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
((Is it okay if I make another O.C just to sign him up as a god?))
"This turned out to be a huge adventure..."
"Wait none of the rain hit me ,and you emerged from the rain..."Blues says"You must be god of water!"
"What the!?!?Who the!?!?How the?!?!?"Blues says in amazement "You must be a god!Which one are you?"
Blues hears Chirp ,but doesn't know it ,and says "I'm not sure ,but why do I hear something from above ,but there aren't any birds in the sky?"
"Did it just talk?"Blues says suprised "Also why did it flash light?"
"Truth ,and regret purpose ,and sadness?"Blues asks"Its probably just me thinking this ,but that sort of seems like the truth to purpose may lead sadness which ends up in regret thats a famous quote I heard from my travels."
"Whats on that piece?"Blues says.