Just what would the individual CMC members' cutie marks be?

Started by Hawk McAdam, 2014 Feb 04, 01:19:08

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Hawk McAdam

 :s This has probably already been speculated upon, but what do you think would the cutie marks for the individual Cutie Mark Crusaders would be? What exactly are they destined to do, or what talent they excel the most at?

ono Sweetie Belle certainly seems to have something singing related. Scootaloo, something to do with a scooter (which is good for what? Some extreme sport?), but she's also just generally good and manheuvering herself in such a way that she could turn out to be some great dancer, maybe. And Apple Bloom...something to do with landscaping/contracting? You know, 'cause she fixed up the clubhouse and what not.

  0:) Anyway, just wondering what other theories there might be as to what their marks would be/look like. Or maybe what you'd like for the characters to turn out becoming.


I don't know about Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, but I'm sure Sweetie Belle will get a music note or something of the sort.
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Applebloom being a carpenter makes sense, but I always liked the idea of the ponies in the Apple family having apple related cutie marks. So I think it'd be nice if it was a hammer in front of an apple or something.

Sweetie Belle, music related of course. Music note is the most common answer.

It's true that Scootaloo had some good dancing moves. In my own headcanon she eventually flies and is able to control thunder clouds with ease, but that's my headcanon with nothing canon at all  X3
Though if we follow canon, I think it's more likely her cutie mark would have something about her scooter in it. She seems more into that.

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Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Show Stopper did show what they're good at.

Applebloom has already shown enough times she is talented in building.

She built the CMC clubhouse all on her own.

She built the golden apple parade thingie

She also made better suggestions on how Sweetie Belle could work on the props. Applebloom might end up in building and designing. She might get a cutie mark based on tools or a construction of some sort. Since she is related to the other Apples it might be a cart filled with apples or go Soviet Union style with a hammer and a gardening tool, maybe a tool with an apple stuck to it in any case I can imagine Applebloom building and fixing things at the farm which is still a way to contribute in apple farming. It's also no unusual for the Apple Family to be able to build things as shown in the Apple Family Reunion so it does run in the family even if it's not selling apples.

Sweetie Belle without a doubt would be a singer so she might end up with a silver bell or any bell used for music. She helps out Scootaloo in writing her song and she has a great voice.

Scootaloo I'm not completely sure but I'm thinking dancer since she showed how to dance better to Applebloom during the Show Stopper. However there hasn't been any other instances when she danced in other episodes so not completely sure since MLP episodes do not keep continuity of the little details. Maybe she will invent a dance called the "Scoot" or something. Scoot sounds like it could be a dance style like Shuffling. Her cutie mark would end up dancing shoes or something related to dancing.

When you come down to it you can see them working together with each other talents once they get their cutie marks. Sweetie Belle dances, Applebloom creates the props and Scootaloo puts the grove on. All coming together to create shows. Applejack did mention that they already knew what they're good at they just don't acknowledge their own talents.


My headcanon is that Apple Bloom's talent isn't specifically construction, though it does fall under it; it's creation as a whole.


apple bloom is going to have something with an apple, everyone in her family has an apple something she is going to have an apple cutie mark.

sweetie belle is going to have a microphone or song note cause SHES GOT THE MUSIC IN HER.

and scootaloo is going to have a scooter cause trick jumps are the closest she will ever get to flying.
I the mythical Human with my magical pants and OH so special hands say "sup".


I think sweetie bell would have a singing mark, like a heart over a bell.
Apple bloom would be good at art in general, maybe a hammer and a paintbrush crossed over an apple.
Scootaloo would have her scooter at a cutie mark and be good at riding it.


Quote from: 20firebird on 2014 Apr 29, 16:18:23
My headcanon is that Apple Bloom's talent isn't specifically construction, though it does fall under it; it's creation as a whole.

That's what I was thinking because of her skill not only in construction, but alchemy as well.


These are just my own personal headcanons, so feel free to ignore them:

Scootaloo: A scooter!

Sweetie Belle: A type of musical note or perhaps a ringing bell (it'd be a cute pun on her name and her voice just ringing like a bell~)

Applebloom: An Apple blossom! I know that theory is a bit "out there", but hear me out: 1) still Apple-related, 2) not quite a fruit but still full of potential, 3) symbolic of the heart's desires "I WANT IT NOWWWW!!" and can lift your spirits! c:

At least that's what google is telling me for that third one!

Not to be confused with Zukiuke


dynamite's post is most convincing. I won't be surprised if he's right.
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For Scootaloo, I think it would be a helmet because she's skilled at riding a scooter.
For Sweetie Belle, it could have something to do with singing or cleaning, though, she sung well in Show Stoppers but not Sleepless in Ponyville.  :/
For Apple Bloom, it could be something related to apples and/or construction. Because, like other users have said before, she is a pretty good builder.
But that raises my other question, who do you think will get their cutie marks first?
"You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored."


I think Sweetie Belle's talent is the most obvious, so she's probably getting hers first!
I'm back


I'm kind of hoping SweetieBelle and Scootaloo's will be similar to their g3 cutiemarks.  X3


Whenever I think of the 'CMC's cutie marks, I see these:
For Apple Bloom, I see a saw and a hammer representing construction/carpentry.

For Scootaloo the flightless bird (U mad?) I see a scooter for scootering or whatever it's called.

For Sweetie Belle, I see a <3 with a microphone on it.
Derp race!
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Quote from: Tiger on 2014 Feb 04, 06:13:53
Applebloom being a carpenter makes sense, but I always liked the idea of the ponies in the Apple family having apple related cutie marks. So I think it'd be nice if it was a hammer in front of an apple or something.

Sweetie Belle, music related of course. Music note is the most common answer.

It's true that Scootaloo had some good dancing moves. In my own headcanon she eventually flies and is able to control thunder clouds with ease, but that's my headcanon with nothing canon at all  X3
Though if we follow canon, I think it's more likely her cutie mark would have something about her scooter in it. She seems more into that.

Makes sense. Apple Bloom though will probably inherit Sweet Apple Acres from her family and start her own family in order to keep the farm alive. Scootaloo will also have some cutie mark related to some crazy, amazing stunt that she'll do on her scooter much like her idol Rainbow Dash received her cutie mark from doing her first Sonic Rainboom.  Sweetie Belle though will probably end up like you've said a music note cutie mark much like Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. She'll probably even be friends with them someday perhaps. I know Sweetie will be part of a band singing, Scootaloo in competitions related to scooters, and Apple Bloom working on her family's farm with her future family.


There was an episode where they were all forming a band. They an award for being the funniest.

Applebloom = Singing
Scootaloo = Piano
Sweetie Belle = Costume making   

Maybe switch Applebloom and Sweetie belle around...I don't remember.
But those are my guesses for them.


Quote from: EliteAspect on 2014 Aug 04, 01:43:33
There was an episode where they were all forming a band. They an award for being the funniest.

Applebloom = Singing
Scootaloo = Piano
Sweetie Belle = Costume making   

Maybe switch Applebloom and Sweetie belle around...I don't remember.
But those are my guesses for them.

Then who's going to run Sweet Apple Acres in the future then? Her cousin, Babs Seed!? I'm certain that Big Macintosh and Applejack trust in their little sister to take care of the farm in the future. After all, they are family. Plus, Granny Smith won't be around forever either so somepony needs to take her place as well.


They'll make new ponies...Applebloom may not have a cutie mark that has to do with apples, but she can still run it.
Applejack takes place of granny smith.

Maybe Applejakc and Big mac find a special somepony and have fillies, maybe the fillies are applebloom's worker helpers?
lol who knows


Quote from: EliteAspect on 2014 Aug 04, 15:32:30
They'll make new ponies...Applebloom may not have a cutie mark that has to do with apples, but she can still run it.
Applejack takes place of granny smith.

Maybe Applejakc and Big mac find a special somepony and have fillies, maybe the fillies are applebloom's worker helpers?
lol who knows

That's what I'm trying to explain. Apple Bloom will run the farm with the children of her older brother and sister. Applejack would become the next Granny Smith and I don't know about Big Mac. He'll probably contribute to something though considering he is as hard working and committed to his family as the rest of the Apples. Caramel and Fluttershy will marry Applejack and Big Mac and create children and Apple Bloom by all means will probably be responsible for repairs like on the barn/house while the fillies/colts of Big Mac and Applejack run the rest of the farm. Later in time, Apple Bloom will be the successor of Applejack after she dies and some of the children will stay on Sweet Apple Acres while the rest will leave for other professions. It's fun to imagine.


Quote from: Tiger on 2014 Feb 04, 06:13:53
Applebloom being a carpenter makes sense, but I always liked the idea of the ponies in the Apple family having apple related cutie marks. So I think it'd be nice if it was a hammer in front of an apple or something.

Sweetie Belle, music related of course. Music note is the most common answer.

It's true that Scootaloo had some good dancing moves. In my own headcanon she eventually flies and is able to control thunder clouds with ease, but that's my headcanon with nothing canon at all  X3
Though if we follow canon, I think it's more likely her cutie mark would have something about her scooter in it. She seems more into that.

You made me think of the short story Dr.Wolf read ... 'The Mill'?

Yea, Apple Bloom would probably be some sort of construction related thing. Honestly, it's like I keep forgetting about that XD Everytime... I get:
Sweetie Belle- Singing (Matches her name...)
Scootaloo- Scooters (Matchers her name as well...)
Apple Bloom- .... Blooming... apples?

It's just... it's weird  :o

Yea, construction and building or something.... I mean... I could see how her name could connect to that but it seems like a real stretch.

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