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Topics - Ellowee

Hey again, everypony!

We hope youv'e all been having fun in Equestria together! You might have seen some of us running around, adventuring alongside the rest of you - but that doesn't mean we haven't been hard at work to keep improving Equestria! And to prove that, we've just released our latest build of LoE!

If you're using the Windows launcher, your game should be automatically updated when you next launch it. If you're using one of our direct downloads, however, you'll need to delete that version, and then grab this version from our downloads page! While the original OAR build will still work, we strongly recommend making sure you're always playing the latest version of the game, so you can benefit from our bug fixes and content updates!

There's a lot of smaller changes included in this update, alongside a couple of bigger ones; one of the most noticeable improvements is to how your hotbar and journal work together. You can now properly remove and re-organise the abilities on your hotbar, and add attacks and emotes straight from their respective journal pages, as well as items from your inventory, without issue (hopefully)!

The full changelog from the OAR release build to this latest one is available here!


Of course, this doesn't mean we're finished; we've still got an awful lot more stuff planned, and plenty more to fix! Remember, if you have any bugs, glitches, or suggestions to report, you should do so using the system explained here; that'll ensure the right people see your report, and get to work on it!

Now it's back to work for us; see you in Equestria!
Hey there, everypony!

We hope you've all had fun exploring Equestria together over the last week! The response to the start of our Open Access Release has been amazing, and everypony on the team is super humbled by your enthusiasm for the work we've done.

We're nowhere near done yet, though! We've been hard at work fixing as many of the bugs you've reported as we can, and we've already pushed out an uncountable number of hotfixes to the server. We're also currently putting together a new build of the game, which should be available in the next couple of days, to bring you even more fixes, and maybe a few other bits and pieces too; we'll make sure it includes a changelog, so you know just what we're adding for you to enjoy!

And of course, we're still grinding away at our larger content plans, readying all-new material for everypony to enjoy! More quests, more areas, more dungeons, more features - all of them are being developed as we speak, and we'll be bringing them to you as soon as we can!

In the meantime though, we wanted to highlight a few things we've seen from you, and the gaming community as a whole, that have really made the team smile!

First off, a few impressions and gameplay videos have been popping up that have helped to provide us with a good idea of what people are thinking of the game so far. One of our favourites was from TheHiveLeader, who highlighted the game alongside his (completely adorable-sounding) young daughter!

Our German-speaking team members also enjoyed this gameplay video from teddygun:

Twisted Heart has started a Let's Play of LoE's OAR, and you can catch the first video here:

Nyxie made a new intro for LoE that sounds a little familiar...

A beautiful remix of our 'Serenity' track was made by FruityFusion:

And LittleshyFiM seemed to be having a lot of fun with a lot of friends during their livestream a couple of days ago!

LoE's also gotten a bit of coverage from news websites. Our friends at Equestria Daily were kind enough to cover our servers going live and the release of our animated story trailer!

We were also featured on the MMO news websites and Massively Overpowered, thanks to TheHiveLeader's video!

And French gaming website Gamewave also covered the launch of our OAR!

One of the things we were most eager to see was screenshots of the game from the people enjoying it - and you didn't disappoint! We'd like to share a few of our favourites with you here!

Spot anypony you recognise? ;)

We were also blown away with some fanart we've received; for example, we were super impressed with this fanart of Pyrite from LunaEclipsa!

And this drawing from @MLP_SherbetPosy is just too adorable for words to describe!

That's all for now! We've still got a lot more work to do before LoE is anywhere near done, and we hope you'll all stick around to see what we've got in the works! Remember, you can help us improve the game: many of our teams are looking for more people to help us, and you can report any bugs you find in-game using the system explained here!

See you in Equestria!
General News / Hope you're having fun!
2017 Sep 13, 09:46:16

We hope you're all enjoying the first few days of Legends of Equestria's Open Access Release! If you haven't tried it already, you can grab the game from our downloads page!

Remember, this is still a work-in-progress project; this is far from the 'final' version of LoE, and we've got a lot more work to do before we reach a point like that, but we hope you're having fun with what we've made so far!

We're already working on a lot more stuff to add to the game, but right now our main focus is bug-fixing. You can help us with that: if you run into any glitches or issues, we'd appreciate you reporting them using the system explained here, so that we can make sure the right people on the team know what needs to be addressed!

If you have any screenshots of the game you want to show the team, feel free to share them here; we might even share our favourites with you all!

Thanks for your support so far, everypony!


Hey there, everypony!

We're super happy, excited, and proud to say that the servers are now open for Legends of Equestria's Open Access Release!

This is a moment five years in the making; Legends of Equestria is now available to play, permanently, for everyone! We've been working super hard all this time to bring the world of Equestria to life for you, and we really hope you enjoy this next stage of the journey with us.

If you haven't already grabbed the game files, they're available from our downloads page. Bear in mind that while the launcher version of LoE will update itself when we make changes, other versions will not; you'll have to re-download the game files if you find yourself having trouble logging in after we update something. We'll be releasing launchers for the MacOS and Linux versions for the game as soon as we can!

You'll need to unzip the downloaded files (through your OS using a program like WinZip, which you can find instructions on here), and then double-click the .exe file in there to start up the game! If you have any problems, please first try removing all LoE files from your computer & re-downloading them, as the download may have run into an issue, or we might've released an update you need to download from us directly!

If you get stuck in-game, try using the /stuck command; for a full list of commands, type /help in the in-game chat!

Our moderation team will be constantly monitoring the game, to ensure everypony's safety and comfort, and will be enforcing our rules. You can check them out here!

Please bear in mind that this isn't a finished product; the Open Access Release for Legends of Equestria is an ongoing work-in-progress. You'll likely encounter your share of bugs on your journey through Equestria, and we need you to let us know about them so that we can make the game better! You can read our bug report tutorial here.

There's a lot of progress still to be made until we can happily call Legends of Equestria a finished game; we'll be playing right alongside you during the OAR, but we'll also be hard at work to keep making everything better, and adding new stuff for you to enjoy.

On top of that, we just released a new animated story trailer that you can check out here:

Thanks so much for your support and love, everypony! See you in Equestria!

Hey there, everypony!

The downloads for our Open Access Release are now available from our website's downloads page, so you can grab your copy of the game files,and you'll be ready for when the servers open tomorrow (September 10) at 00:01 EST!

Click here to download Legends of Equestria's Open Access Release!

Please note: some browsers might not trust our downloads, and label them as potentially dangerous. As long as you're only getting them from our downloads page, they should be safe to run, but be careful that you don't download files claiming to be LoE from anywhere else; we can't guarantee that they're safe! If you have trouble downloading the files, try searching for instructions on how to unblock downloads with your internet browser.

In addition, your operating system or antivirus software might also think LoE files are a risk. You may have to tell it to let the program run; again, try searching online for instructions on how to do this, depending on your operating system/security software!

Legends of Equestria is designed for Windows, MacOS, and Linux computers. To check if your computer will be able to run LoE, take a look at the details on our FAQ page!

We can't thank you all enough for following and supporting us on this journey so far, but remember, the Open Access Release is just the first step we'll be taking together! There's a lot more to come, so we hope you're all ready to explore Equestria together with us!

See you tomorrow!

Hey, everypony!

We're just a couple of days away from our Open Access Release starting! We hope you're all as excited as we are to explore Equestria together!

Before Sunday rolls around, though, we just want to go over a few things with you regarding the OAR, so that everypony starts off on the right hoof!

The first thing we want to reiterate is that this is not the final release of Legends of Equestria. Think of the Open Access Release as a 'beta' release of LoE; we'll still be working hard on the game for a long time to come, but we're confident that what we have so far is enough for everypony to enjoy now, rather than have you wait any longer!

For the Open Access Release, our servers will be opening at 00:01 EST, Sunday 10 September. That's the earliest you'll be able to access and play the game!

We will, however, make the game files available to download 24 hours in advance. At 00:01 EST, Saturday 9 September, you will be able to download Legends of Equestria from our website's downloads page, where there will be separate versions for Windows, MacOS, and Linux computers. For more information on our system requirements, check out our FAQ page!

Be aware that, like all server-based games, there may be some difficulty serving all the requests that come in the moment the game becomes available. We've worked hard to try and mitigate the effect of all those simultaneous requests, but we can't guarantee that there won't be problems for the first couple of hours or so. If you'd rather wait a little while before trying to play, you should be able to avoid those issues!

Of course, since this is an Open Access Release, we don't expect everything to be flawless. We know that no matter how hard we - or our Limited Access Release players! - have tried, there'll always be a few bugs that sneak by. Luckily, we have a bug reporting system especially designed so that you can let us know about any problems you run into! You can find all the details of how to use Phabricator to tell us all about them here!

So, what's changed between our last public event, and the Open Access Release? Well, we've prepared a little changelog to let you know! This doesn't cover everything - there's some more stuff that's more back-end, and also some details that we hope you'll find out yourself - but it includes a lot of the stuff you're most likely to notice. Check it out here !

You might also notice a few things missing from the list there that we have previously talked about; most notably, the Ancient Athamanes dungeon. This is something we really worked hard on getting ready for the Open Access Release, and we're making good progress on it; however, the damage caused by the July cyberattack to both the game itself and also our schedules, has meant that we won't be able to have that dungeon in a playable state by Sunday. We're still working on it, though, and we anticipate it being ready to implement within the coming days and weeks!

In fact, we're working on a lot more stuff to be added to the game after the Open Access Release kicks off, and a lot of it is pretty close to completion. Here's a little taster of what we anticipate adding over the first couple of months:

  • Ancient Athamanes dungeon
  • More manes, tails, and customisation options
  • New area: Applewood
  • New quest arc
  • Crafting system
  • More Talent Mark options

This is by no means the only stuff we're working on, just the things we hope to have ready soonest. It's super hard to tell when any individual thing will be ready, due to the nature of the project, but rest assured that we're working hard on these things - and so much more! We've been working on Legends of Equestria for five years already, and we don't anticipate stopping any time soon, so hopefully there'll always be something to look forward to!

Thanks for reading all of this, everypony! We hope you're all looking forward to Sunday as much as we are!

Hi everyone!

Now that the Open Access Release is live, you'll need to know how to report a bug on our new system, Phabricator!  To report issues with, or make suggestions about, Legends of Equestria, please follow the steps below.

Step 1) Create an account on

Step 2) Depending on the issue you're reporting, click on one of these links:
For general game/server bugs & suggestions -
For quest bugs -

Step 3) Make a short title, a concise description of the bug or suggestion.

Step 4) In the description box, first fill out first what the bug/error or suggestion is, then fill out the steps you took that caused the bug, so we can repeat them to replicate it; and finally, include screenshots/pictures/video of the bug to help us find it.

Please make sure to submit each bug or suggestion on separate tickets. For example, if you encounter two quests that have issues, don't add them both to the same ticket; please submit two different reports, one for each quest. We assign individual tickets to team members based on their area of expertise, so this makes sure we don't get confused or overlook any problems!

If you report bugs anywhere else, we may ask you to submit them this way instead; this is the best way to keep everything recorded, so that the relevant team members will be able to check the bug list and work on fixing them in their own time.

Note: please do not send bug reports via email to a member of the team, to our social media accounts, or post them in response to this topic. All bug reports should be made through the system explained above, to make sure the right people on the team see them, and get to work fixing them!

Hope everypony's ready for a big ol' changelog!

  • Fixed multiple hats bug
  • Chatbox updated GUI
  • Chatbox is scrollable
  • Missing bridge in Evershade Seclude fixed
  • Installed Bramble Woods dungeon
  • Installed playground in Ponydale
  • Updated terrain and assets in the Heartlands (new river rocks, graveyard)
  • Added mobs: Corgi, Dalmatian, Roc, Birch Dryad, Naiad, Karkadann, Dryad King, Timberwolf King, Haetea, Apple Dryad, Living Bush, Yaba Baga, Bookwyrm, Centicore, Pegasus Rock Golem, Oni Pony, Training Dummy
  • New Manes and tails
  • Created Foal Stage
  • Water sounds for waterfalls and streams in various scenes
  • Various collision mesh fixes
  • Reorderable Attacks/Actions GUI
  • Floating tree fixes in Heartlands
  • Gryphons' Roost added
  • Gryphon NPCs added
  • Added pet turtle
  • New music added in several scenes (battle music, Heartlands night music, Cloudisseum, Ponydale, Evershade Castlegrounds, Weather Factory in Cloudopolis, Evershade seclude)
  • New items: Mountain flower, pencil, Top Hat, sunglasses, Fyre Flye armor, Moonlit Flame Armor
  • Some items now recolorable: Socks, Top Hat, Mountain flower
  • Moved several spawn and stuck points for better access
  • Potion bag slosh physics
  • Player model physics on ground and in water updated
  • Wind physics on Cantermore cliffs and bridge
  • Added guards to the Heartlands
  • Added lots of mobs to the Heartlands
  • Added lots of mobs to the Evershade

Quests added/modified:
  • Animal Care TM
  • Partying TM
  • Healing TM
  • Magic TM
  • Updated all three Tutorial Quests
  • Getting Down to Brass Tax
  • When It All Comes Together
  • Here He Goes Again
  • I Shouldn't Be Here
  • In My Own Little World
  • Justice's Blind Eye
  • Eye Sore
  • The Knead for Speed
  • Metamorphic Ventures
  • Mindless Violins Revised
  • It Belongs in a Museum
  • Pest Offense
  • Rehearsal Roundup
  • Ring Race
  • Rooftop Rumble
  • Safely Home
  • Script Error
  • Thirty Minutes or Less
  • Special Delivery
  • Storyline Quest #0
  • Handle with Care
  • Unbridled Fury
  • Going to the Dogs
  • This Way to Adventure
  • Can You Hear Me Now?

There's a whole bunch more little tweaks here and there, in the back-end of things, to hopefully improve performance and your experience!
We've been working non-stop to make sure the world of Equestria is wide and wonderful for you on September 10, when our Open Access Release begins; and to highlight that work, we've made a new trailer to show off some of our major locations!

Remember, Legends of Equestria is still in development, so these locations are by no means final, or the only ones you'll be able to enjoy during our Open Access period (and beyond, of course)!

This trailer was made using some of our higher graphical settings; for an idea of how the game may look on lower settings, check out our previous trailer:
With our Open Access Release starting September 10, we've created another trailer to highlight an important aspect of the game!

There'll be plenty to do and see in Equestria, but you won't be able to do it all alone! For some adventures, you'll need to work together with friends - the ones you already have, or the new ones you'll be able to make!

Please note, this trailer was produced using LoE's lower graphics settings. We want to ensure LoE is accessible to as many people as possible, even if they don't have access to high-end computer hardware. If you have the horsepower (pun intended) to run higher graphical quality settings, LoE might look pretty different; some better video settings were used for our previous trailer, here!
Hey again, everypony!

We're all hard at work getting everything ready for September 10, but while we're working we've managed to find the time to do a couple of interviews about Legends of Equestria!

The first one is actually a teenie bit old, but what with crunching on the game, and some... other events... it kinda just slipped through the cracks, so we're getting to it now!

Click below to watch a livestreamed interview with InvisiBrony of Equestria Amino; we cover a lot of detail in the hour or so of interview, so it's a good place to find out more from the people behind the project!

More recently, we did an interview with TwoCredits, a gaming news and review website; we discussed the development of the project, our vision for the game in the future, and the upcoming Open Access Release! You can read that here:

That's everything for now! We've got a lot more work to do, and plenty planned to show you over the coming weeks, so you should definitely keep an eye out for more! We can't wait to explore Equestria with all of you in September!
General News / The LoE Forum is Back!
2017 Aug 23, 15:57:06
Hey, everypony! It's been a little while, huh?

If you can cast your mind back all the way to July 5, you'll remember that we suffered a cyberattack that hit one of our databases. That attacker gained access to records like usernames, email addresses, and password hashes for all accounts registered with LoE - both team members, and the general public. Because of that attack, we had to immediately shut down the forum - and production on the game - until we were able to guarantee the safety of everyone.

We still believe that the attacker was focused on targeting our team members specifically, but that doesn't change that they would have had access to everyone else's details too. That's why we continue to advise you to change your password on any website or service that had the same password as your LoE account.

We've now finished this stage of updating our security systems; that's why the forum is back! We're still looking into what more we can do, but we're confident in the steps we've taken so far. Part of those steps we've taken will require you to set a new password for your LoE account if you have one, though. On the login page, you'll need to click "forgot your password?" and follow those steps to send an email to your registered email address which will allow you to set a new, stronger password.

Another step we've taken is to remove the chatbox from the forum. It was old and outdated, and served as a possible attack point against us. We don't want to leave you with nothing, though, so we've set up a Discord server as an improved replacement! It has the same features and more, is safer for everyone, and is a better way to communicate. You can join by clicking here (note that you'll need a Discord account!).

Taptalk is also disabled for the time being, but we have taken the opportunity to update our forum systems - including making it more mobile-friendly. Hopefully the forum will not only be safer, but also better to use!

Everything else - all the threads, posts, and account details - should be exactly where you left them; but if you notice anything missing, or any other issues, please let us know as soon as possible!

Because of the delay and damage caused by the attack, we've obviously missed our intended August 19 target for the LoE Open Access Release. Our new OAR date is September 10, and we're working extra hard to make sure we're able to include everything we wanted into that release.

Remember, in order to be able to play LoE on that date, you'll need to have a working forum account; that means that you will need to update your password if you have one already, or create one if you don't.

Once again, we apologise for the security breach, but we're confident that the steps we have taken will help to safeguard us from similar attempts in the future - and we still look forward to exploring the world of Equestria with all of you on September 10!

Expect more details about our Open Access Release to come over the next few weeks!

Hey again, everypony!

It's been a pretty big few days for us; we just announced our Open Access Release, starting September 10, 2017; that doesn't mean we can rest, though! We've still got a lot of work to do before we reach that day - and beyond.

We thought you all deserved a little more information about the Open Access Release (or OAR for short; aren't acronyms great?), so this post will hopefully give you all the details we can share right now!

First off, what do we mean by 'Open Access Release'? Well, put simply, we see this as the next logical step after our Limited Access Release (LAR), which kicked off in December 2016; since then, we've had our game servers permanently online, and available for a select group of players that we hand-picked to help us iron out all the bugs they could find, and provide feedback on the game. What we're basically going to do is open up access to the servers for everyone - so, as long as you have a computer that can run LoE, and an internet connection, you'll be able to make an account and play!

Speaking of being able to run LoE, our system requirements are fairly low; we're looking at 2GB of RAM, a 2GHz Dual-Core processor, a graphics card with 256mb VRAM and support for DirectX9.0c/OpenGL2.0, and around 3.5GB of storage space. Basically, if your computer was bought around 2010 or later, it shouldn't have a problem running the game. We're developing LoE for Windows (Vista or later), MacOS (10.9 'Mavericks' or later), and Linux computers, and will be releasing the game via the 'downloads' page of our website; other operating systems or platforms aren't currently being considered, but it's possible that in the future, it might be an option we look into.

These requirements are subject to change, though; it's important to remember that this isn't the 'final release' version of LoE. We still have an awful lot of stuff planned for the game; a boatload of new quests, zones, abilities, Talent Marks, characters, and more, is all planned. That's not to say that the September OAR version of the game will be empty; there'll still be plenty for everypony to do and enjoy - but we have so much more planned. We're calling this an 'Open Access' release for a very good reason; LoE isn't finished, but we're in a position where we've got enough ready that we're ready to make it available. Think along the lines of some of those 'early access' projects you might've seen in recent years, where the developer makes the game available while still actively working on it!

To give you a rough idea: we have three 'story arcs' planned for the main storyline of LoE. We're aiming to have the first arc implemented by September; that means we have all the material in mind for another two-thirds worth of game.

So, what will you be able to expect in September? Well, you'll be able to start off your life in Equestria as a filly or colt from one of the three pony races (Earth, Pegasus, or Unicorn), and learn how to experience the world we've built, alongside a rich and varied cast of main and supporting characters.

Through exploration and questing, you'll be able to acquire your Talent Mark, from six distinct branches of expertise: Animal Care, Healing, Partying, Magic, Combat, and Flying. You will be able to guide your character to adulthood (or stay as a foal, if you prefer!).

You'll then get to explore seven distinct 'zones' full of adventure and experiences. You'll be able to do all of this alone, or with friends - ones you started playing with, or ones that you make along the way - and form a Party or join a Herd with them to face numerous challenges together, such as Dungeons.

And everything you do, you will do it in a living online world, full of not only characters we've designed, with unique conversations, backstories, and tasks for you to complete - but also full of other players just like you, experiencing Equestria together. Our moderation team will be working hard to make sure it's a safe and enjoyable world for everyone, and we really hope you enjoy playing in it!

We can't thank you all enough for all the patience and support you've shown us over the 5 years we've been developing Legends of Equestria, and we can't wait to take this next step forward with you all. We plan to keep releasing more information on everything that'll be available in the OAR in September, so please keep an eye out over the next few weeks!

Hey there, everypony! We've got some big news to share with you today!

We've been working on Legends of Equestria for over five years now, trying to build the best world we can for you all to explore, socialise and adventure in, and most importantly, enjoy. It's been a long road, and an awful lot of work - but we're ready to take our next step.

In December 2016, we launched our Limited Access Release, granting full and permanent game access to a small number of players hand-picked to help us test the game, give us feedback, and weed out those pesky bugs. Their help has been massive to us, and they deserve thanks for every single report they made. But the next step forward for us is to take that Limited Access Release... and turn it into an Open Access Release!

What does that mean? Well, put simply, it means that the game will be fully available for everyone to play, permanently. The game launcher will be made available to download, the servers will be online, and the doors will be wide open to let every pony in!

An important thing to note, though, is that this will not be the end of development for Legends of Equestria. We still have a huge amount of stuff we want to include in the game, from zones to storylines, and we intend to keep working on the project for a long time to come! Think of this release in the same vein as other 'open access' projects, where a substantial amount of the game is available to play, but the team behind it is still working on loads of stuff to add!

We'll be able to discuss in a little while exactly what you can expect from our Open Access Release, but for now, here's a quick trailer for you, featuring the date that our Open Access Release will begin!

So, a quick recap: Legends of Equestria will be available to play, permanently and free for everyone, starting with our Open Access Release on August 19, 2017.

We're really proud of everyone who has contributed to this project, and that we've managed to reach this incredible milestone; as an entirely volunteer team, donating our time and energy for free, creating an MMO like this is a gargantuan task. We've still got a lot we want to do, though, so we thank you for your patience so far, and we hope to see you in Equestria soon!

It takes a lot of people with a whole bunch of diverse skills to build something as huge as the world of Equestria, and we're always on the lookout for talent in various teams - but one area we're particularly interested in at the moment is visual effects, for our VFX team!

What do we mean by that? Well, visual effects are the little things that really make the world of Equestria feel real. When a player or enemy uses an ability and you see it happen; when there's a little effect to accompany an event in the game; that's what the VFX team creates.

We're interested in hearing from anyone who has experience creating visual effects in Unity; for example, particle effects. If you also have experience working in a cartoonish style similar to the art style of LoE, then that's a major plus, but it isn't essential.

VFX Artists would be in charge of creating and implementing spritesheet elements to be used in all areas of the game; the little visual flairs that will really make the world of Equestria come to life.

If you're interested in game development, want to contribute to the project, or are simply looking for a hobby that will put your talents to use, then we want to hear from you! As a member of the VFX team, not only would you be helping to bring Legends of Equestria to life, but you'd also get training and support from long-time team members with years of experience. Oh, and you'd become part of a pretty cool group of friends from around the world!

If that sounds like the kind of thing you're interested in making, and you want to help us make the best horse game ever*, then please email [email protected] with links to examples of your work.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please remember, we do require that applicants be at least 16 years of age before joining the team. Legends of Equestria is a volunteer project, being developed by a large team of dedicated fans from around the world, giving their time, and energy, to bring an entire world together. Every member of every team is working purely out of passion for the project; this is not a paid position, and we cannot offer any financial incentive for your contributions. All we can guarantee is the warm fuzzy feeling from helping to create the world of Equestria, for all fans of ponies to enjoy.

And lots of socks.

*according to a poll of 107 LoE team members

Legends of SOCKquestria is now available to download!

The long-awaited sock-based sidescrolling pony game is finally here! That's right, the one and only Legends of SOCKquestria is ready for everyone to enjoy!

Well, everyone who can run a .exe file, anyway!

Click here to download your copy of Legends of SOCKquestria!

Once it's downloaded, you just need to unzip the executable using any program able to unpack .zip archives; for example, WinRAR. After that, Legends of SOCKquestria is yours to enjoy! Our team has worked very hard getting this ready for today, and I think you'll all agree that the effort has really paid off!

Please note: as usual, some web browsers, operating systems, and even antivirus systems may be sceptical of files from us; we're not really big enough for companies like that to recognise us! Just remember that so long as you're getting it directly from the link we provided, you'll know it's safe; it's the official download for Legends of SOCKquestria, after all! So, if you see a warning like that, but you still want to experience this amazing game, remember to mark it as safe!

Hey, everypony!

We hope you all had a great holiday, and are looking forward to 2017! We sure are; it'll mark 5 years since Legends of Equestria officially began development, and it's a great opportunity for us to look back at just how far we've come since then - and how much more we have to look forward to!

To kick off this year, we're super excited to announce our first convention appearance of 2017 at NYC Ponycon, January 27-29! Our team members Natfoth and SavanaPope will be present with a demonstration table for Legends of Equestria. Anyone who's interested in the LoE, in what we're currently doing with it and where we're going with it, or just in game development in general, this is a great opportunity for you! Whether you want to come and see how far we've come with the game, or just to have a chat with a couple of key team members, we'll be happy to see you!

We'll have plenty more to discuss and announce in the coming months, so stay tuned for more!

Hey again, everypony!

When we opened up applications for the Limited Access Release, we were stunned by the response. It was super difficult to go through all the submissions and narrow them down to the small pool of ponies we needed for this stage of testing - and we almost didn't make it... But here we are, on the other side of the gruelling task.

That can only mean one thing: our Limited Access Release players have been chosen!

Messages have been sent out to the accounts we've chosen to participate. Please check your emails to see if you've received one - and don't forget that pesky spam box! Alternatively, you could check the homepage of our forum; if you can see the LAR-exclusive board, then that means you're in! (It'd be better to check your emails though, I spent like twenty minutes writing out that message for you!)

Remember, as we've talked about before, this stage of the LAR is mainly a testing phase; this is mainly about getting a small number of players in to test the game on their systems, test how the game will run being always-online, and squash all the bugs we can find. Nopony should feel bad for not getting in, and there'll be plenty more opportunities to join in as the next few months roll out - not to mention that the full release of Legends of Equestria isn't all that far away!

So, congratulations to those who have been accepted; all the details you'll need are in the LAR forum section. Make sure you read them carefully, and be ready for things to kick off on the 12th!

And to everyone else, whether you missed out here or are waiting for the full release of LoE to enjoy the completed experience, we encourage you to keep an eye out! More information will be coming soon!

Thanks everypony, and I'll speak to you again soon!
Aaaaaand it's a wrap! We've now closed applications for this first stage of our Limited Access Release.

We'd like to thank everypony who's applied to help us test Legends of Equestria at this point; you've certainly given us plenty of reading material to get through!

So what's next? Well, we'll be reviewing all applicants over the next two weeks or so; after that, we'll contact the people we've chosen to participate in the LAR via the forum (and hopefully, connected email addresses!) to let them know, in advance of the LAR kicking off on December 12th!

If you missed out on applying at this stage, or decided not to apply, don't worry too much; this is just the first stage of LoE's release. As we explained before in our Limited Access Release explanation post, there'll be more opportunities in the future as we expand the scope of the 'limited' part, leading up to the full, open and public release version of Legends of Equestria in the coming months!
Applications for the Limited Access Release are now closed!

Hi again, everypony!

It's finally time! We're very happy to open up applications for the Limited Access Release of Legends of Equestria!

We've gone into detail about just what 'Limited Access Release' means, and you can find the full details here, but just a quick summary:

The Limited Access Release is designed as a 'staggered' release, allowing us to have the game online and playable permanently for a controlled number of players, at first, so that we can thoroughly test the game (as it is now, and with some of the big additions we have planned before the full release!), and hopefully get lots of high-quality feedback from the players. We call it 'staggered' because, as the next few weeks and months roll by, we plan to increase the limit of players, leading directly into a full release of the game once we're sure we've polished it up and made the best darned horse adventure possible!

Remember, at this stage we're looking for players who are going to be able to help us test the game and give great feedback; if you're more interested in playing and enjoying the game in a completed state, we'd recommend waiting until the full release!

The L.A.R. Application will be available until 21st November; that gives you all two weeks to get your details in! After that, we'll review all the applicants and give the selected players the details they'll need to play the game in time for the L.A.R. starting in December!

If you're not successful this time, don't worry; as this is a 'staggered' release, we'll be looking for more and more people at each stage - and the full release really isn't that far away, anyway!

We really appreciate the dedication and love everyone has shown us over the years of development, and we look forward to taking these last few steps with you to get the game going for everypony to enjoy permanently!

Good luck, everypony! We'll see you on the hype train!

[NOTE: This post is no longer updated! Please check here for our latest recruitment information!]

Hey again, everypony!

Our Open Access Release is well underway, and we're getting a lot of great feedback from all of you - feedback that we're working hard to implement into the game. We can't do all that work alone, though; that's why the Legends of Equestria team is hiring!

If you're interested in game development, passionate about ponies, or simply need a hobby that will put your talents to use, we'd like to hear from you! We have a pretty extensive list of teams with different roles and skills, so even if you're not super-technical but still want to help us out, there might be something for you here!

We are currently accepting applications for the following departments: Level Designers, VFX Artists, Systems Designers, Programmers, 3D Modellers, 2D Artists, and Moderators [last updated November 23rd, 2017]. All applicants must be at least 16 years of age, unless specified otherwise by the team's hiring message.

If you're interested, please find below a little bit of info from each team's leader on what they're looking for, and how to contact them! Good luck, and we hope to see you on the team soon!

(Note: if for any reason you don't hear back from the team you've applied to within a week, please contact [email protected] so we can work out what's gone wrong!)


>Level Designers

Level designers should have drawn work (hand or digital) of macro or micro scale level designs which factor in standard gaming conventions such as pathing, points of interest, mob spawns, elevation, framing, terrain features, quest potential, etc. Previous experience in a 3D engine (Unity, Unreal) is highly sought after. Map/level designers should expect to be trained in Unity to allow the implementation and editing of their designs. Please email [email protected] with examples of your work.

>VFX Artists

VFX artists will primarily be in charge of creating and implementing spritesheet animations to be used for various player abilities and ambient world effects. This role will require a blending of traditional toon styled art creation and design with technical implementation in Unity (Shuriken knowledge is a HUGE plus!). If you enjoy creating particle based effects to add an extra kick of visual stimulation, this position is for you! Please email [email protected] with links to examples of your work.

>Systems Designers

Systems designers should have the ability to form clear, concise, to-the-point written work which quickly and efficiently describes a complex system to programmers, writers, or other relevant team members. Applicants should be able to design the technical formulation behind conventional experience, leveling, crafting, and ability systems. knowledge of excel for tables, graphs, and formulas is a huge plus. Please email [email protected] with links to examples of your work.


We're currently looking for enthusiastic programmers to help build LoE. A minimum of basic experience programming in C# and Unity is required for any applications to be considered, and you should also provide samples of your previous work so we can see just how awesome you are. We aren't expecting you to be a professional developer (though we won't say no if you are!); so long as you can demonstrate your knowledge and willingness to learn, we want to hear from you! An obsession with tiny colourful horses is not required, but will be taken into consideration and may improve your chances. Due to the nature of the team, we're looking for reliable people that can be trusted to work semi-independently; if you think you can help us out, email [email protected]!

3D Modeling

To apply for the 3D team, please email [email protected] with links to examples of your skills. Any additional unrelated, high quality designs you have done helps too. Applicants must have working knowledge of 3D modeling and/or animating and be willing to learn, design critically, and give and take critique. It is preferred that applicants have a specialty in organic modeling, 3D animation and rigging, terraforming, or any combination thereof. Please include how much time you are able to devote to Legends of Equestria, as well as a list of programs that you use.

2D Art

To apply for the 2D team, please read the following requirements thoroughly, and then use the application form here:

- Understand the basics of color theory and principles of design
- Ability to mimic the art style of environments, buildings, characters, and items in Legends of Equestria
- Ability to create vector graphics
- Experience in Photoshop, GIMP, Krita, or other raster graphics software
- Experience in Illustrator, Inkscape, or other vector graphics software

Your portfolio should include:
- Three to five pieces of artwork that display good use of colour, an ability to mimic our existing art styles, and good design sense. This can include characters, items, environments, and architectural artwork.
- If possible, include any work involving textured models/texture sheets.
- Any additional works that you wish to include.

Art should be close to or of similar quality to the following works:
a.) Textures and textured models:

b.) Architecture and environments:

c.) Other works:

Please be sure to fill out the application form listed above.
Any further questions can be sent to [email protected]


Moderation is the team that keeps LoE safe. We make sure that our rules are followed, and that Equestria is a place that everyone can enjoy. We patrol the game world, the forum, and our Discord server, dealing with any issues that arise and answering questions where needed. If you think you can help us do that, we'd like to hear from you! We are currently looking for moderation team members who are able to speak, read, and understand any the following: English, Russian, Spanish, French, and/or German.

Down below is a small application form; please fill this out and email it to [email protected]. Your application will be reviewed and processed by our leadership, and we will respond back to the email if you are accepted into the next stage of hiring.  We look forward to reading your application!



  • Be over the age of 18 at the time of application.
  • Member in good standing in the Legends of Equestria community.
  • Not a leader of a guild/herd.
  • Be able to work as a team.
  • Be able to work alone.
  • Ability to remain calm and collected under pressure.
  • Ability to listen and understand issues from a neutral standpoint.
  • Ability to multi-task.
  • Ability to make and create reports.
  • Up to date on social awareness and other trends within the community and internet.
  • Ability to use Discord and be familiar with the commands and functions.
  • Speak, write, and understand English as it is the primary language of the team.
  • A love of corgis is not required, but will be extremely beneficial.

Application Form:

  • Forum Name:
  • Main in Game Character:
  • Age:
  • Discord Username:
  • Country:
  • Time Zone:
  • Availability:
  • Languages (Russian, English, etc.):
  • Moderation Experience:
  • Why should you be a moderator?:
  • Contact Email:
  • Additional Info:

Please attach any resume or other supporting documents for the application to the email as an attachment, should you feel the need to do so!

Please remember that Legends of Equestria is a volunteer project being developed by a team of dedicated fans from around the world. These are not paid positions, and we cannot offer any financial incentive for your contributions to the project. All we can guarantee is the warm fuzzy feeling from helping to bring an entire world of horses to life.

And lots of socks.
Hi, everypony!

It's been a little while since we announced that Legends of Equestria had progressed to the point that we were now looking at December this year for a 'limited access release'. At the time, we said we'd go into exactly what that 'limited release' would mean soon. Well, would you look at the time; it's Go-Into-That O'Clock! I'm going to give you all more details on what exactly we mean by 'limited Access release', and how you (yes, you!) can apply in the coming weeks. It's a lot, but please stick with me on it; there will be socks for those who do!

It takes a lot of time and effort to make a game on a scale like this, especially with an all-volunteer team - and we should know! For over five years, our dedicated development team has been working hard to get the game to the state it's at today, and we're still committed to improving the entire game going forward - but we can't do that alone. There are loads of things being worked on that just need more input, to make sure that the game will handle the number of players we've seen in the past without stuttering, and that every single one of them has the best experience possible.

It's with that in mind that we've planned out the 'limited access release' of Legends of Equestria. This first phase of release doesn't, however, mean that the game will be fully open and available to play for everyone, right from the start; we want to make sure that everything is built to cope before we throw the gates open and welcome the stampede with open hooves! It will mean us making the game available for permanent play, rather than having our occasional, weekend-long Open Server Events, for a smaller number of people to begin with.

What we're planning, then, is a staggered release. This means that, though the game will be online and available, only a limited number of players will be given access to begin with. The first phase of this will involve a small number of players, in the hundreds most likely, which will allow us to get a great pool of information, as well as test out our systems and (hopefully!) flatten all the bugs we can find. Then, the next 'phase' would introduce a larger number of players, to help us build on the first phase and test out more complicated features and systems.

That's why we've called this a 'limited access release'; a limited number of people will experience the game in what we'd consider an unfinished state, to help us work on the game more, improve the systems we've got in play, and of course have fun themselves! It should be noted, though, that this programme is primarily meant to improve Legends of Equestria's gameplay, find bugs, and generally prepare the world of Equestria for a larger, full release. This early access to LoE isn't meant for passively experiencing and enjoying the game (though we'd obviously hope that you do!); as an early experience player, we'd want as much information as possible about your experience of the game, so that the team can determine what needs to be changed or refined. This would generally mean things like submitting bug tickets, providing written recommendations, and generally pointing out what aspects of LoE's user experience you think could be improved!

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in - an early look at the permanent world of Equestria, with the goal of helping us making it the best it possibly can be - then great! You're the exact kind of person we're looking for. In the next couple of weeks, we'll be announcing that applications are open for the limited access release; this will be in the form of something like a questionnaire or survey that'll let us gather things like your system specifications, experience with similar early releases of games, and interest in improving the game. Based on that, we'll select a pool of players to be the first to experience Equestria in its permanent state, and help us get it ready for everyone else!

If you aren't selected at this early stage, there's no need to panic; as I said earlier, once we reach the goals of this first phase we'll be opening up access to more and more players in a staggered release over the coming weeks and months, leading into the full release of the game.

Phew, that was a lot of reading! Just to recap the important stuff (or for those of you who just want a TL;DR summary):

  • The 'limited access release' is a staggered system designed for widespread testing before the full availability of the game. During this phase of the game's release, we're interested mainly in getting feedback about features, getting in bug report tickets, etc.!
  • st]

    • As we progress with the final touches for the game, the access pool will get wider and wider, leading into the full open release of the game - so if you don't get in at this early stage, don't worry; there'll be plenty more opportunities!
    • st]

      • We will open applications for the limited access release in the next few weeks; keep an eye on our posts to see it when it's up!
      • st]

        • Thanks for reading this far down! As a reward, here's a super-exciting new thing we've just added to the game: colour-customisable socks. You're so welcome.
        • />

This is a super exciting moment for us; we've been building up the world of Equestria for years now, and we've finally reached the point where we're confident enough to keep the game online for players while we work on it. We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's helped us, supported us, and enjoyed what we've done so far. Nobody's more eager to get the game out and available to everyone than us, and with your help we can make sure that we make Equestria great for everypony.

Thanks for your time, everypony! Keep an eye out for the limited access release application over the next couple of weeks, and get ready to pony up and party on!

Hi everypony!

Our design-a-hairstlye contest has been super popular - and super hard to judge! We had so many brilliant entries that it may have took us a day longer than we promised to decide upon the winners... :3

But, decide we have! Many thanks to everyone who entered the contest, and our commiserations to anyone who didn't win - but for the 25 entries below, congratulations! Your design will be incorporated into Legends of Equestria, available in our character creator for all players to use, with credit given to you!


1.   Colourful_Era

2.   Camillacool

3.   GreenAdventure5908

4.   iiTabiMoonii

5.   Silver Bur

6.   Golden Harvest

7.   Odecom1

8.   Howitzer

9.   regina idrisova

10.   Samum

11.   LaserPewPew

12.   Genisay

13.   JuniperStone

14.   Misc.catfish

15.   PaintSwirl

16.   Owl_Feather

17.   Chammy

18.   Ikarooz

19.   allax akbar

20.   Solywack

21.   FoxBrush

22.   Diana.Star.Sparkle

23.    Modecom1

24.   Dandaru

25.   Northstar941

And remember - if this contest got your creative juices flowing, or you just want to do more to help out the team and make this project better - we're always looking for more talent to join us in creating the world of Equestria! Whether you're one of the talented artists who entered our contest, or more geared towards programming, we'd love to hear from you. You can see our full list of current positions here:

That's all for now! Congratulations again to our winners!

Hey everypony!

December's drifting closer every day, and with it comes the initial release of Legends of Equestria - but that doesn't mean we're done just yet! We've still got a lot of work to do, to make sure the world of Equestria is as exciting and magical as we want it to be for you!

To that end, we're currently looking to hire more 2D artists to help us reach our goal of having the prettiest horse world imaginable! We're specifically interested in texture artists, to bring our 3D models to life!

If that sounds like something you're already good at, or even something that you'd like to try, then we'd love to hear from you! Below are the requirements for your application to be considered by the 2D Art team, and examples of what we're looking for.

Hope to see you on the team soon!


To apply for the 2D team, please email [email protected] with a link to an online portfolio containing examples of your work.

Your portfolio should include:

- One or more textured models and texture sheets that you have created, AND/OR your best environmental or architectural artwork.
- 3-5 Pieces of additional artwork that display good use of colour, an ability to mimic the existing art style of Legends of Equestria, and good design sense.
- Any additional works that you wish to include.

Art should be close, to or of similar quality to, the following texture works:

The 2D team lead would like to see plenty of examples of environmental art or textured 3D art, moreso than 2D character work or fan art. Applicants must understand the basics of color theory, and be able to create vector graphics. Please state how much time you are able to devote to Legends of Equestria, and remember that you will be expected to complete at least one texture per week. Access to programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Flash is not necessary but would be very beneficial.

Please note that all applicants must be at least 16 years of age. This is an entirely volunteer-run project that is driven by our passion and love for the community; as such, there's no financial incentive for your work - just the experience of working on the game, and the warm fuzzies for making something like this!
[N.B. This contest has ended! You can view the winning entries here:]

Legends of Equestria's initial December release is right around the corner! We're super hard at work polishing everything for you all to enjoy - but we've left a little room for you to have some fun and help us out, too!

We've decided to hold a competition for you to add your own little flair to the game, and have a chance at being credited as part of the Legends of Equestria project! All you have to do is share your ideas for mane and tail styles for all player characters to use - If you've got a super cool original idea for a hairstyle, we want to see it!

We've provided you with some templates below on which to base your design; all you have to do is create the perfect style, and submit it back to us in the forum thread as a response to this post! We'll then select twenty-five winning entries and incorporate them into the character creator for the game - for you, and for everyone else who plays!

The full details for the contest are listed below, but the important thing is to have fun with your designs! The contest will run from now until 10th September 2016, and we will announce the winners on 17th September 2016.

And just to reassure you - we aren't expecting you all to submit perfectly modeled masterpieces! As long as we can tell how it's meant to look, you'll have a shot at winning; so get creative, and have fun doing it, no matter what your skill level!

We're looking forward to seeing all your ideas! Good luck!


  • Use the templates provided below as the basis for your design

  • Unisex styles and matching facial hair are strongly encouraged, but ultimately it's your creation!

  • Each submission should include (at least) both a mane and tail style

  • LoE's character creation engine supports up to three different colours in a pony's mane and tail, so feel free to include multiple colours!

  • Fully rendered designs aren't necessary, but designs should clearly indicate different colour regions where applicable

  • One entry per person, submitted as a post to this forum thread; you can post multiple designs in this thread, but please clearly label your final submission!

  • Twenty-five winners will be chosen by the team leaders of Legends of Equestria's Concept Art and 3D Modeling teams




This contest is open to anyone, regardless of age, technical abilities, or geographical location. By submitting, you (the artist) grant the Legends of Equestria project a nonexclusive worldwide license to use, modify, and distribute your design in both the game itself and in promotional content, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareALike license (, as per which you will receive attribution in the game itself; this does not affect your own rights to the design. Submissions will be judged by team leaders from our Concept Art and 3D Modeling teams, and their decisions are final. All submissions are made with the understanding that winning designs will be incorporated into the project; there will be no other substantive reward or prize for entrants or winners. Any accepted entries may be edited or redesigned to meet the technical requirements of the project, and may differ between submission and integration into the game. Submitted designs should not violate, or incorporate elements of, any copyrighted third-party material, and should not contain any inflammatory, derogatory, or materials otherwise unsuitable for the tone of the project. The team reserves the right to disqualify any entries we receive, for example if they contradict the rules outlined above, or for any other reasons/issues which may arise later. By submitting a design, you indicate your agreement to all aforementioned rules.
General News / The Servers are now Closed!
2016 Aug 01, 00:01:24

Hi, everypony!

Our July Open Server Event is drawing to an end, and the servers are now once again offline. We from the Legends of Equestria team hope you enjoyed your weekend in Equestria, and can't wait to hear about all the fun you had - we know we did!

Have any pictures, videos, or stories from the Open Server? Why not share them with us on our , our , or our ? We love hearing your feedback, as it helps us to improve and make Legends of Equestria even better!

Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned in to our website for more Legends of Equestria news and announcements. See you next time!
Hi, everypony!

The Legends of Equestria servers are now open for the Open Server Event! Well, what are you still doing reading this?! Get in there and play!

The Legends of Equestria servers are now closed. We hope you enjoyed your weekend in Equestria as much as we enjoyed hosting it!
Hello Everypony!

The Open Server Event is almost upon us! Servers open up at 12:01 AM EST on Friday July 29th. We hope you're as excited as we are! To get you ready for the Open Server Event, here are the download links for the game client. Go ahead and pick the download that corresponds to your machine's operating system and you'll be set to enter Equestria first thing tomorrow! Just know that the game won't let you log in until our game servers open up. Got that? Okay!

Windows Game Launcher


Direct Downloads

Please Note: Your browser might inform you that the file is malicious! Don't worry though, it's still safe!

How to unblock a download on Chrome
If you are using Google Chrome, it may try to block the download because Google Chrome is silly. To skip the filter, hit Ctrl-J to open your downloads window and click "Recover Malicious File"


Take note that with each Open Server event, we enable new fixes and features. Therefore, we have to wipe game data on our servers with each update. Character data and items collected from previous Open Server events will NOT carry over.

Thanks again for all your support everyone! Next stop, Equestria!

Windows direct download. Only use this if the launcher does not work.


For those having issues on OSX 10.10+ try this

Code Select
unzip LOE*.zip
I had to open terminal

then goto  downloads : cd downloads
then go inside : cd
then go inside Contents: cd Contents
then chmod MacOS: cd MacOS
then finally
chmod -R 755 LoE

and the Loe.App is runnable now!

General News / Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 10, 21:25:12
Hi, everypony!

In October of 2015 we announced that Legends of Equestria was entering alpha, and since that time our dedicated team has been working extremely hard to bring our vision of Equestria to you. It's been a long road, and you've been nothing but patient and supportive of us, so it is with our extreme pleasure that this year at BronyCon, we made an exciting announcement:

This December, Legends of Equestria will begin opening its servers starting with a limited access release!

What does that mean? Well, allow us to explain! In the coming weeks, we will be opening applications to the public to join us this December in playing Legends of Equestria. But not just for a weekend - when you enter Equestria this December it will be for good!

I hope you're as excited as we are about this announcement, so excited in fact that we're celebrating with one more Open Server Event! Join us Friday, July 29th to Sunday, July 31st and help us to commemorate this awesome milestone by having one more Sugarcane Corner party before we open our doors for good!

Stay tuned in for more information on how to apply to the Limited Access Release, as well as the upcoming Open Server Event. These are exciting times and we can't wait to share them with all of you!

Hello, everypony!

We're going to BronyCon! If you want to hear the latest news about Legends of Equestria, learn a little about the design process of a MMORPG, or just want to meet some of the people behind the ponies, here's your chance!

The Legends of Equestria panel will be located in the Hall of the Planets at 11:30 am on Sunday, July 10th, 2016. We're really excited about the progress we've wade, and are eager to meet you and answer your questions!

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more Legends of Equestria news, but until then we hope to see you at BronyCon!

Hello again, everypony!

Legends of Equestria is seeking Designers! Our open positions run the full spectrum of game design, and include projects for people who enjoy the mechanics which drive gameplay and the visuals that build lasting impressions. We are currently accepting applications for the following positions:

Level Designers will be responsible for designing areas of the world. Design considerations include mob placement, points of interest, compositional awareness, quest interactions, and other common aspects of level design. Background experience in Unity is a major plus, and potential new members should expect to be trained and learn Unity.

VFX Artists will be responsible for creating and implementing particle effects for various abilities and ambient world effects. This position blends conceptual work to develop the look and feel of an effect with technical implementation in Unity.

Systems Designers are charged with the development of backend game mechanics and systems. Excel sheets for data tracking and computation, diagramming, and a deep understanding of what makes games enjoyable are all important aspects of the Systems Designer's role.

If you're passionate about game design and are looking for an opportunity to expand your game development skills, we'd love to have you on the team! Please e-mail examples of relevant work as well as a short paragraph telling us a little about yourself and why you're interested in joining the Legends of Equestria team to [email protected]
Hello there ponies and balongas!

Legends of Equestria is looking for Human Resources specialists to be the glue of our game development process and help keep operations running smoothly and cleanly! If you are interested in becoming a part of our team and have skills in note-taking and maintaining updates, organization and databasing, and good communication skills all around, please fill out the application provided below and email it to [email protected].


Spoiler: Application • show

What do we refer to you as? Both in terms of pronouns and proper nouns.

Why are you applying for this position? What about Legends of Equestria, and, more importantly, about Human Resources specifically, has piqued your interest?

What skills do you bring to the table? Are you better at working with other people (listening to complaints, making sure everyone is heard, mediating disputes), or more of an organizational person (creating/filling out spreadsheets, proposal documents, task lists or progress reports)?

When are you most available, and how available are you? If you have any other major commitments (work, school, double life as a spy), let us know ahead of time, please (note that having other commitments will not seriously deter your viability as a LoE team member, we simply want to be able to work with your schedule).

Relevant experience:
Any positions you have held, or opportunities you have had to develop skills necessary for human resources.Human Resources positions in other companies/organizations are obviously good, but any sort of management, organizational or mediation skills or experience may be helpful to the team!

Other Information:
Anything else that we haven't listed here that you think might be helpful to the team or the hiring process? Let us know!

Please note, for legal reasons, all current LoE applicants need to be over the age of 18.
Hello, everypony!

Legends of Equestria is once again recruiting writers and editors! We have five open positions (three writing and two editing), and will be accepting applications until May 16th, 2016. If you are passionate about writing, interested in game development, or just want to help us drive LoE forward, please send a family-friendly, original writing sample of no more than 2,000 words to [email protected].

UPDATE:  We are now closed for writing and editing applications.  Thanks to everyone who sent in submissions!  We will be reviewing them this week, and will contact the finalists on the 20th.  Due to the amount of submissions received, will will not be able to give feedback to those who were not chosen, but we hope you keep trying, and wish you the best of luck!

And if you still really want to help Legends of Equestria, feel free to take a look at our . We're constantly looking for fresh talent in these areas to help make Legends of Equestria the best it can be.

Thanks so much, everypony, for your interest in helping Legends of Equestria!
General News / The Servers are now Closed!
2016 Jan 17, 23:00:50

Hello, everypony!

The Open Server Party has finished, and the servers are now closed. We want to thank PonyvilleFM and Equestria Daily for celebrating their anniversaries with us and, of course, we want to thank all of you for making this weekend so special!

If you have any feedback on the game, such as things that can be fixed or suggestions for new content, please feel free to send it to us at [email protected]

Have any moments you'd like to share with us? Post them on our forum, or send them to our , our , or our , we'd love to hear from you!

From everyone here at Legends of Equestria: thanks for playing, and we'll see you next time!
Hey, everypony!

It's finally time - the servers are open! Let the Open Server Party begin!

What's all the hullaballoo about, you ask? Well, in honor of PonyvilleFM and Equestria Daily celebrating their 5th anniversaries, we're throwing them a party! Our servers will be open from now until 11 PM EST January 17th, and you can download the latest client <a href="">here</a>;.

For more details, check out the original announcement post <a href="">here</a>;!

Now, what are you waiting for? Equestria is waiting!
Hello, everybody!

It's almost here! The Open Server Party starts at 9:00 AM EST, January 16th, 2016 (see the timer at the bottom of this post) and to make sure you can experience as much of the party as possible, here are the download links for the game client! Make sure to pick the right download for your operating system, but remember that you won't be able to log into the game until the servers are open, okay? Awesome!

Direct Downloads

We've had some changes to our Windows launcher, so even if you downloaded during the last Open Server Event, you'll need to download it again.

Downloads are no longer available, see you next time!

If you're not on a Windows device, or prefer a direct download, we've got you covered!

Downloads are no longer available, see you next time!

Please Note: Your browser might inform you that the file is malicious! Don't worry though, it's still safe!

How to unblock a download on Chrome
If you are using Google Chrome, it may try to block the download because Google Chrome is silly. To skip the filter, hit Ctrl-J to open your downloads window and click "Recover Malicious File"


Remember, like our other Open Server Events, character data and items collected in previous events won't carry over to the Open Server Party, and likewise they won't carry over from this event.

That's it, thanks again for all of your support, and we'll see you this weekend in Equestria!

Hey, everybody!

I hope everyone's having a fantastic 2016 so far! We here at Legends of Equestria have been working diligently, squashing bugs and making everything nice and pretty for this weekend. That's right, we're only a few days away from our Open Server Party!

If you're just joining us, here's a recap: our friends from PonyvilleFM are celebrating their 5th anniversary, so we decided to throw them a party! But what's a party without guests? We invited our friends from Equestria Daily who are also celebrating their 5th anniversary and, of course, all of you! So, starting at 9:00 AM EST January 16th, and running until 11:00 PM EST January 17th. Remember, we're holding a party here, not a test - so let loose, have fun, and enjoy!

The link to download the latest version of the client will be available at 12:00 PM EST on January 15th. Make sure you download only the official client from our website!

Can't handle the wait? We've got you covered. Check out our latest to discover the latest changes to the weird, wild, wacky, and wonderful world of Equestria, head on over to PonyvilleFM and get the hype train rolling with only the best in pony music, or check out some articles at one of the fandom's oldest news sites, Equestria Daily!

Well, that's everything. Time to get back to work, there's still plenty to do to make sure everything is absolutely perfect. So, on behalf of PonyvilleFM, Equestria Daily, and Legends of Equestria - have a great week, and we'll see you at the party!

Everypony ready for another changelog!

  • Added: 15 new spells

  • Added: The Pony Avatar now appears in the Skill Bar

  • Added: Spells Now display their Cooldowns

  • Added: New Fainting System - You must now accept when to respawn

  • Added: Loot can only be seen by the player it is for. If multiple players attack a monster, then all players will receive their own loot chest

  • Added: You can now see what you or your party members have looted

  • Added: Monsters can now speak

  • Added: Enemy Ponies can speak

  • Added: Combat Music now plays in proximity to danger

  • Added: Level Up Music

  • Added: The Tension System (Spell can either anger or soothe a monster)

  • Added: New monster detection system. Monsters can now only see in front of them and hear you if you are trotting. You can now sneak up on monsters.

  • Fixed: Can no longer target a dead monster

  • Fixed: Spells are more accurate

  • Fixed: Flying now uses a small amount of energy

  • Added: The Book has been added.

  • Added: New friend system

  • Added: New skill progression system

  • Added: New journal system (Not all Quests will show up in the journal yet)

  • Added: New Sugar Cane Corner Interior

  • Added: Crystal Kingdom Fair

  • Added: Crystal Kingdom Night Music

  • Added: Crystal Kingdom Castle exterior lights

  • Added: New Heartland additions

  • Added: Better Night Lighting

  • Added: New Night Skies

  • Fixed: Can once again jump and teleport on the Cantermore grass

  • Fixed: Fixed holes in the Heartlands Terrain

  • Fixed: Fixed holes in the Cantermore Terrain

  • Fixed: Fixed Floating Objects in The Heartlands

  • Fixed: Fixed Floating Objects in Ponydale

  • Fixed: Fixed Floating Objects in Cantermore

  • Fixed: Various issues in the Evershade Forest

  • Fixed: Various issues in the Crystal Kingdom

  • Added: The quest "Rhyme of the Ancient Aviator" to Cloudopolis

  • Added: The quest "Please, Mr. Postpony" to Cloudopolis

  • Added: The quest "The Straight and Narrow" to The Heartlands

  • Fixed: "Mindless Violins" quest can no longer be repeated for multiple rewards

  • Fixed:"Dust and Bunnies" quest can no longer be repeated for multiple rewards

  • Fixed: "Klondike Hikes" quest can no longer be repeated for multiple rewards

  • Fixed: The pickaxe in the quest "Klondike Hikes" can now only be seen by the player doing the quest

  • Fixed: "Removing Cookies and Browsing Data"

  • Fixed: "Fission Mailed"

  • Fixed: "A Four Star Restaurant"

  • Fixed: "Foal Speed Ahead"

  • Fixed: "Foal Time Student"

  • Fixed: "Foal Life Consequences"

  • Added: New Movement System with strafing support

  • Added: Up / Down arrow will cycle through messages on the chatbox (When Selected)

  • Fixed: Chatbox bugs

  • Fixed: Chatbox no longer appears behind the equipment screen

  • Fixed: The weird shadow square box that would appear under the player pony


Hello, everypony!

The holiday season is coming to a close, and 2015 won't be far behind. It's been a huge year for Legends of Equestria: we went to conventions, hosted our biggest open server events ever, successfully pulled off our 24-hour stream, and - to top it all off - we went alpha!

But it hasn't just been a big year for us. Did you know that our friends over at Equestria Daily and PonyvilleFM are both celebrating their anniversaries this coming January? So, we got to thinking, what do you do when a whole bunch of really cool stuff happens at the same time?

Why, you throw a party, of course!

On January 16th and 17th we'll be opening up our servers once again for our year end holiversary extravaganza! Unlike our previous Open Server Events, this isn't to test out new material or stress test the servers, this is just for fun!

Check back on January 15th for the download link, which will be available at 12:00 PM EST. We'll be kicking things off at 9:00 AM EST January 16th, and finishing up at 11:00 PM EST January 17th. Make sure you download only the official client from our website, and we'll see you in Equestria this January!