fav royal member

Started by Vertigo,, 2012 Oct 27, 22:56:47

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What royal member do you like best?

25 (39.7%)
10 (15.9%)
9 (14.3%)
Prince Blueblood
1 (1.6%)
3 (4.8%)
Shineing Armor
9 (14.3%)
6 (9.5%)

Total Members Voted: 36

Voting closed: 2013 Feb 04, 21:56:47

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I pick ______ (its a secret) (shining armor is now a prince  ovO)
Spoiler: show
should i add king somber?

Midnight Breeze

Luna times a thousand.

Also, you should change it to a single option poll.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2012 Oct 27, 23:22:48
Luna times a thousand.

Also, you should change it to a single option poll.

I have lots of fave's

Stitchin Time

2012 Oct 28, 01:18:18 #3 Last Edit: 2012 Oct 28, 08:43:19 by McSleuthburger
Picked all but Prince Blueblood.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: Stitchin Time on 2012 Oct 28, 01:18:18
Picked all but Prince Blueblood.
you've been mcsleuthed o.O
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Quote from: Stitchin Time on 2012 Oct 28, 01:18:18
Picked all but Prince Blueblood.

Picked all but no one but Luna.

Book Smarts

Cadence, she's pretty carefree even though she's royalty

Lord of Madness

Untill there is one compleatley insane I SHALL WAIT : O


Join the changeling herd, or she'll devour your love!


I'm not sure if I like Luna a whole lot anymore
Spoiler: show
in a spoiler she ordered twilight no comefert. And she walked by twilight without a very little hello. And looked not to lose and mabey made twilight feel slightly worse

Stitchin Time

Oh... hey... Twilight is best royalty. ovO

Book Smarts

Quote from: Stitchin Time on 2012 Nov 02, 17:10:23
Oh... hey... Twilight is best royalty. ovO

Because she's technically part of the royal family after season 2  X3


Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Nov 02, 18:27:30
Quote from: Stitchin Time on 2012 Nov 02, 17:10:23
Oh... hey... Twilight is best royalty. ovO

Because she's technically part of the royal family after season 2  X3

okie dokie lokie  ovO


I like celestia the most


Luna Is The best Royal Pony ever!

studying is learning
teach is a ability
Crystal Is Style


I feel bad for celestia.


Hehe I honestly choose Luna. Trust me it'll be even soon, I think! ovO
They are eating her, and then they are going to eat me! OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD

Princess DarkNight


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