Legends of Equestria appearing on Pwnies for a Cause!

Started by Ellowee, 2013 Dec 20, 12:59:14

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Hello everyone! Today I would like to tell you about an amazing event our friends at BlueScreenBronies, Omnigamer, and Gaming Colts are putting on. We will be featured on the stream tomorrow in an interview and showing off the game, Saturday the 21st of December at 3pm EST! I hope you all can make it!

Here is more information about the fantastic event from BlueScreenBronies' tumblr:

Attention Gamers, Bronies, & Brony Gamers!

Our show, "Bluescreen Bronies" is hosting our second annual charity drive, this year's charity is "Child's Play" with a goal of $3000! To accomplish this we will be streaming live 48 hours of gaming, interviews, and musical guests beginning Friday, December 20 9PM EST continuing through Sunday, December 22 9PM EST. This time we'll have help from the Gaming Colts (http://www.thegamingcolts.com/) and Omnigamer (http://www.omnigamer.com/)! Guests like Anneli Heed, Josefina Hylen, Laura Shigihara, Chris "Kirbopher" Niosi & the TOME Cast, Amy Keating Rodgers, and more will be joining us as well as some great bronies and independent studios, such as Starlight Studios and Legends of Equestria. There just so many wonderful people that are attending, we would like to extend our thanks to them. In addition, there will be scheduled prize giveaways at both random and regular interval which include, but are not limited to, SteamCash, video games, random prize packs, and more!

The full schedule is located here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvQ8FZebKH2idGowenFxNWtFVTZCU2g1YlF2V3RCSkE&usp=sharing

Guest List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvQ8FZebKH2idERHU2tnZG1mWEo3QmkwZzZud2RyMkE&usp=sharing

Prize List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvQ8FZebKH2idGxpb3oteFJVUkFTWkU3Q3o4ZmxPS3c&usp=sharing

Come join us for an exciting 48 hour stream that will not only entertain you, but torture Draco for Charity! That's right Draco will be playing Superman 64 for a full hour, willingly! He's crazy about this cause people so help him by donating as much as possible!

Stream will be located at: http://livestre.am/2ejYp and starts at 9pm EST Friday! If you have any questions or wish to donate to the cause email us at [email protected]

May the Season's Warmth be with you all!

Bluescreen Bronies, GamingColts, OmniGamer

As seen here: http://bluescreenbronies.tumblr.com/post/70463336671/attention-gamers-bronies-brony-gamers

Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope to see you there!

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