Ponies on Earth (Jump in)

Started by Teal Turken, 2013 Nov 15, 01:00:13

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The police follow Moonlight to where she ran before picking her up and carrying her back to the car "what the heck is this thing anyways" one of the asks "no idea"

Flame wakes up the next morning hm I wonder am I the only pony here? he mutters getting out of bed
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


moonlights wings and head seem to twitch ocassionaly

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


"You think it's gonna wake up" one asks "probably not these tranqs are pretty strong"
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((can we get this scene over with))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


The mare sat on the crunching dirt, her heart soaring. Dannie wanted him to come back, tell her more! Why did he act so rude when the upright's dam told him they were bringing her home. Was it for cover up? Her curiosity began to overfill, and she tugged at the leathery rope. It scratched against her neck and caused her to draw blood, but she ignored it.

She finally got it off with a red fade around the ring, and it began to stain her scarf. Dannie perked her ears and listened for the colt in the darkness, since the orange pearl sky turned into a dark black ocean. She approached the door and put a hoof on it, then hit it. The door made a loud WONG noise, and vibrated. The mare cringed and saw a small black lever. She jumped up and grabbed the metal grip in her teeth, and pulled down. The door opened and a warm smell overwhelmed her.

Dannie trotted into the cottage, her hooves clicking on the tile floors. She stopped and perked her auds, listening for any stirring in the family's activity. The cottage was silent. She continued on and looked around the small house, looking for the colt. No pony was downstairs and the mare tried upstairs, which she searched for the set of spiraling tiles. She sauntered up the stairs and entered a narrow hallway. She felt engulfed at the narrow strip of house, and seemed to choke for air.

She trotted out of the hallway and heard a array of loud snores. Dannie approached one room, that had a pink door and a splash of pink flower décor stickers. The mare guessed this wasn't his room. . . and she approached a deep maple door. In a strange language; letters read; ""CARTER" In curiosity, the mare pushed his door open, and it creaked.

Dannie stepped in and saw a silhouetted body against a pale light, where bright candy colored bodies bounced and talked. The mare crept up and got closer to the bright box, then leapt onto his bed. He didn't stir from the sitting position and watched the bright screen, the audio only barely loud enough to hear. She crawled next to him and plopped down, watching with him. He didn't seem to know until she asked;

"What is this?"

The colt jumped and looked over, seeing it was only Dannie and exhaled. "My little pony. . ." he murmured, as though riddled with fear to let her know about his love for brightly colored ponies. "Oh. I wanted to ask. . . why do you like me? What was your dream about? If you want me to stay forever. . . I don't think I can. I have friends back home, and things to do."the mare snorted, and looked him deep into his hazel eyes.

"Well, I like this show because. . . I don't know. It's cute!" he said, "Being only 13 and liking the show is a bit embarrassing, to say. . . I feel different, but I'll stay liking it. The dream was I wanted a pony, a my little pony, so I could have something to do!" He finished, but paused and left one question unanswered. He blushed and shook his head. Dannie understood. . . another time she'd ask him.

The mare felt riddled with fatigue and yawned. She put her head on her hooves and closed her eyes. Carter smiled and pat her head, before turning off his light-box and snuggling into bed, drifting off into a deep slumber.

Ok. . . *Sigh* Alright.


[glow=red,2,300]y-you know that pony Aru?[/glow] Ami asks [glow=yellow,2,300]yes he was a close friend in my old world[/glow] Aru responded [glow=red,2,300]hmm ok so maybe we could try to find him[/glow]
ay i'm no longer using this site


that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


//I'm just going to say this now I will post when I post if it takes me sometime it either means I am busy or at school okay good :l

as they arrive at the station the cops put Moonlight in a cell not knowing about her magic
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


moonlight slowly woke up and looked around the cell with an angry expression these creatures could have atleast gave me a more comforting and comfortable place to stay in not in some kind of mental hospital thingy.

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


[glow=red,2,300]aru meet me in the back yard and we can head out[/glow] aru nodded and flew out ami went downstairs with a backpack filled with supplys
ay i'm no longer using this site


"What are you up to Ami" her mother asks who had been watching something downstairs

it was obvious she was in a  very secured area
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


heh secured area she said at the sign she sees more like secured areas not for alicorns she tries to blast the door open ((you choose if she succeds or not))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


[glow=red,2,300]just heading to a friends house[/glow]
ay i'm no longer using this site


[ Won't be able to be on as much. I may cancel from the RP, but I dunno.

So, I won't post for a while. ]

Ok. . . *Sigh* Alright.


(No problem Apple, we will... wait for you ovO)


The blast blows the door off and guards are waiting for her outside "don't move!"

Flame leaves a letter on his door as he heads out walking back towards the woods seeing the town I can't be the only one here
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


ignoring what they said she teleported behide them and started running towards the exit hah you go to the exit?.

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


Ami walks out the back door and meets up with Aru [glow=red,2,300]shall we get going?[/glow] Ami says Aru nods and they head out
ay i'm no longer using this site


one of the guards tries to get her with another dart
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


moonlight started to run in  a zig zag pattern and started hopping making it hard to aim

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

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