Ponies on Earth (Jump in)

Started by Teal Turken, 2013 Nov 15, 01:00:13

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aru sat in ami's closet [glow=yellow,2,300]*sigh* a princess taking orders from a teenager what has become of me[/glow]
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"okay why is something wrong?" she asks Ami before turning on the TV downstairs "Oh my God" she says as she watches
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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( Yagdra jumps off the 4º wall and says: Welcome to REAL life "highness"!)


Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Nov 17, 19:49:48
"okay why is something wrong?" she asks Ami before turning on the TV downstairs "Oh my God" she says as she watches
[glow=red,2,300]i know i saw it on my tv and was surprised perhaps its from an alternate universe[/glow]
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now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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[glow=red,2,300]i hope she doesn't hurt Aru[/glow] Ami whispered to herself
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The light seeped through the cave's opening as Dannie was just getting up.
The mare yawned and crawled out of her small sleeping space, and stretched.
She perked her ears at the sound of laughing, and eating. The Pretzel smell was strong and hung in the air.
She smelled other foods, but couldn't put her hoof on the smell. She trotted along the hill from yesterday, avoiding the sharp rocks again, and made her way towards the shrill laughter.

Dannie gave a smirk and rounded a striped tent, seeing upright foals of all sizes!
They laughed, playing with sparkling sticks and hugged plush animals. The purple mare walked towards them, the gravel under her hooves crunching. A young foal stopped playing. The foal turned and laughed, they were young. The upright foal stumbled over, and fell on Dannie's leg. The mare let her ears fall against her head. They were cute!

Her fur warmed in a ripple with affection of the foal, and she smiled. The foal suddenly hit her leg, and stumbled around, laughing as they pulled at her fur, ringing their fingers in her purple coat. Dannie clenched her teeth, squinting as they grabbed her tail and yanked. The mare snorted and turned around. The upright foal stared at her in confusion. She lightly pushed them, away, with little force, but enough to get them away from her!

The child stumbled under their weight, and began to cry loudly. Their sobs were aggravating and obnoxious. A loud upright voice shouted and the mare turned to see a large Upright mare squint down at Dannie. They picked up their child and bounded them in their arms.

"It's alright! Shh. . . We'll bring the pony home!" the Upright mare said, comforting their child. The upright grabbed at Dannie's scarf, and tugged her along. The mare decided to go with it as they approached a metal beast.

"Uh, Ma. . . what is THAT?" an upright colt called.
The mother told them it was a pony they were taking home, and the colt rolled his eyes.
Dannie had to climb in the back of the beast as the 3 uprights entered it's mouth. The beast thrummed with it's roar and sped off, approaching the upright's cottage.

After quite a long time, the beast's noise began to fade. The mare perked her ears, seeing they were on a farm now. The mother upright got out first, with her filly in hand, and pulled a gate down to the back of the beast, urging the pony to come out.

Hesitantly, the mare jumped down. The colt got out and passed Dannie, with devilish smirk played across his lips. The mother tugged at the mare's scarf again, and walked towards a barn. She set her child down on a bale of hay and got some thick rope, tying it around Dannie's neck. She picked up her bundle of joy and walked to her cottage.

Dannie was alone.

Crickets chirp in the silence and Dannie sat down.
Not before long, the mare saw the colt come out of a door from the cottage, racing towards Dannie.

He smirked yet again, and stopped in front of her.
"So, you're the new animal?" he murmured, looking her over. "You're odd for a pony. Fedora, glasses, and a scarf." he mumbled.  The mare perked her ears.

He looked her over again, and gave a soft 'hmm'. "I know what you are! You're a . . . what are those things called? Oh, My little pony?" The colt asked, expecting an answer. "Yes." Dannie replied. The upright colt stared in astonishment, and chuckled. "I knew it! My dream's true!" The mare stared at him with a deep look.

His dream? He wanted a pony?

The colt looked around nervously, and got close to the mare. Dannie began to back away, but realized he leaned in for a kiss on the nose. The mare's face turned a crimson as he walked away, quickening to a run as his face was flushed red too.

This seems odd. . . for an Upright to love. . . me?

The mare flattened her ears against her head, and scraped the ground. She felt warm inside. . .
Like. . .
Feelings for an.  . .

Upright. . .



[ So cute. ]

Ok. . . *Sigh* Alright.


[glow=red,2,300]mom its getting late i think its time for me to go to bed[/glow] Ami said walking back upstairs
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"don't you want dinner first Ami?" her mother asks
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[glow=red,2,300]its fine i'm not hungry[/glow]
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moonlight looked around curiosly how quiant they eat meat she said disgusted

((insert trying to catch moonlight scene))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


"okay if you say so" the mother calls back to her daughter

Moonlight can hear the sounds of sirens in the distance
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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moonlight growled those things have nothing on me they cant even touch me without them getting blasted 5 ft away.

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


soon 3 cop cars pull into the docks surrounding Moonlight the cops get out standing behind the car
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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Ami went to sleep and Aru slept on a pile of clothes
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moonlight looked at  them with a intimidating glare

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


One of the cops behind moonlight takes out a tube and loads a tranquilizer dart and fires it at her
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


when the dart hit  moonlight started running fast jumping over a police car ran at the random direction she become drawzy fell on to her knees with eyes half close

((she didnt ran very far))

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


;Seeing a man carried by a pony its not very common, but since the man was hurt no one said nothing when they got to the hospital;

Hey, hey... wait... you cant get in there... animals are not allowed... ;the man whispers into Yagdras ear;

[glow=black,2,300]Then what are you?![/glow] ;answers with a muffled yelling, wich caught the attention of some doctors at the entrance that after seeing the scene flew to help the man;

Just, stay outside, I will be here for a few days... so you will have to handle yourself... not that you will have a problem with that... ;the men kept talking to the pony while the doctors looked at him holding some laughters; Hey! Im sure you talk to your pets like that! ;both of the doctors stoped laughting and apologized; Good luck Yagdra, try to stay out of trouble... ;those were his last words before getting into the emergency wing;

"And... all alone again... guess I could just... walk around and try to find other ponys... Im sure that Im not the only one... Im not that important..." ;says Yagdra in his mind turning around and walking toward the streets;


Ami didn't dream much at least not much that she could remember but as morning approached she woke up it was a Saturday [glow=red,2,300]*yawn* mornin' Aru how'd you sleep?[/glow] Ami said [glow=yellow,2,300]i would of slept better if you didn't keep pencils in your pockets[/glow] Aru said sarcastically [glow=red,2,300]whatever at least i didn't leave you out in the streets where you would be sleeping on concrete[/glow] ami said switching on the tv the news was on, they were covering what happened to Yagdra and the man [glow=yellow,2,300]i-is t-that Yagdra?![/glow] Aru was shocked
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