Life in Ponyville Part III

Started by Coffee Rush, 2013 Apr 08, 21:24:10

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((wow I'm really derpy today))
The pony bot doesn't budge causing silver to swing from the string. he proceeds to send razors towards silver
Cecil stops rolling are you ok?he asked

I wish i could answer your question Emeralda Star said


"Woooohoooo! This is like a joust!" Silver yelled as he swing around the robot. Silver summoned another string this one coming from his back and uses it to reflect the razors.

"Where... are... you... taking me?" Emeralda asked.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


yeah I am thank you for saving me Cecil
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


the razor reflect off landed next to Treat slicing through her hair. the ponybot garbs the string and pulls Wolf up then knocking him  back down into the ground


((He's Silver not Wolf lol))

"Watch out!" Silver yelled to Treat before being pulled up and then knocked down on the ground. He let out a yell for the pain once he fell on the ground. He got up, now he's mad and a black tear came out from his eyes and fell on the ground "That hurted me..." he said.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


Treat yelps a bit not caring about her mane more about her life
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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aah star pulled treat closer that was close Cecil got and went to Silver  are you ok? the ponybot just floated there staring at the ponies and Cecil


((Emeralda, you forgot about her again :P))

Silver uses his hoof to take off the dust from his coat "Yeah... just a bit sore" he said and then he looked up to the robot "What in Equestria is that thing?" he asked annoyed
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((sorry  X3 ))
Just going to show you around i mean you gotta stay somewhere right? star asked

it is a robot based off a pony made by a human Cecil explained


Treat just holds Cecil breathing heavily
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((You're rather derpy today :P))

Emeralda looked around "Where...?" she asked, afterall she doesn't have a home, what looked more like a home for her was that pod.

"Human? You mean those creatures form the legends?" Silver asked "What is that thing doing here?"
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


heheh it might be because of me Cecil scratched the back of his head. The ponybot swooped down at Silver and them trying hit them. Cecil jumped out of the way with Treat

well since you don't really have memories or a home I was going to give you someplace to stay Star  said


Silver facehoofed "You feather brain" he muttered and then Silver teleported away before the robot could hit him. Once he moved away from him, Silver tried to attack the robot with his keyblade with the purpose to slash him.

"Alright... where... is... it?" Emeralda asked
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


so is that why it went for me and pick me up
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


probably I don't know really Cecil shrugged now please let me go so I can fight The ponybot got hit by the Keyblade stumbling not really taking any damage it grabbed Silver and threw him upwards sending rockets after him

just a little more we will be there star smiled as they left the forest


Seeing that the robot didn't take much damage, Silver snorted "Hmpf, you're a tought guy aren't you" he said before been grabbed and threw to the sky yelling "Why everyone like to throw me around?". Then he looked below and he saw the rockets going to him "I think that since I'm a unicorn I can..." he said teleporting away and appear behind the robot "...teleport!" he said and uses his keyblade again to try to slash the robot's back.

Emeralda nodded since she couldn't do anything else so she just followed him with a complete neutral face.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


Treat lets go of Cecil s-sorry
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


The ponybot stumbled turning around. Thanks Cecil said before jumping up and kicking the ponybot to the ground Hey Silv sup he said joking around as the Ponybot shot back up pushing Cecil into the sky


Silver chuckled at his sentence "You know the usual, walking around, beating robots up" he joked and then he saw him going on the sky "Hey, need a help there?" he yelled.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


Treat watches the fight worried her Scarlet form drained her power and was left pretty weak right now
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

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