Equestria 2500: Dawn of Chaos (Sign-Up)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Oct 07, 10:28:12

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The Wandering Magus

2013 Oct 07, 10:28:12 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 30, 17:09:18 by The Wandering Magus
RP: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=9195
OOC: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=9188

One sentence: Pony-themed Space Opera set in a distant future Equestria, with civil war on the horizon.

Five hundred years after the return of Princess Luna, the denizens of the planet have spread out among the stars.  Technology has advanced to amazing levels, and holographs, starships, repulsorlifts, gravity fields, androids, hyperspace travel and more are increasingly commonplace.  The common currency is still the bit, though mostly traded electronically.  Instant communication between star systems is cheap and widely available, and modern jumpsuits are fitted with life support systems, heads-up displays, holonet connection and translation interfaces, as well as interfaces with all the modern technology now available.

Many factions have sprung up as ponies, griffons, goats, and more explored and colonized the nearby star systems, though hyperspace lanes are constantly threatened by rogue Space Pirates, smugglers in blockade runners and other low-life undesirables.  Unfortunately, a few of these factions are becoming increasingly belligerent, and it is feared that war shall soon break out across the stars...


There are 12 star systems.

Spoiler: Homeworld • show
currently the most influential and oldest faction, Homeworld is based on the planet that most known sentient life originated from, and holds four star systems: Sol, Ursa 1, Canis 1, and Oblivion, their newest addition.  This faction is led by a federation of Sol leaders, including the Princesses (who are still very much alive) and several high-ranking political figures elected every eight standard cycles.  Homeworld planets place an emphasis on diversity and harmony between freedom and security, being quite ordered and lawful, with overall happiness levels generally high.  This faction's military is powerful but rarely acts, and has a pacifist policy which urges diplomacy as the most favored option, punishing trigger-happy Guards.  Armor and technological aesthetics are very antique, recalling the traditions of Ancient Equestria.  This faction rarely wears clothes on-planet, and only wears jumpsuits and armor out of necessity.

Spoiler: Remnants • show
Originally known as The Black Rose Empire, they are a splinter group from Homeworld that left to pursue their own technological dreams. After falling to a unknown army, they lost control of a vast empire, one that expanded many solar systems. Now living aboard their mothership, they still run the normal governmental system, two candidates are elected to run every 75 years, and who ever wins is elected emperor, which is really more of a president. Laws are loose, due to high happiness ratings from civilians. They are still militarily advanced, though are more of a pacifist empire, only having a strong military force to defend its self, and other allied nations. All civilians wear basic enhancer suits, to help with everyday life, and all study self defense classes every 5 years.

Spoiler: Pirates, Raiders, Solar Empire, and Lunar Republic • show
diametrically opposed groups of outlaw extremists who constantly try to take over Homeworld in the name of bits, power, or their chosen Princess.  These factions hold no star systems, but are based on rogue planets floating far off in the Void, where few travelers dare to go.  They are anarchic, often congregating around single outspoken leaders, attacking one another and then falling apart after a failed raid.  These factions' militias are relatively weak but act often, with aggressive policies that often contain orders to blast targets to pieces.  They prefer wearing scavenged armor and stolen jumpsuits, when they can get them.  They don't have a particular aesthetic, mixing and matching as pieces are found or lost.

Spoiler: Clockwork Empire • show
a rising militaristic group of mechanical beings dedicated to the eradication and enslavement of all organic life.  The Empire has taken over two star systems: Ares 1 and Ares 2.  This faction is ruled with a literal iron hoof by the Clockwork King.  Free will does not exist.  The Empire places an emphasis on mechanical efficiency, expansionism and eradication of organic life.  Empire planets are lifeless, barren spheres of metal and ash, with every square inch dedicated to the construction of more mechanoids to add to the ever-increasing military armada.  This faction's military never takes quarter, preferring to slag opposition and absorb the materials for recycling.  Survivors are forcibly converted into new additions to the ranks.  This faction's technology level is average due to lack of researchers and a rigid system which discourages thought and change, and a disdain for organic achievements.  The Empire's general aesthetic is Machine.

Spoiler: Bitopia • show
an economically powerful group of capitalists and merchants, holding two star systems: Bit 1 and Bit 2.  This faction is run like a corporation, with a board of executives overseeing all trade and commerce here.  Happiness level is below-average, highly dependent on the current flow of bits.  Bitopia places an emphasis on profit, profit and only profit, at any cost.  Bitopia planets are city-worlds of mile-high towers, corruption and crime, with every vice imaginable up for sale.  This faction's military is mainly used for protecting convoys and spice shipments against theft or attack, and will ask politely for opponents to cease and desist before opening fire.  Survivors are captured and, depending on the mood of the executive aboard, either taken to Homeworld for trial or enslaved and sold on the auctions, memories bottled and will thoroughly broken.  This faction's technology level is high due to available capital.  Bitopia's general aesthetic is Modern, with polished starships, sleek jumpsuits and the latest in fashions.

Spoiler: Harmonia • show
an isolationist and moderate group of ecology-lovers, holding one star system: Gaia 1.  This faction is run communally as a sort of half-democracy, with Elders training up apprentices in the ways of harmony with nature.  Happiness level is average to high.  Harmonia planets are "perfect" ecosystems, with pristine air and water untouched by pollution.  Buildings are all constructed of natural material and living plants, and emphasis is placed on protection of the environment foremost.  This faction's military is used exclusively for maintaining isolation from outsiders and "intruders", asking sternly for non-citizens to leave before disabling.  Prisoners are "reeducated" and integrated or, failing reeducation, forcibly expelled, executed, or enslaved.  This faction's technology is entirely organic, but can be considered somewhat on-par with the average.  Harmonia's aesthetic is Organic, with plant-based starships, clothing and tools.

Spoiler: Free Systems • show
a rag-tag group of colonists who don't want to align with any particular faction, holding two star systems: Ursa 2 and Canis 2.  This faction is run democratically, with elected representatives voting on issues.  Happiness level is average.  Free System planets are slightly undeveloped colonies, partially terraformed with cities located within forcefields, average crime rates and half-constructed extensions for future population rises.  This faction's military is used to defend the colonies and colonists traveling to and from the systems, asking firmly for attackers to cease and desist before opening fire.  Survivors are captured and put on trial, then imprisoned or heavily fined before being extradited to Homeworld.  This faction's technology level is average.  Free System aesthetics are utilitarian-modern, with the level of bells and whistles dependent on who you are and how many bits you have.

Spoiler: Nexus • show
A highly traditionalist and xenophobic dictatorship ruled by Empress Moonlight, holding one star system: Alpha Centauri.  This faction is a militaristic monarchy-dictatorship with royalty and nobility.  Happiness level is low-average.  Nexus planets are feudalistic, with thatched-roof villages and crystalline castles and cities holding the elite, rich and nobles.  Crime rates are low due to the constant presence of soldiers everywhere, although local propaganda claims that citizens are "free" as long as laws are followed to the letter.  This faction's military is highly traditionalist, with even holograms limited entirely to the elite branches.  Enemies are attacked on sight, and prisoners are interrogated extensively before being executed when all information needed has been acquired.  This faction's technology level is low-average, with hippogriffs used as mounts and transportation rather than conventional hovercraft, and the preferred method of combat is melee.  Nexus aesthetics are Ancient-Traditionalist, with armor being exquisitely engraved gold, silver, platinum and diamond studded with all manner of gems and jewels, enchanted with protective spells.  Nexus refuses to use conventional force fields and electricity, depending entirely upon magic for most technological needs.  It is unknown whether this faction even has access to hyperdrives, as they rarely exit their star system.

GM has final say
Any rules can and will be changed if I catch somepony trying to twist them.
Follow all Forum Rules
This means no gore, sex, or other such things
No powerplaying.  This means no controlling another player's character in any way unless explicit permission is given.
No Godmodding.  This means no overly-powerful characters, gods, or any such beings, unless I give explicit permission (as with Clockwork King etc)
Equestrian swears only.  You know them from the show and fandom.
No real-world religion or politics.  In-universe equivalents are fine.
No personal attacks out-of-character.  In-character it's fine, but don't go overboard.
Try to post at LEAST a paragraph each post, as in any of my other games, and use correct spelling/grammar.
Sign up first before posting, of course.
Keep OOC in the OOC thread.
If you have "no alignment" then you're either Free System or Raider/Pirate/Outcast/etc.
Have fun!


Current players:
Cosmic Starrunner (Omega_Khaos) - Freelance defender, Homeworld
Unit 390 (The Clockwork King) - Assassin targeting Asterian, Clockwork Empire
Yellow Light (Bravo 539) - Student/Intern/Pilot-in-Training, Homeworld
Buckeye Starwing (Bane Emural) - Sheriff, Free Systems
Silent Leaf (ArtVeigar) - Druid, Harmonia
Calamity (Somebeing) - Bounty Hunter, Remnants/Homeworld/Free Systems
Stardust (moonlight7starshine) - Sister of the Empress, Nexus
Night Shine (Night Pony) - Brigadier General, Homeworld
Nameless (Somebeing) - Mercenary, Clockwork Empire/Raiders
Rose Blackwing (Bane Emural) - Private 1st Class, Free Systems
>insert player here<

Faction Leaders:
Clockwork (The Clockwork King) - Emperor, Clockwork Empire
Moonlight (moonlight7starshine) - Empress, Nexus
Lord X (SuperNovaNightmare) - Emperor, Remnants
Teal (Teal Turken) - Herdfather, Harmonia
>insert leader here<


Normal Sign-up form:

Race (please try to stick with normal races. no humans please.):
Appearance (either description or image is fine):
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits):
Relationships (if any):
Special abilities:
Standings with current factions:
Place of origin:
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void):
Starship (if any):
Allegiance (if any):
"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any):

Spoiler: Leader sign-up form: (defunct, do not use unless you PM me and I give explicit permission) • show

Titles, Role:
Race (please try to stick with normal races or mechanoid. no humans please.):
Appearance (either description or image is fine):
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits):
Relationships (if any):
Special abilities:
Standings with current factions:
Place of origin:
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void):
Starship and/or Mothership (if any):
Starship crew count:
Starship inventory:
Starship special abilities:
Troops available for immediate deployment:
"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any):

Spoiler: Corporate leader form, please PM me if you want to use it • show

Titles, role:
Race (please try to stick with normal races. no humans please.):
Appearance (either description or image is fine):
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits):
Company Motive:
Company and personal Alignment:
Company and personal Backstory:
Relationships (if any):
Special abilities:
Company's standing with current factions:
Place of origin:
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void):
Starship and/or Mothership (if any):
Starship crew count:
Starship inventory:
Starship special abilities:
Company place of origin:
Company headquarters location:
Company situation (profit, loss, stable, fluctuating):
Building/resource count:
Current corporate agreements:
Workforce count:
Main products:
Net yearly income:
Size (small planetary, system, inter-faction):
Notable company leaders and figures:
Company special "abilities"/contacts/agreements:
Criminality (fully legal, shady, highly illegal, fully illegal as per interstellar standard):
Company "Callsign" (what company ships are called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any):
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

The Clockwork King

2013 Oct 07, 16:38:21 #1 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 07, 18:59:09 by The Clockwork King
Name: Clockwork
Faction: Clockwork Empire
Titles, Role: Emperor, Fabricator-Supreme
Gender: Male
Race (please try to stick with normal races or mechanoid. no humans please.): Mechanoid
Age: 140
Appearance (either description or image is fine): Tall, lithe being made from copper and iron alloys. 'Steampunk' appearance, complete with goggles, trenchcoat and cane. Body type unrelated to any pony derived anatomy, featuring 2 arms and a means of levitation.
Personality: Fiery, passionate, wrathful and disgusted by all forms of organic life.
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits): Chronocane: Device of magical properties that has been crossbred with arcane science. Known uses include a means to contact troops directly, as a staff-like weapon capable of unleashing bolts of concentrated energy to devastating effect and accuracy, and as a melee weapon should the need ever arise.
Motive: To bring the galaxy under the rule of his iron hoofed regime, and any worlds beyond.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Backstory: After attempting, and failing, to take Equestria alone, Clockwork utilised his arcane technology to flee to the outer reaches of Luna's night, plotting to strike back with greater numbers from conquered star systems. In his absence, ponykind flourished and was soon taking their premier steps into the Void. It was not until 2380 when the Clockwork King was next sighted, and without hesitation laid waste to Ares 1 with catastrophic speed, the unpreparedness of the system allowing an easy conversion to run its course. Ares 2 would prove more challenging, progress impeded by better defenses assisted by Homeworld military until Clockwork introduced the newest form of Mechapony, the mysterious Mark-7. The system shattered under this new unit, and the cannons of the Armada's airships pummeled fortresses to dust. With ranks swelling and commanders assigned, Clockwork haunts the void between the systems, his automata armada ready to go forth and destroy all in its path.
Relationships (if any): None
Special abilities: Able to rebuild body if heavily damaged, can survive environments deadly to organics.
Standings with current factions: All Hated.
Place of origin: Sol System
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void): Chronus Prime
Starship and/or Mothership (if any): The Phantom Hourglass
Starship crew count: ~80000 stationed infantry, 16 navigator servitors, 1 Admiral (Clockwork occasionally)
Starship inventory: 24 Defense Torpedo pods, 60 Auxiliary Defense Batteries, 12 Airburst Flak Cannons, 1 'Thundercharge' EMP Cannon. 2 loading bays, 4 hangars.
Starship special abilities: 'Thundercharge' cannon: Fires an electromagnetic beam designed to incapacitate enemy ships, may only be used sparingly for fear of disabling the ship and cannot penetrate shields. Nimbler craft may be able to avoid the beam.
Manufacturing Fortress: To replace lost infantry, artillery and ships, the colossal starship factory can replicate known models from its reserves. During this time the shields are raised to 150%, yet the ship cannot maneuver nor fire for up to 30 minutes (2 post cycles), giving enemies a chance to counter or flee.
Troops available for immediate deployment: ~30000 infantry and 900 artillery units for ground deployment, 600 ships for void engagements.
"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any): "This is the Phantom Hourglass, prepare for conversion!" (This is usually broadcast from the Phantom Hourglass during planetfall, traffic control would respond with sirens!)
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!

The Wandering Magus

Accepted.  Note: Moonlight's personally requested a new faction (supposedly as a counter to Clockwork.  whatever.) so I'll be editing the OP slightly.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Asterian Starfall

2013 Oct 07, 17:47:32 #3 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 07, 20:24:13 by Asterian
Hmm... This is a rather unorthodox RP for me. Let us begin!

Name: Asterian Starfall
Gender: Male (Stallion)
Race: Unicorn
Age: 16
Spoiler: Appearance • show

Personality: Passive, composed, and modest.
"Lunar Embrace", a laser-type energy-operated weapon built by himself. Vaporizes cortisol and administers melatonin to the target, rendering them unconscious but perfectly unharmed. Can regenerate energy infinitely, but can only be fired several times without overheating. (Can fire three times before overheating; cools down at a rate of one per cycle. If it overheats, cooldown delayed by two cycles, assuming cycles means post cycles.)
Motive: To live long and prosper. (Oh yes I did.)
Alignment: Diplomatic good.
Backstory: Asterian began his life in the prosperous Homeworld system of Sol, growing up as a clever and properly disciplined young colt. He learned from an early age that diplomacy was not just a means of achieving harmony, but that it was an art form. He was always fascinated by the things that ponies could accomplish through cooperation, and as such, devoted himself to being as agreeable a pony as he could be. His interest in collaboration, as well as a knowledge of transportation, eventually would guide him along the path to a reputable starship transporter at the rightful age of fourteen.
Relationships: None. (At least, to begin with.)
Special abilities: Knowledge of electronics. Unparalleled hoof-to-hoof combat techniques. (equal to a highly trained CQC unit.)
Spoiler: Standings with current factions • show
This measures what each faction thinks of him, ranging anywhere from 15 (undying ally) to -15 (KOS or Kill on Sight).

Homeworld: 3
Pirates and Raiders: -6
Solar Empire: 0
Lunar Republic: 0
Clockwork Empire: -12
Bitopia: 6
Harmonia: 3
Free Systems: Not determinable.
Nexus: -10

Place of origin: Homeworld, Sol system.
Current home: Homeworld, Sol system.
Spoiler: "Golden Veil" • show

Spoiler: Statistics • show
Length: 53 meters (~191 feet)
Width: 18 meters (~65 feet)
Weight: 274,097 pounds without cargo (~124,590 kgs)
Top speed: 22,981 mph (~36,770 kph) without cargo, 20,453 mph (~32,725 kph) at maximum load.
Top speed while cloaked: 11,490 mph (~18,385 kph) without cargo, 10,227 mph (~16,363 kph) at maximum load.
Cargo capacity: 20,000 pounds (~9091 kgs). Pilot and passengers remain independent of this load.

Has a small living quarters area independent from the cargo bay and cockpit.

Spoiler: Abilities • show
Non-depletable - All engines, weapons, nav systems, etc. derive from a self-sustaining miniature matter/antimatter reaction assembly. (Still can only put out so much power without destroying the ship, and does not put out much power to begin with.)
Warp drive - Can achieve warp factor 3 (2.67 with maximum load). Must first remove power to shields and weapon systems for a period to prepare for jump, and when exiting FTL, must rest for a short period for systems to replenish and come back online. (I hope you graduated from Starfleet. Warp (factor) three is equal to twenty-five times the speed of light, which was possible around 2300. To compare, highest warp known is 36, which... well, she traveled 240 million light-years in roughly 2 minutes.)
Stealth - Undergoes a sequence of radar shutdown and infra-red cloaking, removing the ship from all conventional and some advanced sensors at the cost of power to weapons systems, engines, and other tech. Can not enter warp, fire weapons, or "hail" a target while stealthed, nor can it detect ships or other ordinarily detectable entities.

Spoiler: Armaments • show
Two Mk.II Plasma Guns. Long-range energy-based weapon with no ammunition required. Can damage hull, but effective against shields and technologies. (Firing rate of... 1 per cycle?)
EMP Burst - Disables or weakens a single target's shields, energy-based weapons, and systems for a period of time. (Three post cycles duration, fifteen post cycles "reload".)
Shield array.

Spoiler: Allegiance • show
Same scoring as in Standings with Factions.

Homeworld: 11
Pirates and Raiders: -8
Solar Empire: 0
Lunar Republic: 0
Clockwork Empire: -15
Bitopia: 4
Harmonia: 1
Free Systems: Undeterminable
Nexus: 0

Callsign: Star-runner 7
Occupation: Transporter - Does dealings with transporting goods, but stays on terms with the law. (Typically. If he deems the "mission" as morally good, he will accept even if it may be an infraction. No he is NOT a smuggler, they are not the same!) He has a strict code that is to be followed if anypony is to seek out is services.

Hope this wasn't too much.  X3
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall

The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Asterian Starfall

"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


2013 Oct 07, 19:21:40 #6 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 03, 14:27:08 by Omega_Khaos
Name: Cosmic Starrunner
Gender: Stallion
Race (please try to stick with normal races. no humans please.): Equinox Pegasus
Age: 19
Appearance (either description or image is fine):
Spoiler: show

Mane: Like rainbow dash but has a silver and gold color
Eyes: Soft Sky Blue
Coat: Much like his fathers but brighter. he is a dusty silver with Cloudsteel Horseshoes
Wings: He wears a wing clip the makes his wings look like tech's but it just part of his armor and space flight system.
Tail: Long unlike stallions of the time. His tail has the same style as Rainbow Dash. His tail has the same colors as mane.
Clothing of Choice: Wing clip, Cloudsteel Horseshoes, a cowboy hat much like AJ's and a space pilot's flight jacket.
Cutie Mark: A gold yellow gear surrounded by a slipstream wrapped in phoenix flames

Personality: Outgoing, headstrong, stubborn at times and easy to anger if you mess with his home and his home away from home.
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits): Technical System Analyzer Pad or T-SAP for sort. (this device was given to him by his great grandfather, The great equinoxian technician, Techno Blitz. It has the ability to analyze any system given the device has encountered it before.), 2500 bits (this is because of the state of his family), Custom Basic Small Arms Phaser, Personal Communicator System and Custom Basic Personal Shield Generator.
Motive: To protect and aid any allied system that is observed and held by the four counsel and the home world leaders
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Spoiler: show

going to need time to write it up, but basic i can give.
He is the second generation of the Blitz Family. They are the primary holders of tech advancement within the Equinox system. Their shier technical might and knowledge have earned them the titles of moving fortress. This family when the foal is old enough sends them with a moving space fortress and command of three starting ships. the fortress becomes the stallion's or mare's home for the duration of their journey. it is during this journey that Cosmic Blitz has faced off with destructive effect against not only parts of the clockwork empire but has also faced off against pirates and raiders to the point they try to kill him on site. His ideals and clockwork's ideals are so incompatible that he and clockwork usually have a bit of a your tech versus my tech battles, just to see who has the better tech. Of curse because of Equinox's superior tech advancement he usually wins with little to no losses, because of this he is also a kill on site target by the Clockwork empire.
((Please see Star ships for records on his ships))

Relationships (if any): none (currently)
Special abilities: (Some abilities, which are marked, are open to G.M. saying He has to wait to gain.)
Spoiler: show

1. Equinoxian ingenuity:
(Genetic Passive)
This ability is the first of three effects gained from equinox gas. It allows Cosmic to understand just about any form of tech equal to or less then His home world of Equinox.

2. Unnatural body structure:
Spoiler: show

(Genetic Passive)
This ability is the second of three effects he gained form equinox gas. with this ability he has been able to survive in very hazardous environments without the need for a suit. he still needs the aid of a body heat stabilizer so he doesn't freeze to death.

3. Sonic Space Flight:
Spoiler: show

(Passive) Due to one of the effects of Equinox gas, he has a supernaturally dense skeletal frame and muscle mass, he can move at speeds up to the speed of sound.

3.5. Super Sonic Slipstream: (Open to G.M. saying Have to wait to gain.)
Spoiler: show

(Active only)
Using the power gained by the stars of unity and rebirth as well as the supernatural effect from the equinox gas, He has grown to be able to perform what he calls the Equinox Slipstream. This ability is a non-flashy slight weaker version of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom. It allows the speed he has to be effectively double when fighting in ground based engagements.in space engagements however it allows him to create both a mini atmosphere and propels him threw the combat field.

4. Pegasus Magic Tattoos: (This is his way of using star magic. it also allows him to use some unicorn like magic but his emotions determine the power he has at his disposal.)
Spoiler: show

(Active only)
this ability gives him the external use of his Pegasus magic, allowing him to harness the near equivalent of unicorn magic but as an emotional based casting.

5. Unity's Blessing: (Open to G.M. saying Have to wait to gain.)
Spoiler: show

this ability, gained by making a pact with the Star of Unity, allows him great leadership and diplomacy skills and the ability to combined spells used with his Pegasus Magic Tattoos.

6. Blessing of Rebirth: (Open to G.M. saying Have to wait to gain.)
Spoiler: show

This ability, gained by making a pact with the Star of Rebirth, allows him great power in the form of spells and tech able to bring things back to their beginning. this includes restoration magic (The same as reviving someone if incapacitate is used instead of death), The power to rebirth himself threw flame when he is incapacitated, and allows him to reuse other active abilities he has used before.

Standings with current factions:
Homeworld: Helpful.
Bitopia: helpful
Harmonia: helpful
Free Systems: neutral/Helpful
Clockwork Empire: hated.
Pirates, Raiders, Solar empire and Lunar Republic: neutral or hated (Based on the faction's parts. He is Neutral with the Solar Empire and Lunar Republic. but with the pirates and raiders he is hated and I mean this guy is a shoot to kill on site by the pirates and raiders. See back story for as to why).
Place of origin: Equinox Home World of the Homeworld Faction
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void): Galactic Phoenix

Starships (if any): ((Hope you don't mind am using Star Trek terms to describe the ships and give stats))
Mobile Fortress:(Galactic Phoenix)(Flag Ship & Current Home)
Spoiler: show

Work in Progress. Will change as game progresses.
Sovereign Class:

Ablative Armor Plating: this is a "I will to get back to you." ability. This ability grants the ship a longer duration temporary immunity to damage buff. It is wise to activate then attack with this ability.

Assault Ship: (Phoenix Star Runner)
Spoiler: show

Work in Progress. Will change as game progresses.
Defiant Class Prototype (w/cloak)


Defense crusier: (Phoenix Star Defender)
Spoiler: show

Work in Progress. Will change as game progresses.
Galaxy Class:


Medical Ship: (Reborn Star Phoenix)
Spoiler: show

Work in Progress. Will change as game progresses.
Intrepid class:

Ablative Armor Plating: this is a temporary "I need to get out of here" ability. This ability on the ship grants temporary imunity to damg buff. it is not wise to use then atk with this ability.

Allegiance (if any): Free Lance defender with some ties to the Homeworld faction
"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any): Cosmic Pheonix
((Magus I put the ships here so i could also get the opinion of the others. Hope this not too OP. If it is, some of the powers, abilities and ship abilities can be unlocked in game later.))

The Wandering Magus

all accepted, wait for the blessings.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Submitting RSVP, character currently in-creation.  Begin the RP and he will jump in at a later time, following proper construction and form submission here.


Leader sign-up form:

Name: moonlight

Faction: nexus

Titles, Role: empress

Gender: female

Race (please try to stick with normal races or mechanoid. no humans please.): alicorn with bat wings of course

Age: 200

Appearance (either description or image is fine): her skeletal structure is the same as Luna she's twice the size of a normal pony. Her wings are twice the size of a normal Pegasus.her horn is twice the size of a normal unicorn

Personality: brave: she isn't afraid to get her hooves dirty shes random at times and is rather bossy she's fancy and regal and likes gems

Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits): cyber armor her fancy armor isn't just for looks it's heavily enchanted the shoes allows her to kick with enough force to break lead the shoes also has some kind of blades in the sides probably for slicing a mechapony

Motive: to try and stop clockwork

Alignment: neutral

Backstory: When she heard clockwork was building an army to try to take over home world and almost every planet on the galaxy.
Moonlight decided it would a good time to change some rules she was becoming less than a dictator she decided to allow holograms to every citizen and oddly enough lessen the guards that wonder around she also decided to build spaceships she builder 2 big ships. Both are motherships  and also made sentry satellites she putted one on her home planet one for the ore filled one and one for the unnamed planet. Her subjects were becoming more happy prisoners were not always executed some stay in a dungeon for a few years months days or hours depending on their crimes. Though any mechanoids that somehow got to her planet were executed with no question.

Hippogriffs were no longer mounts instead she created hover boards ( I've seen those in movies) which unicorns ride on when they reach their destinattian whether attacking or not. Blasters were use a little bit often but still no androids. The citizens that live near her castle weren't as rich as they were before money was becoming less important. Moonlight was less expensive with materials
She was no longer that dictator to the other factions instead they hope for her to be able to at least distract clockwork for a long enough time.

Relationships (if any): lightining dust adopted sister in truth lightning dust is her apprentice probably being trained to be the next empress if moonlight gets wrecked by something

Special abilities: able to breathe in non oxygenated planets and areas

Her armor obsorbs a decent amount of eletricity soo it won't shock moonlight though if the electrical current is supper strong the armor will obsorb some of it but moonlight will get eletricuted

Standings with current factions: enemies with clockwork allies with harmonia and home world neutral everything else

Place of origin: unknown rumored to be home world

Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void): her home planet in the solar system called alpha Centauri (it's not a trinary star system ) her planet is called proximus Centauri

Starship and/or Mothership (if any): 2 mother ships 2 star ships 3 sentry satellites

Starship crew count: 2 dragons 5000 griffons and hippogriffs 3000 unicorns 7000 Pegasus 2 captains neither moonlight or lightning dust the crew is still expanding. And a commander of griffons and hippogriffs,unicorns,Pegasus they have different commanders

Starship inventory: lots of different kinds of blasters and lots of hover boards (still expanding)

Starship special abilities: it shoots lasers and honing missiles (nukes if allowed lol)

Troops available for immediate deployment: 1500 unicorns with hover boards and 5000 hippogriffs and griffons (still expanding)

"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any): (it's random)

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

The Wandering Magus

you sure you don't want Gaia 2 as your star system, Moonlight?
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Well it's like moonlights custom solar system plus it's like the center of the other factions solar system soo no dun want gai 2

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

The Clockwork King

Name: Unit 390
Gender: Mare Chassis
Race (please try to stick with normal races. no humans please.): Mechanoid.
Age: 10
Appearance (either description or image is fine): Slim build befitting of a Mark 3 chassis, complete with fins and retractable wing struts. Blue-silver body with platinum trim.
Personality: Highly defensive of the Empire, vengeful, minor disgust for organics, quick, simple. Favors decisive strikes rather than attrition warfare.
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits): 2 x Shocksaws, attached to rear of front legs. Aerial Assistance Pack, utilising secondary thrusters for greater speed.
Motive: Serve the Empire through the capture and conversion of Asterian Starfall, for reasons stated below.
Alignment:Neutral Evil
Backstory: Created during an attack on a free runner system, Unit 390 was promoted shortly after the forced retreat of the free ships. Ordered by Clockwork to pursue the ships and report on their location in relation to obtainable resources or manpower, Unit 390 was given control over her own squadron of fighters, as well as the interceptor vessel Firestorm. Tracing the pirate fleet to the outer edge of the Sol System, Unit 390 took to the void in a fighter alongside her comrades to destroy the fleet before analyzing the surrounding worlds. The battle was faring well for Unit 390, until an alarm was raised upon the Firestorm of an unidentified craft. Ordering the attack to continue without her, Unit 390 retreated to deal with the curious threat on board. Upon arriving and discovering a cargo ship stashed out of sight in the hangar, it did not take 390 long to find the perpetrator. Discovering Asterian Starfall destroying as much tech as possible in order to aid the freerunners, Unit 390 engaged. Though catching the organic by surprise, Unit 390 found herself outfought by Asterians superior cqc skills, prompting his eventual escape alongside the surviving frigates. Disgraced by her shortcomings and damaged during the fight, Unit 390 descended into exile from the Clockwork Empire, ashamed to show her signal to her master until Asterian himself is caught and his skills in combat converted into a new model of Mechapony.
Relationships (if any): Strong hatred of Asterian, yet damage to the emotional core obstructs logical thinking at times.
Special abilities: Sub-sonic flight. Advanced Combat Protocols allow for better response to close-quarters combat.
Standings with current factions: Clockwork Empire: Exiled, but still good. Bitopia: Neutral. Others: Hated.
Place of origin: The Phantom Hourglass.
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void): The Firestorm
Starship (if any): The Firestorm, Interceptor class vessel. AMK-3 'Hunter' starfighter.
Allegiance (if any): Clockwork Empire
"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any): None.
CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!

The Wandering Magus

2013 Oct 07, 22:53:02 #13 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 07, 23:42:50 by The Wandering Magus
fine, accepted.

Post Merge

roleplay: forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=9195
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Leader sign-up form:

Name: Lord X (or just X)
Faction: The Remnants
Titles, Role: Emperor
Gender: Male
Race (please try to stick with normal races or mechanoid. no humans please.): Earth Pony
Age: 37
Appearance (either description or image is fine): (Not stealing their thing or anything, just thought it was fitting. Picture this in a pony form) http://mutantsgeneticgladiators.wikia.com/wiki/File:GoldStealthBot.jpg)
Personality: Bold, strong, yet polite, he is more than capable of taking control of a bad situation.
Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits): Dual Energy Batons
Motive: To someday rebuild his empire, and get back at who ever destroyed his empire in the first place.
Alignment: Good
Backstory: The emperor of a once technologically advanced empire, Lord X was lucky to escape with his life, and save the life's of many of his close warriors, as well as technology. One day, a unknown army threatened The Black Rose empire, a splinter group of Homeworld, and said that if they did not surrender everything to them, they would destroy everything they held dear. Of course they did not surrender, but instead they prepared their military forces to fight off the the unknown enemy. After years of fighting, the enemy finally showed what they really were up to. They had sent destroyer class Planetary Annihilators, equipped with weapons that did exactly as the starships name implied. They made one fell swoop, decimating a quarter of the empire. Once Lord X heard of what they were doing, he ordered to return to their main planet, and retrieve their prototype starship, as well as evacuate the planet. Upon entry, they quickly landed at the weapons research facility, and acquired their newest starship, a assassin class Phantom Dreadnought. They loaded all the equipment in the facility to the M.S.F (Mobile Starship Factory), and many elite escort fighters to help transport the civilians, and equipment. Upon leaving orbit, they encountered a huge mass of enemy starships, as well as a Planetary Annihilator. After a heart braking discussion, they only fought their way through the enemy forces, to prevent any more casualties. They easily cleared a path through the starships, and before making the jump to their designated star system, they watched in horror as their planet erupted into a giant, fiery explosion. After a few years of travel, they finally reached the boarder of the Homeworld faction, and currently await accepted entry.
Relationships (if any): None
Special abilities: (If any need to be subjected to change, do tell)
Spoiler: show
Dual Energy Batons:
Super conductive rods, that can adjust energy levels to impair large creatures, as well as small.
Hyper Particle Beam:
Has many settings to do a variety of things, but requires time to charge.
Enhancer Systems:
A large variety of boosters that can affect performance, such as increase speed, strengthen the wearer, improve jump hight, and increase armor.
Advance Cloaking Ions:
A special implement that creates a field of special, hyperactive ions that form around the wearer, and render the user invisible.

Standings with current factions:
Homeworld: Neutral
Pirates and Raiders: Hated
Solar Empire: Neutral
Lunar Empire: Neutral
Clockwork Empire: Neutral
Bitopia: Neutral
Harmonia: Neutral
Free Systems: Unknown
Nexus: Neutral
Place of origin: Homeworld
Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void): "The Black Rose" Mothership
Starship and/or Mothership (if any): "The Black Rose" Mothership: A huge starship, capable of housing half of a planet's total population for many centuries, as it was designed for transporting large populations. Looks like a huge floating city, almost entirely black, with the exception of the many lights.
"The Malevolent Wraith": The prototype Phantom Dreadnought starship, essential to the successful escape from the enemy forces. A large, yet slim, starship that resembles a flat "T", capable of taking out huge fleets of starships on its own. Has the most advance cloaking devices, as well as destructive weapons systems.
"The M.S.F": A big, bulky starship that functions in the same way a factory complex would, only capable of producing many other thing besides weapons.
Elite Escort Fighters: Small, fast, and very good at what they do, these sleek fighter class Banshies are both stylish, and effective, successfully able to take out almost any same, or lower class star fighters with ease.
Starship crew count: Mothership: 6.4 million, Phantom Dreadnought: 50+, Starship Factory: 13,000+, Escort Fighters: 237.
Starship inventory: Large portion of Remnant civilians, Huge food supply, and plenty of weapon systems, advanced cloaking devices, and Medical, Food, and Weapons development facilities aboard the "M.S.F"
Starship special abilities: Advanced cloaking devices, proton, ion, and particle beams/weaponry, and anti-matter missiles/bombs.
Troops available for immediate deployment: 2.1 million
"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any): Mothership: 0114 Carrier, Dreadnought: 8346 Phantom, "M.S.F": 3007 Factory, and Escort Fighters (any): 5209 Vulture(s)

I look forward to RPing with you all! :D

Bravo 658

Submitting character application.

Name: Yellow Light
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus
Age: 19
Appearance: -Image planned- Yellow coat, brilliant pink eyes, reflective scarlet mane and tail.
Personality: The name Yellow Light refers not only to her color, but her behavior; Yellow's unpredictable actions and comments cause anypony who knows her to proceed with caution.  Nopony would call you crazy if you said you didn't trust her at the controls of a ship, since she doesn't suggest that she knows when to take things seriously.
Inventory: Yellow has a new jumpsuit and a book bag containing several tomes on the laws and instructions of space flight, a cheap yet efficient flash light, a multi-purpose tool not unlike the swiss army knife you may be familiar with, and more often than not, a snack of steam-baked spaghetti squash.
Motive: Yellow Light dreams of becoming an admired pilot capable of landing a freighter just about anywhere, under any conditions.
Alignment: Hopeful helping hoof with dreams for the future
Backstory: Following a contently fun, educational childhood, Yellow Light is now a first-year college student with her entire life--and unknown destiny--before her.
Relationships: None; left home for college, now disconnected from parents.
Special abilities: Average scores but high skill rating in flight simulators.  Major abilities undiscovered.
Standings with current factions: First-year college citizen
Place of origin: Vanhoover, Equestria; Sol
Current home: Starlight Castle College, Equestrian Orbit; Sol
Starship: Not yet defined
Allegiance): Homeworld
"Callsign": Not yet defined


For those who wants to join nexus here are the a available classes

Too lazy il add them later

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..

Bane Emural

Normal Sign-up Form:

Name: Buckeye Starwing
Gender: Stallion
Race: Pegasus
Age: 28
Appearance: An average size Pegasus with a white coat, black mane and tail, purple eyes, and 3 scratched (all parallel) scars located on the right side of his face. He wears a vest, main color is brown and side color is red. He wears an old cowboy Equestrian style cloak, used by sheriffs, gunslingers, bounty hunters, and bandits, and the color is brown. He also wears an old cowboy Equestrian hat, color is black. He has a sheriff's silver star badge on his vest.
Personality: Justified, Wise, Kind, Lawful, and Cautious
Inventory: carries an old .44 magnum revolver, passed down from generation to generation. Carries a laser shotgun. Has handcuffs, basic repair kit, basic medical kit, an ID badge
Motive: To keep the peace in the Free Systems
Alignment: Neutral
Backstory: A Pegasus from a family line of pioneers, ranchers, and law-bringers, that has kept the tradition with them from the Homeworld. He holds many antiques of his ancestors, that he inherited from his parents. The silver star badge is not one of them. He worked with the law and brought justice upon those who have done wrong to others. He was later promoted into Sheriff and traveled to other Free System to help bring down the law upon any lawbreakers. He is later known as the Sheriff, a skilled gunslinger and close range fighter, and captain of the ship, The Shining Star, and commander a small fleet. He roams around the Free Systems, protecting all from any lawbreakers, pirates, rogues, and invaders.
Relationships: none
Special Abilities: good with flying and fighting in ships, best at fighting with pistols or close ranged weaponry.
Standings with Current Factions: Neutral towards everything else but pirates and rogues.
Place of Origin: Star System Canis 2
Current Home: Marathon Class Cruiser, The Shining Star.
Starships: Marathon Class Cruiser, The Shining Star; Warrior Class Destroyer, Blazing Fire; Remembrance Class Frigate, Burning Star; Firefly Class Carrier, Dreadnought.
Allegiance: Free Systems
Callsign: "Sheriff"
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural

The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Name: Silent Leaf

Gender: Stallion

Race (please try to stick with normal races. no humans please.): Unicorn

Age: 35

Appearance (either description or image is fine): Green coat and straight and long dark green mane and tail. Has a branch of fern as his cutie mark.

Personality: Friendly, kind, wise, pacifist, diplomatic.

Inventory (tools, etc.  money and IDs are built into jumpsuits):
- Staff of Gaia: A fallen branch of the Tree of Life. Amplifies his communion with nature, being able to communicate with it and even control it in some extent.
- Guardian of Life: A fallen piece of the Tree of Life's trunk, has unprecedented durability and defense power.
- Mantle of Chloris: Mantle made of the fallen petals of the Tree of Life's flowers, blesses him with regeneration (nothing incredible fast, but way faster than natural regeneration) and resistance to environmental effects (cold, heat, pollution, microorganisms, even the void. Basically an organic jumpsuit).

Motive: To help and save the suffering nature from other planets

Alignment: Lawful good. Pacifist.

Backstory: Has lived a happy life in his planet of origin, in Gaia 1 Star System. As any other resident of thos planets, has learned how to respect and commune with nature and take the most of it without harming it. He has always been, at some extent, alienated about the other Star Systems and factions, and did not know about how they were treating nature in their planets.
In his planet, there was a sacred tree called The Tree of Life. It has been said that it was there since the beginning of time, being the source of all magic power of that planet. Once every 100 years, more or less, the Tree of Life bears a single fruit. None ever know when that happens, and they believe the tree choose to give it to it's chosen one. And that happened when Silent Leaf was only 6 years old. When they were holding the annual Summer Sun Celebration around the tree, none has noticed it's small fruit falling from it's top down to the feet of a colt. Without any knowledge about it, he ate it. By doing so, he received the blessing of the Tree, granting him a natural magic powere greater than any average unicorn, besides making him one with nature itself.
He grew with this power, without anyone ever knowing about it's source. When he was 30, he heard a cry. A cry coming from the Tree of Life. He soon understood what it was saying. Walking toward it's base, he saw the Staff of Gaia, the Guardian of Life and the Mantle of Chloris, and enough raw material to make a starship, what he did with the assistance of a friend with knowledge about the matter. Then, he left the planet on his quest to aid natura all around the universe.

Relationships (if any): None

Special abilities: Communion with nature, can communicate with it and control it to some extent. Ability amplified by the Staff of Gaia. Has a great knowledge about types of herbs and it's goods.

Standings with current factions: Not on good terms with Bitopia, hated by the Clockwork Empire, good terms with Homeworld and neutral toward the others.

Place of origin: Harmonia

Current home (could be just your ship or a random rogue planet in the Void): His starship - Nemestrinus

Starship (if any): Nemestrinus - Mostly organic starship, has only the necessary amount of minerals to make the basis of a starship. It's mostly made of fallen parts of wood and leaves with high magical properties, making it as strong and functional as any average starship.

Allegiance (if any): Harmonia

"Callsign" (what you're called by traffic controllers when entering orbit, if any): Natura 00 ("double oh")

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