Getting the game, fun stuff to do, and commands!

Started by Ellowee, 2013 Jul 05, 22:09:45

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2013 Jul 05, 22:09:45 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 11, 02:28:38 by Ellowee

Hey everypony! Are you excited to play the game? I sure am! Here are a few quick things to know before you get started.

The game will be available to play after our panel at Everfree Northwest (Friday, 6:30 PM PST).

There are three ways to get the game.
Download the file from these links:
  • Windows

  • OSX

  • Linux

  • If you happen to be at Everfree Northwest, you can ask any of the Legends of Equestria representatives to copy the game from their flash drives to your computer while you're at the convention.

Our servers are now closed! Thanks to everyone who participated!

In order to play the game please register on our forums, because your forum account is your game account!
You may also want to take a look at our system requirements.

Once you have your forum account and computer ready to go, log in with your forum username and password. Once logged in you'll be able to create a pony and explore the magical realm of Equestria!

Here are some things you can do in our game!

  • Customize your pony with our new mare and stallion models, new hair styles, and eyelashes

  • Buttercup and Bluebell the Wearable Items mares are ready to get you all dressed up!

  • Explore Ponyville

  • Explore Sweet Apple Acres

  • Explore the inside of Golden Oaks Library, Sugarcube Corner, and Carousel Boutique

  • Explore the Everfree Forest and go face to face with the Timberwolves! Look out for Zecora's Hut and the Moon Castle Ruins!

  • Visit majestic Canterlot! Have you talked to Astral Charm lately? I hear she's looking for you!

  • Dance your heart out!

  • Earth Ponies can do the "Ground Pound" attack

  • Unicorns can do the "Firebolt" attack and teleport

  • Pegasi can do a barrel roll in mid-air by pressing Q or E and a loop-de-loop by pressing R

Here's a helpful list of commands!

/listfriendsLists all your friends./logoutLogs out of the game.
/playersLists all the players in the room./helpLists all the commands.
/report <player name>Lets you report a player to the moderators. You can also click on a pony to report them./playervisible <true/false>Toggles your player invisible for you only, everyone else can still see you.
/cinemacamera <true/false>Your player will disappear and the camera turns into a camera-fly mode./time <##>Sets the game time. 0-24.
/standMakes your pony stand./sitMakes your pony sit.
/danceMakes your pony dance./unwearallRemoves all items from your pony.
/facehoofMakes your pony facehoof./inventoryOpens your inventory.

  • Esc opens up the main menu

  • W, A, S, D to run

  • Shift + W, A, S, D to walk

  • Double tap W to sprint or fly faster

  • Double tap Spacebar to fly
    • Q, E to do a barrel roll

    • R to do a loop-de-loop

  • Arrow keys or holding down and dragging middle mouse button moves the camera

  • Scroll wheel zooms in and out

Visit Maplesweet in Ponyville to get the elusive Dandelion Bracelet!

Do the "High Time for Pie Time" quest from Geizhufe in Canterlot to get the fancy pie tin hat!


Ponies were a mistake


Oh. My.  :'( *-* *cries with happiness* AGFTEYERTWEASGERT^ER Sorry...
AMG, 11%  <3

Ok. . . *Sigh* Alright.

Bravo 658

Don't forget to read the rules, everypony!


2013 Jul 05, 22:38:23 #4 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 05, 22:41:31 by BreM1991
Its downloaded. but its not letting me login.  The login button wont work :'(

Post Merge

What does 508 unused mean?




I'm getting a 508 error every single time I try to log in. I can't play the game at all   D: :c :'(


Using the OSX version, it's just refusing to even try starting the launcher. Updated Unity just now too, still doesn't.

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!


For OS X users. The Mac version of the game was compiled with windows, which doesn't understand how the applications works, so that's why LoE isn't running. Your version of Unity or Unity Webplayer does not affect whether a unity game will run or not.

What you need to do is fix the permissions for the .app file. Here's a little command file that'll do it for you.

Just put the file in the same folder that you have the LoE_OSX application file in (and make sure it's called LoE_OSX or it won't work) and then open the .command file. A Terminal window will open and close and the game should work. Have Fun!


2013 Jul 05, 23:49:26 #9 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 06, 00:00:47 by FanofRainbowDash
The login button won't work! Please help me!  >A< I use windows xp and windows xp professional


Well, I got the fix working. But the log in button doesn't actually do anything. It's not that it's failing at logging in, it just won't do anything but be highlighted.

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!


Uh i have a small problem,when i downloaded the file it appears my PC can't figure out what program it is,and i have Windows XP professional.What do i need to do?  ono


I'm on a mac and the login button doesn't work :( please help!


2013 Jul 06, 00:06:20 #13 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 06, 07:44:51 by FanofRainbowDash
Quote from: Nitrouspony on 2013 Jul 05, 23:44:06
For OS X users. The Mac version of the game was compiled with windows, which doesn't understand how the applications works, so that's why LoE isn't running. Your version of Unity or Unity Webplayer does not affect whether a unity game will run or not.

What you need to do is fix the permissions for the .app file. Here's a little command file that'll do it for you. http://httpames://

Just put the file in the same folder that you have the LoE_OSX application file in (and make sure it's called LoE_OSX or it won't work) and then open the .command file. A Terminal window will open and close and the game should work. Have Fun!
nevermind, i can get the game working now.

Post Merge

Quote from: Dragongirl45 on 2013 Jul 06, 00:02:19
Uh i have a small problem,when i downloaded the file it appears my PC can't figure out what program it is,and i have Windows XP professional.What do i need to do?  ono
Download Winzip, open evaluation version, and click unzip and try. And download directX 9.


Anybody else getting this error?

QuoteThere should be 'LoE-Windows_Data'
folder next to the executable

any help would be much appreciated!

Not to be confused with Zukiuke


I am also having some issues with the game. (Windows 7)

Upon its download it reads as an "unknown file".

Upon closer inspection, Windows brings it to bear that it is a "7z Compressed File" What exactly is that? And what program do I need to be able to play this game?



i downloaded the game and logged in on the forums, how do i play the game now?

Messy Hooves

Quote from: Mizuki on 2013 Jul 06, 00:17:38
Anybody else getting this error?

QuoteThere should be 'LoE-Windows_Data'
folder next to the executable

any help would be much appreciated!

I keep getting this error too, I hope it gets figured out soon..
Neat. *click*


I downloaded the fix, and now the login button does something...

but then it says for a moment:


And then, "Can't log in."

What do I need to do now?

Post Merge

Quote from: Xaos on 2013 Jul 06, 00:34:05
I downloaded the fix, and now the login button does something...

but then it says for a moment:


And then, "Can't log in."

What do I need to do now?

And now: "Can't log in: 508 unused"


The game is finally open. I have bin waiting for a long time :D

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