Pokegirlsky's OCs

Started by pokegirlsky, 2013 Jun 29, 17:39:28

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2013 Jun 29, 17:39:28 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 19, 18:09:36 by pokegirlsky
Princess Light Sparkle:
Spoiler: show
Name: Princess light sparkle
Gender: Female
Pony Type: Allicorn
Job: Princess
Princess of: Light
Pupil: Sunset Shimmer
Hobby: Being a protector
Decription: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/117195/princess-light-sparkles-story ; password for the story is: MLP


I think I'll just wait for the others to post...


2013 Jun 29, 18:11:12 #2 Last Edit: 2013 Jun 29, 18:34:38 by GlassMirror
I didn't know she could go to different universes, and second, is she human? because when you said
Quotewhen she entered the pony world she was allicorn

Third, Alicorns can't really travel to different worlds unless she could travel the speed of light.
Another thing to, we don't know her backstory, and we don't know who she really is and how she became an alicorn, plus, we don't know how she looks and all... So...
Work on it a little bit.  ;)
p.s. I don't think there can be another element of harmony

Shadow Mare

Quote from: pokegirlsky on 2013 Jun 29, 17:39:28
Name: Crystal Light
Gender: Female
Pony Type: Allicorn
Job: Princess
Princess of: Light
Pupil: Sunset Shimmer
Hobby: Being a protector
Abilities: Can go to the mlp world, real world, Poke'mon world and, Skylands     has the 7th element of harmony: Light   
Decription: when she entered the pony world she was allicorn so she had a hat to hide her horn so she would not be suspisous
but then princess celestia made her take it off to reveal she was a allicorn the whole time. Then she was crowned princess of light. She is helping Sunset shimmer learn lots of new things.she holds the 7th element of harmony: Light!  the element does not have to be uesd to make the elements work it just makes them more powerful. She uses some power from the crystal heart for her magic to work really great.

Cutie Mark


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