The Blessed Traveller's Inn. A Roleplay for the Travellers blessing (No Jump-in)

Started by Travius Trott, 2013 Jun 29, 05:55:52

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Bravo 658

"I heartily agree there... I can't imagine a world with no trust."  Wavelength frowned.  "Then again, that's probably because I was raised in a facility in which everypony works together and trusts each other.  It sounds like not everypony else was so lucky..."

The Wandering Magus

Feather sighed.  "No indeed.  There have been all too many criminals and lunatics on the roads and trails lately, especially after the string of apocalyptic catastrophes these past few years.  Nightmare Moon, Ursa Minor attack, Hydra attack, Dragon attacks, Discord's return, Sombra, the Changeling Wars.  Crime lords like the Godfather threatening our Watchers' families.  Rising poverty in Manehattan.  The ever-expanding Black Market.  Just a few years ago a traveling showpony somehow got her hooves on a magic amplifier and nearly took an entire village hostage."

He looked into the fire quietly.  "But the Blessing can't give up.  It survived Discord and the Windigoes.  It can weather this storm as it's weathered all the others."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
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visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Wavelength felt both proud and sorry for the Blessing.  It had endured so much, yet still pushed on.  ...Of course, in pushing on, it continued to endure more torment.

After sitting silent in thought for a moment, Wavelength spoke again.  "Hey... do you need an extra set of hooves in the Blessing?" he asked with a wink.  "My line of work is in low demand at the moment; everypony in town is disposing of trash properly and the facility hasn't had a hazardous sample shipped in for a few weeks."

The Wandering Magus

The Bard looked up at Wavelength, uncertainty and hope flickering in his eyes.  "Are you sure?  It is a hard life, and often thankless, occasionally even dangerous, depending on which role you choose.  The Trailmaster, Travius Trot, is open for any to come and help, but it is never forced upon anypony.  Would you be willing to help strangers, endure harsh weather and rugged roads for the sake of strangers?  Knowing that often none shall ever know of your kind deeds save your fellow Herd members?  To help EACH stallion, mare and foal on the road, even despite past disagreements?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
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visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Wavelength chuckled.  "I have no past disagreements with anypony, harsh weather can only slow me down, and rugged roads are an issue we've conquered several years ago.  As for thanks, I'm the sort that finds pleasure just in doing the right thing.  ...It's a special kind of entertainment unlike anything else I can describe.  I don't foresee any problems... would you like me on board?"

The Wandering Magus

The Bard looked deep into Wavelength's eyes, then nodded slowly.  "Yes... you are telling the truth.  Then do you swear to protect Equestria's roads and travelers, to help your fellow Herd members in need, to give aid when called in times of trouble, to uphold the Elements of Harmony, and to stand fast against those that would seek to harm ponykind?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

"That should be the vow of any Equestrian citizen," Wavelength mused quietly.  He spoke clearly to the Bard.  "I will protect Equestria's roads and those who travel upon them.  I will lend enthusiastic, full-hearted assistance to any fellow Herd members in need.  I will give my aid in times of trouble, follow the example laid out by the Elements of Harmony, and be a wall of steel against anyone or anything that attempts to harm ponykind."  Wavelength brought a hoof to his chest, holding it over his heart.  "Traveller's Blessing has heard my words here, and may you all hold me to them."

The Wandering Magus

Feather smiled, quietly tapping a hoof on the floor in applause.  "Then, Wavelength, with the Trailmaster's permission, welcome to the Herd."

He gave a complicated hoof gesture to the tavern keep, who tossed him a small pouch.  From inside he withdrew a small symbol identical to the one around his neck.

"This is the seal of the Traveler's Blessing.  May you wear it with pride, though it be hidden from the eyes of those who do not see.  You are an Associate of the Herd now, though you may choose a particular role.  I am a Bard of the Blessing, a quest-seeker, a story-teller.  When ponies call to us for help, the Bards can interpret the meaning behind the words.  Others choose differently.  Watchers are defenders and fighters, using their skill in battle to defend against bandits and creatures that seek to bring harm to travelers.  Trackers are experts at seeking out lost ponies and hidden objects.  Guides know the lay of the land, navigating even the deepest parts of the Everfree with ease.  Each member helps the other.  No single one of us needs to take on everything by herself, because there is always a friend to turn to."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Wavelength sat quietly in thought for a moment.  "I'm good at finding interesting things, but that doesn't necessarily make me a tracker... as proven by the fact that I was hopelessly lost when I found this place, I'm no guide... I don't practice with poetry that much, but I might able to do that.  I often go out in a hazardous environment suit that makes me, essentially, a walking tank.  Keeps me cozy in places other ponies can't go to clean up chemical spills, but it protects against just about anything.  I suppose I'd best fit the Watcher role," he suggested, then looked at Feather for a second opinion.

The Wandering Magus

The Bard looked over the earth pony's rugged form, and smiled, nodding thoughtfully.  "Yes... that is a good choice, Watcher Wavelength.  A shield against all dangers, a protector and defender against physical harm, placing yourself between the helpless and the dangers that face them.  It is good to have you with us, friend."

He smiled at the pony, offering a hoof in formal greeting.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Wavelength smiled warmly and confidently returned the gesture, shaking hooves.  "It's a pleasure to be aboard.  ...I was supposed to take a sealed cartfull of food back to the research center, though.  Could you show me the way to the Ponyville East Woods Road tomorrow morning so I can finish one task before hopping onto the next?" he asked, chuckling awkwardly.

The Wandering Magus

Feather nodded amicably.  "Not many know the way through these woods, and I must admit that I am no Guide.  However, the main road is simple enough to follow, for those who can see the signs.  I think I can lead you to your intended destination in the morning, yes."

He gestured as a unicorn came by with a plateful of garlic bread, oven-roasted mushrooms and baked lentils with melted cheese.  "Thank you, Tinplatter.   Seeing as that you're here, Wavelength, perhaps I could buy you some supper and a drink?  And the rooms here are quite comfortable and clean, despite the age.  Very homely, if you ask me."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Wavelength gave a relieved smile.  "Oh, thank you... I'd very much appreciate it.  I'll see if I can make it up to you some time.  I oughtta have enough for a room tonight... how much is the rent?"

The Wandering Magus

The bard smiled and listed a few reasonable prices.  "It comes with room service and breakfast in the morning.  Almost all the rooms here are of the same size and placement, being large enough for two beds, two chests, and two small tables beside the beds, while still leaving room enough to not feel cramped. There's fourteen rooms like this on the two floors above us, eight on the lower with four on each side of the hall, and six on the upper with three on each side.  I usually pay for one whole room for myself, unless I'm with a good friend, caring for somepony, or with my wife."

He called over Tinplatter again, ordering another meal for Wavelength.  "Anything in particular you'd like to eat or drink?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

"Oh!  I'll have a small order of boiled cabbage, please."  Wavelength sat in thought for a moment after ordering the rather bland but nutritious meal.  "All I really need is a cozy bed to sleep in for the night.  What'd be the best room for that?"

The Wandering Magus

Feather shrugged, using his magic to lift a spoonful of baked lentils.  "They're all nice rooms.  I personally prefer the ones in the corner, since they have two walls with windows rather than just one, but that's my own preference.  The middle rooms are sometimes noisier because you're adjacent to two other rooms that may or may not be occupied."

Tinplatter came back with Wavelength's food and two mugs of soft cider, and accepted a few bits from the Bard before leaving some utensils and napkins and going back to the kitchen.  Feather lifted his mug and took a light sip, chewing thoughtfully on the lentils.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

Wavelength munched quietly on the salty purple cabbage, half-pondering the rooms and half-wondering why he would even need to.  "Well, it's just a place to sleep for one night... it can't be that important to pick one you like, can it?" he asked.  Wavelength had never slept in an unfamiliar room before, but he didn't think it was that big of a deal.

The Wandering Magus

The bard finished his food and swallowed, dabbing at his lips with a napkin before speaking.  "Depends on the pony.  If you've never slept in an unfamiliar room before, it can be unnerving to wake up in the middle of the night and not recognize the roof above you, or try to go to sleep hearing loud snoring next door.  If you're wondering, I don't think there's individual bathrooms in most of the rooms.  Never had one in mine, but then I always choose the same rooms anyways.  There's a public little colt's room on each level, I think.  it's near the end of the hall on the floor I usually choose.  No fancy magical ice machine, though, nor microwave nor refrigerator, and being this old, the tavern isn't exactly wired all the way through for electricity yet."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

"Well, I reckon I'll do all right with a matress big enough to lay down on," Wavelength stated as he finished his cabbage.  "I'll take an interior room.  Never did like windows too much..."

The Wandering Magus

Feather nodded.  "It's your choice.  As I said, most rooms are about the same as any other."
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

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