What are you listening to?

Started by McSleuthburger, 2012 Mar 19, 17:55:54

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Princess Feenix


The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke



[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke

Princess Feenix

2013 Aug 04, 18:36:53 #2225 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 04, 20:12:05 by Princess Feenix


In Equestria, there is real happiness. It hides in the brightest light, and in the most ordinary of places. Between the world we see, and the ponies we love, there are doors. When they are opened, friendship... becomes reality.
-- Anthony Call


The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke


Guardian Dreamer

I love all bronies. you are make me happy.
Thanks Eivuiee!


2013 Aug 06, 09:45:34 #2230 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 06, 09:47:13 by Ronineter
Im still here ;). I am a bit to bizzy right now to make anything, but while i do my work i am listening atm to this.

And mostly my two current main Youtube lists combined.

Herp its here, derp.


The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke


Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!


The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke

Princess Feenix


The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke


Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!

Princess Feenix


[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

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