Pokemon X and Y topic

Started by Nala Valor, 2013 Jan 07, 11:41:33

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X or Y?

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Just putting in my two cents:

Casual gamers would most likely pick a version based on what they think has the cooler Legendary on the case (like me) or whichever has their favorite(s) on it.

Honestly, stats probably won't matter much during the main story anyway (save for the obvious huge level gap differences), but to each, their own.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


The stats aren't most important thing in choosing pokemon. I take ones that look good, have moves of different type and after this I pick the ones with best stats (remember natures). I choose starters based on gyms or what do they look like. (finished red using only Charizard, the least useful starter in that game X3)
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Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Rikaria on 2013 Feb 15, 00:44:58
Just putting in my two cents:

Casual gamers would most likely pick a version based on what they think has the cooler Legendary on the case (like me) or whichever has their favorite(s) on it.

Honestly, stats probably won't matter much during the main story anyway (save for the obvious huge level gap differences), but to each, their own.

I want Yveltas. :]
One reason I picked Black was for Reshiram.
I guess I am kind of a casual gamer.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2013 Feb 15, 01:22:26 #163 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 15, 01:26:07 by Darkangel
If Grass had less weaknesses, I could actually USE Grass type starters... :l

I will get Pokemon Y, unless Pokemon in X are better. Freaking Omastar and Kyorge only in HG...
But that'd be hard to do, since I want to get the game the day it comes out. >.<
But if there is a Ghost exclusive in X, I am gonna freak out. >:O ...Unless it's a bad one...
I still wish the 3D was like in Pokemon Stadium/Stadium 2, Colosseum, and XD: Gale of Darkness... But to be fair it IS only a 3DS.
Don't know what to put here.
So I just am typing these words, not knowing what to type here.
Maybe later I'll figure out.
It's been TWO years and I've STILL haven't figured out what to type...


Stats? Sure it's nice to have a pokemon with good stats , but that doesn't mean we should spend all our time on them. I personally choose pokemon depending on their move pools , strength , and how awesome they are.
Also I fail to see any problem with the 3DS


Quote from: Darkangel on 2013 Feb 15, 01:22:26
If Grass had less weaknesses, I could actually USE Grass type starters... :l

I will get Pokemon Y, unless Pokemon in X are better. Freaking Omastar and Kyorge only in HG...
But that'd be hard to do, since I want to get the game the day it comes out. >.<
But if there is a Ghost exclusive in X, I am gonna freak out. >:O ...Unless it's a bad one...
I still wish the 3D was like in Pokemon Stadium/Stadium 2, Colosseum, and XD: Gale of Darkness... But to be fair it IS only a 3DS.

It being a 3ds has nothing to do with the 3d visuals. And what do you mean 3d like in those games? Because the camera in battles does have dynamic movement if thats what you're talking about.
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Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Feb 15, 01:55:45
It being a 3ds has nothing to do with the 3d visuals. And what do you mean 3d like in those games? Because the camera in battles does have dynamic movement if thats what you're talking about.

The 3DS is good, but not that good. It would likely lack the cartridge memory to have a fully 3D gale of darkness graphic quality world. 8GB is max but I'm sure the cost for cartridges is even higher at that much memory as 2GB is the normal standard 3DS game size, which isn't enough for a giant world with gale of darkness graphics. Considering the size of normal Pokemon regions that allow you to walk everywhere.


The Nintendo 3DS is capable of pretty nice Graphics (Love how Luigi's Mansion 2/Dark Moon is ending up like...).

But, yeah it's not the best for extreme extreme super detailed graphics. And considering how big the Pokemon areas are.

If it was for Wii U, you'd enjoy HD Pokemon!

The Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Game and Pokedex 3D really show its capabilities. But for a series with such a huge world... Yeah. It has those limitations.

Though Gameplay > Graphics.


Quote from: Trege on 2013 Feb 15, 02:03:30
Spoiler: show
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Feb 15, 01:55:45
It being a 3ds has nothing to do with the 3d visuals. And what do you mean 3d like in those games? Because the camera in battles does have dynamic movement if thats what you're talking about.

The 3DS is good, but not that good. It would likely lack the cartridge memory to have a fully 3D gale of darkness graphic quality world. 8GB is max but I'm sure the cost for cartridges is even higher at that much memory as 2GB is the normal standard 3DS game size, which isn't enough for a giant world with gale of darkness graphics. Considering the size of normal Pokemon regions that allow you to walk everywhere.

Thats not exactly what I was talking about. Since he mentioned pokemon stadium I was assuming he was referring specifically to battles. Thats why I asked, because the 3ds can definitely render battle scenes on par with the Colosseum and XD, maybe even better.

And for the data size, a 3ds might have enough space for that. After all GC discs had a max capacity of 1.4GB. Games recycle so many objects, textures, etc, that it could be possible to see a main game size world with Colosseum graphics taking maybe 4-6GB... I don't make games so I can't say for certain.
Sugarcup, I thank thee for the AWESOME avatar!
I like my weapons, how I like my music: Heavy and Metal!
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Chishio Kunrin

2013 Feb 15, 02:57:43 #169 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 15, 02:59:19 by Chishio Kunrin
.... I like the graphics in Nintendogs + Cats.. X3 It shows that the 3DS is capable of some good quality graphics/visuals.
Spoiler: Four photo examples taken directly from my 3DS • show

Given that, the visuals of X/Y could be more dazzling, but it's still a big leap nonetheless. And it's already pretty cool in a way different than N+C.

The visuals of the pokemon in battle could use a little bit of work, but it seems the battle field will look a bit different depending on the environment. Then again, the goal may have been to keep a cartoony look about the pokemon, and if so, they've achieved that.

Meanwhile, the backgrounds in battle look very nice.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2013 Feb 15, 03:03:39 #170 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 15, 03:07:52 by Trege
Ah yeah the 3DS is capable of very good graphics but for battles it could do fine, but for a large world it could display it fine but space requirements and cartridge costs would come into play then. I mainly meant it may lack the cartridge size for a full world depending on what size of cartridge Nintendo wanted to use. And yeah it would probably amount to around 3-4GB like CyanideInsanity said. Maybe more it depends on how wide they would want to make the world and such if they ever did go even bigger than X/Y. Quality of music would affect file size as well. (Tons of other factors also come into play for storage limits as well.)

Personally I'm happy with the way X/Y looks currently anyways, it's still a major improvement for the Pokemon Series having a big region in 3D to explore. x3

Chishio Kunrin

Pfft, bro, it's gonna be great. :P In a few years or so, it's gonna be greater than great. It'll be dazzling. And then some of us are gonna show our kids Red/Blue, and they're gonna be like "That looks horrible! How could you stand that?! O:" and we'll be like "Technology has come a long way. :nod:"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


 lol Yeah I can imagine that happening. Oh man that will be hilarious. "Back in my day we didn't have fancy schamncy 3D graphics we had sprites and that's all we needed was our sprites and our 8 bit music." *Crazy Old man voice*


Spoiler: Some other 3DS graphics examples • show


Quote from: Blues-Music on 2013 Feb 15, 01:32:28
Stats? Sure it's nice to have a pokemon with good stats , but that doesn't mean we should spend all our time on them. I personally choose pokemon depending on their move pools , strength , and how awesome they are.
Also I fail to see any problem with the 3DS

I'm pretty sure strength is stats since that shows how powerful they are.
Pokemon A: 65 attk. base stat. STAB tackle
Pokemon B: 100 attk. base stat. no STAB tackle.
The more powerful one is B, since it's attack stat is 100, while A's is only 65. Sure A receives STAB, but it is still not as powerful as B. Base 100 stat is much more powerful than 65 base stat. Also, don't judge a Pokemon by it's looks, a Bannette, for example, might look cool but its defenses are not so good.

...I can't believe I started this whole thing about tne 3D... I'm so stupid, what I ment is that the characters should look like the ones in Colosseum and XD, and that I want the battles to be spaced out like in Colosseum/XD. And I would really like it if the Pokemon didn't have black lines around them if it is 3D... Sorry, I wasn't clear what I ment in "3D". if anything, what I ment was totally different from what I said. Sorry for the stupidity of me.
Don't know what to put here.
So I just am typing these words, not knowing what to type here.
Maybe later I'll figure out.
It's been TWO years and I've STILL haven't figured out what to type...


In the spoiler I have shows one with Pokedex 3D.

Shoot! I should've added Mystery Dungeon's as well.

And, the outlines compare to that of the Professor Layton game.


Here's one good example of 3DS graphic capability.
Spoiler: show

The system is stronger than a normal Wii.
And another example.
Spoiler: show

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Darkangel on 2013 Feb 15, 03:54:59
Quote from: Blues-Music on 2013 Feb 15, 01:32:28
Stats? Sure it's nice to have a pokemon with good stats , but that doesn't mean we should spend all our time on them. I personally choose pokemon depending on their move pools , strength , and how awesome they are.
Also I fail to see any problem with the 3DS

I'm pretty sure strength is stats since that shows how powerful they are.
Pokemon A: 65 attk. base stat. STAB tackle
Pokemon B: 100 attk. base stat. no STAB tackle.
The more powerful one is B, since it's attack stat is 100, while A's is only 65. Sure A receives STAB, but it is still not as powerful as B. Base 100 stat is much more powerful than 65 base stat. Also, don't judge a Pokemon by it's looks, a Bannette, for example, might look cool but its defenses are not so good.

...I can't believe I started this whole thing about tne 3D... I'm so stupid, what I ment is that the characters should look like the ones in Colosseum and XD, and that I want the battles to be spaced out like in Colosseum/XD. And I would really like it if the Pokemon didn't have black lines around them if it is 3D... Sorry, I wasn't clear what I ment in "3D". if anything, what I ment was totally different from what I said. Sorry for the stupidity of me.

I think the reason the pokemon have black outlines is so that they still look cartoonish, despite being 3D.
Sometimes making a 3D figure look cartoon-like can be kinda hard, but in Pokemon X/Y, they achieved that pretty well.

After all, some people have trouble making 3D ponies still have the same feel as ponies from the show. The best 3D pony models I've seen have been in Second Life and LoE.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Uhhh guys, I think we get it, 3DS graphics are really good.

Why cartoonish though?... I never thought of Pokemon as cartoonish...
Don't know what to put here.
So I just am typing these words, not knowing what to type here.
Maybe later I'll figure out.
It's been TWO years and I've STILL haven't figured out what to type...


Have you seen the Pony Kart models, they also use outline.

And here's what I mean by that outline of Professor Layton:
Spoiler: Those are 3D models • show

Even with that style, the Pokemon look pretty good. But could be like...

I guess it's just the Art Style like Wind Waker had compared to the others. It was a "Toon" style. :s

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