Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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let's go to the royal cemetary then

really wow he says so do we have anything planned for tonight Venom asks
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 21:34:23
let's go to the royal cemetary then

really wow he says so do we have anything planned for tonight Venom asks

Alright, I don't see what so special about it, but fine... Physics says with a shruge.

Well me and Dawn just thought we could talk for a while, get to know you, you know.
Yes! I just can't stand not knowing anything about my grandchildren!
thank you Sky Sketch


 afer paying Irina walks out waiting for Physics to follow before heading towards the Cemetary

okay what do you want to know
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 21:46:41
afer paying Irina walks out waiting for Physics to follow before heading towards the Cemetary

okay what do you want to know

Physics follows his wife, trotting by her side.

Tell me young one, how's school? Red Dawn asks Venom.
thank you Sky Sketch


it's doing good I'm getting good grades

as they arrive at the cemetery Irina draws a dagger with what appears to be a pentagram carved onto the handle
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 22:14:59
it's doing good I'm getting good grades

as they arrive at the cemetery Irina draws a dagger with what appears to be a pentagram carved onto the handle

Mind me asking what your favorite subject is? Scroll asks with a smile.

Physics looks with curiosity at what Irina was doing, but remains silent for the moment.
thank you Sky Sketch


hm probably science

you remember te Master right what I am kidding of course you do. After I defeated her I was told that she was only gone for sometime then she would come again unless  I did this it is the only way to keep her down there
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 22:32:27
hm probably science

you remember te Master right what I am kidding of course you do. After I defeated her I was told that she was only gone for sometime then she would come again unless  I did this it is the only way to keep her down there

Science, good, that offers you a lot of options... Scroll says with a smile.
What about you Lemy dear, how are you doing? Red Dawn asks Pierrot.

What....are you going to do exactly? Physics asks, thinking back on the angel now.
thank you Sky Sketch


well I'm doing good and I don't really have a favorite subject

open the Devil's gate she says as she makes her way to the mausoleum in the center she stabs the blade into center
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Well you're doing great, and that's all that matters! Red Dawn said, all while clapping her hooves together.

And may I ask what that'll do? Physics says in worry.
thank you Sky Sketch


well open the gates to the dark world or tartarus whatever you ponies call us A voice says as a pony walks into the cematary what you told me that-  oh we say a lot of things but demons do lie the ground starts shaking under them

so anything else you want to know about us

now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 23:14:42
well open the gates to the dark world or tartarus whatever you ponies call us A voice says as a pony walks into the cematary what you told me that-  oh we say a lot of things but demons do lie the ground starts shaking under them

so anything else you want to know about us

Oh Celestia, this is like what that crazy pony said! Physics says in worry.

How is Physics and Irina treating you two? Scroll Scripter asks Physics two foals.
thank you Sky Sketch


you lied! Irina says running at the pony he smiles and flicks his hoof to the side sending Irina flying into a tombstone

they are wonderful parents Pierrot says Venom nods in agreement
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Oct 12, 23:35:26
you lied! Irina says running at the pony he smiles and flicks his hoof to the side sending Irina flying into a tombstone

they are wonderful parents Pierrot says Venom nods in agreement

Physics see's this and gets in a a battle like stance, firing a fire-ball at the demon.

Good to hear our son also got more then just our magical skills huh? Red Dawn nods and smiles in agreement with her husband.
thank you Sky Sketch


the pony flicks his hoof upward destroying the fireball you know if I wanted to I could break those bindings on your body and release the daemon inside of you

yeah their great I love them
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Why don't you see i'ts power then! Physics says, teleporting in front of the demon, his body glowing when he reappears, giving a daemon-enhanced punch to the demons face.

The two parents give a smile at the compliment to their son.
thank you Sky Sketch


the demon barely filches oh come on I know you can hit harder then that what are you a little filly the gate bursts open behind him as black smoke fires out of it flying off in different directions and there we go now demons rule.

the castle is protected from the smoke anything else?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

This can't be good.... Physics quickly looks over to his wife, seeing if she was able to escape on her own.

Why don't you ask your grandparents questions? Scroll Scripter tells his grand-foals.
thank you Sky Sketch


what's wrong oh are you worried about her oh don't worry she can't be possessed neither can your kids or parents up their protected by the Castle's magic lucky them right? he laughs a bit. Irina was out cold the tombstone knocked her out cold

hm how was our dad growing up?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
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the dark gods

Physics looks worried, running over to his wife and picking her up over his shoulder, before trying to get out of the graveyard, not wanting Irina to be hurt.

Ohh, Physics was the smartest little colt growing up, and adorable as well! Red Dawn says with a grin on her face.
thank you Sky Sketch

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