
Started by Cerebrate, 2012 Aug 13, 21:02:28

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2012 Aug 13, 21:02:28 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 09, 20:37:21 by The Great and Powerful Cerebrate


Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!

Stitchin Time


Congrats, Programmers, for completing one of the things on your list! I can't wait to see when another aspect is crossed off the "Road to Alpha" list!  :D

Lord of Madness

lol need anymore arrows? anyway that's awesome!


haha awesome XD  :3 :3
[move=6][/move]Thanks Skardan (signature) and Fudgemuffin (avatar) :D
If I owe you any work you can always visit my gallery:

Book Smarts

I was surprised this section actually had a post

congrats  lol


I never knew it was a checklist.AWESOME!
We get to keep track of everything you guys complete.


Wait, so that means all the hats are done? Yay XD

Seriously though, grats on finishing the items!
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


Yay! One step closer to the games release! Good job!  *-*
I will be gone until the pony drought is over... so find me on Feral Heart if you want me :P


Quote from: Rikaria on 2012 Aug 14, 01:29:01
Wait, so that means all the hats are done? Yay XD

Seriously though, grats on finishing the items!
Notice how it's under the programming section. Finishing the hats would fall under 3D and 2D.
Inventory means that the system is implemented that lets players have items in their inventory and equip clothing/armor on their pony. The items themselves still have to be made, they just now have a proper place to go.


One down!.....many...many to go.   :] Way to go programmers!
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


Second! ...Oh wait.

Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 Aug 13, 21:26:18
lol need anymore arrows?

There are not enough arrows in that picture. Anyway, this is great. Now for all the other things on that list!

Driftless Night

Xeno Aura

Sorry, I'm a little confused about what got removed? Everything still looks there... :D


Quote from: Xeno Aura on 2012 Aug 14, 06:05:20
Sorry, I'm a little confused about what got removed? Everything still looks there... :D

Oh... Fluttershy, you see... There are some... Red arrows... Pointing for you to see... If you don't mind... Guess i'll leave now... Sorry  >.<

And to the devteam, Woo! I was surprised at this post! That's AWESOME! Nice looking inventory too  :D

Congratulations on finishing that first task!

Xeno Aura

2012 Aug 14, 06:20:09 #16 Last Edit: 2012 Aug 14, 06:22:16 by Xeno Aura
Red arrows? I'm afraid I can't see anything like that... :/

EDIT: This appears not to work with Firefox, the updated image (with the white background) only shows in Chrome for me.


Quote from: Xeno Aura on 2012 Aug 14, 06:05:20
Sorry, I'm a little confused about what got removed? Everything still looks there... :D

Quote from: Xeno Aura on 2012 Aug 14, 06:20:09
Red arrows? I'm afraid I can't see anything like that... :/

If I were on my laptop I would put a double facehoof right here. They're right there! The inventory word is crossed out and such.

Anyway, awesome! It's great you guys got the inventory system working. Let's see how long it takes fpr everyhing else lol

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Xeno Aura

If anyone else gets the error I got, clear your cache.

It appears the image is uploaded under the same URL it was before? In that case, Firefox just defaults to the image stored in its cache, without bothering to check for a newer version. So that's why I was seeing the old one.


A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

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