Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Since apparently I have to put my opinions in spoilers now...

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GameFAQs Best Game Ever was OBVIOUSLY rigged from the start. Undertale is unbelievably overrated and the fact that it won is an outright disgrace.  :l
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Sweet Brew

2015 Dec 17, 00:20:52 #17801 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 17, 02:33:54 by Sweet Brew
Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Dec 16, 18:26:27
Since apparently I have to put my opinions in spoilers now...

Spoiler: show
GameFAQs Best Game Ever was OBVIOUSLY rigged from the start. Undertale is unbelievably overrated and the fact that it won is an outright disgrace.  :l

I'll put mine in one too. :3
Spoiler: Spioler • show
rigged from the start
unbelievably overrated

Now I agree, I'm a little tired of the Untertale fans shoving it down our throats...
But if it's overrated it means there's a lot of people liking it...
So how does that prove the GameFAQs being rigged? It just means all those people are voting for it. =P
I don't know if it's overrated or not, I won't say 'cause I never played it.

Midnight Breeze

My old landlord is trying to screw me over one last time. I just got a $180 bill for carpet cleaning. That carpet was ratty and stained when I moved in. I left it the way I found it. I refuse to pay for cleaning on carpet that should have been changed out before I even moved in.

I'm going in tomorrow morning and giving them a piece of my mind.

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Dec 17, 02:26:09
My old landlord is trying to screw me over one last time. I just got a $180 bill for carpet cleaning. That carpet was ratty and stained when I moved in. I left it the way I found it. I refuse to pay for cleaning on carpet that should have been changed out before I even moved in.

I'm going in tomorrow morning and giving them a piece of my mind.
I seem to remember you mentioning you fixed your doorframe or door hinges or something?
Bill them for those! :3
(Clearly a joke)

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Dec 17, 02:35:48
I seem to remember you mentioning you fixed your doorframe or door hinges or something?
Bill them for those! :3
(Clearly a joke)

I should bill them for my therapy bills from living in a roach infested apartment for a year.

I would threaten to give a scathing review, but really, they already have a one-star rating on google reviews. What could I possibly do to hurt their reputation?

Lync Volan

I don't know why i keep googling the things i go to the doctor for, it just scares the crud out of me and doesn't help at all  >A<


Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Dec 17, 00:20:52
I'll put mine in one too. :3
Spoiler: Spioler • show
rigged from the start
unbelievably overrated

Now I agree, I'm a little tired of the Untertale fans shoving it down our throats...
But if it's overrated it means there's a lot of people liking it...
So how does that prove the GameFAQs being rigged? It just means all those people are voting for it. =P
I don't know if it's overrated or not, I won't say 'cause I never played it.

Spoiler: show
Meh, Im not that interested in Undertale.


2015 Dec 17, 14:08:43 #17807 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 17, 14:10:39 by DawnsEmbrace
Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Dec 16, 18:26:27
Since apparently I have to put my opinions in spoilers now...

Spoiler: show
GameFAQs Best Game Ever was OBVIOUSLY rigged from the start. Undertale is unbelievably overrated and the fact that it won is an outright disgrace.  :l

Spoiler: show
I try not to use my own opinions about games to discredit their genuine popularity.
...Though I honestly kind of agree with you that it doesn't deserve the top spot.  Undertale is good, but it's not that good.
<br />

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Dec 16, 18:26:27
Since apparently I have to put my opinions in spoilers now...

Spoiler: show
GameFAQs Best Game Ever was OBVIOUSLY rigged from the start. Undertale is unbelievably overrated and the fact that it won is an outright disgrace.  :l

Spoiler: show
I think the biggest thing that caused that is that the characters are lovable and charm the player into genuinely liking them while playing the Pacifist run.

Nevermind the fact that it had an interesting combat system, story, and plot twist. The major end-game bosses for Pacifist and No Mercy are nothing to sneeze at, and there's something entertaining about how the game is programmed to where Sans keeps track of what happened each time you have to reload after fighting him. Not just that he keeps track of how many times you lost against him, but also that he recognizes when you fell for his little trick. He's like "Wow, you look mad."

A lot of cute and clever coding went into this game.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

People who get all angsty about preparing food on a bare countertop. Come on, I seriously doubt I have some deadly virus cultivating on my counter. If your kitchen is that filthy then I think you have bigger problems.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Dec 18, 04:24:04
People who get all angsty about preparing food on a bare countertop. Come on, I seriously doubt I have some deadly virus cultivating on my counter. If your kitchen is that filthy then I think you have bigger problems.

If they're worried about that then tell them to get some cutting boards, perhaps cover the counter with plastic too? Oh and it might be because they don't want the raw ingredients mixing together somehow before they're meant to, you don't really want pig meat to be in contact with something to serve raw, because that could actually carry some pretty nasty things. Not stuff bad enough to make you seriously sick though, most likely only just a bit.... http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=2470.0">Read the forum rules.ty I guess? Literally.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Spoiler: show
Yeah well I'm NEVER getting it. EVER.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Oh, looks like what I said got caught up by the filters, again, no idea why a word like that would be censored though, oh well, what I meant to say was that you'd possibly have some stomach problems and have to spend a while in the bathroom to get it all out, one way or the other.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chibalt on 2015 Dec 18, 10:18:19
If they're worried about that then tell them to get some cutting boards, perhaps cover the counter with plastic too? Oh and it might be because they don't want the raw ingredients mixing together somehow before they're meant to, you don't really want pig meat to be in contact with something to serve raw, because that could actually carry some pretty nasty things. Not stuff bad enough to make you seriously sick though, most likely only just a bit.... <a href="http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=2470.0">Read the forum rules.</a>ty I guess? Literally.

I don't handle raw meat. My idea of "food prep" is fixing a sandwich or cutting an apple in half to make it easier to bite into. That's the most I do on my countertop, yet folks act like it's some cardinal sin.

Why would I want to waste a paper towel or dirty a plate every time I want to fix a sandwich? Paper creates trash and washing dishes costs energy. I'm trying to go for a zero carbon footprint here.

Sweet Brew

My room is freezing cold... I'm supposed to be kept warm with my pneumonia!

My Dad wanted to come see us for Christmas, but due to him having literally 0$ in the bank he can't...
It's still not a lost 'cause... but still... :c


I was almost.....ALMOST looking forward to the holidays. But i don't get a break as I'm working full time hours and i just lost the one thing that was making me so very happy lately. Now I'm sad and once again alone....and tired from all the working


Spoiler: show
The fact that I can't seem to find anyone who feels the same way I do about Dictatorship jerk UNREDEEMED Glimmer



^^^Getting tired of having to do that too

(Putting my opinions in spoilers)
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Chishio Kunrin

The fact that there are older adults who think that doing something as simple as data entry ("Today, the company received a shipment of 35 of this. *Types 35 into the text box*") means you're a computer genius who can't be held back by passwords and such. :facehoof:

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I ate a whole apple pie by myself in less than 24 hours. My employer gave it to me blissfully ignorant of what evils they doth commit.


Tiny portions, you don't have any excuses unless you're some kind of gourmet resturant, and even there you can actually eat till you're full because the gourmet dinner is small portions, gourmet lunch is normal, filling portions. Gotta wonder what they think when you look at a can of spaghetti and it says it's enough for 4 portions, especially when anyone in my house can eat all of it in one portion easy peasy.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

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