Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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The Wandering Magus

excessive railroading by a GM
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


5AM to 4PM, I just didn't feel like getting up today...  :s I slept from 11 AM to 9PM yesterday then went to sleep at 5AM and woke up at 4PM.


Having a long dream about being too tired to get up.  :I
"The passions are, and ought only to be the slave of reason." - David Hume

The Wandering Magus

headache, probably from having two midterms and not enough sleep.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Book Smarts

To busy to be on the forums last night  >A<

Chishio Kunrin

>Internet's down, doesn't seem to be reconnecting
>"Better do something productive"
>Brings up Word document for fanfic
>Makes ramen
>Comes back to see internet's back up
>Posts on Facebook that I kinda want a shirt that says "An Enderman stole my toilet"
>Gets distracted

So much for "Do something productive". :\

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2012 Nov 29, 05:06:22 #6226 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 29, 05:12:00 by Trege
This video game demo I played today has a short play time limit despite only having 3 out of  the 19 stages in the final version of the game It's kind of annoying since it doesn't have all of the game to begin with, so why limit the time on the only 3 stages it has?  :l

The Wandering Magus

my house lacks internet for some reason, and has since yesterday afternoon.  at least I get to be online at the university...
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Spending six hours on a critical assignment, then realizing it was due two days before the usual time.
"The passions are, and ought only to be the slave of reason." - David Hume


The fact that I'm not used to it getting dark around 5:45-6:00PM yet, it always feels odd around this time of year until I eventually adjust to it.


Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 29, 19:21:14
The fact that I'm not used to it getting dark around 5:45-6:00PM yet, it always feels odd around this time of year until I eventually adjust to it.


And when my mom tells me i only have to put up the dishes, then when im done with that, she tells me i only have to rinse them, she then ditches them and tells me to wash them  :l

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 29, 19:21:14
The fact that I'm not used to it getting dark around 5:45-6:00PM yet, it always feels odd around this time of year until I eventually adjust to it.

The other day:
mom: Terri and the kids are coming over soon.
me: *Notices it's dark outside* What?! But it's-- *Checks clock* 6 PM. Oh.
mom: o.O
me: It's dark out, and I thought it was like 10 or something.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


What timezone are you all in?
My sunset is at 4:50pm(est)....it was getting dark on my way home from work

I noticed i'm getting MORE SNOW tonight while looking that up.  We just got rid of the last snowfall we got :(

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: LaptopCommandStation on 2012 Nov 29, 19:58:56
What timezone are you all in?
My sunset is at 4:50pm(est)....it was getting dark on my way home from work

I noticed i'm getting MORE SNOW tonight while looking that up.  We just got rid of the last snowfall we got :(

I think it's because you're in Canada (right?). After all, in the winter, the regions within the arctic circle can end up with like... an entire week of night time or more, and in the summer, the same amount of time of day time. So I suppose since Canada's near the arctic circle, you're affected by that sun positioning that causes that.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: LaptopCommandStation on 2012 Nov 29, 19:58:56
What timezone are you all in?
My sunset is at 4:50pm(est)....it was getting dark on my way home from work

I noticed i'm getting MORE SNOW tonight while looking that up.  We just got rid of the last snowfall we got :(

im in US and Canada Central timezone, i think its like UCT or somthing, i have no idea


2012 Nov 29, 21:42:35 #6235 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 29, 21:46:32 by Trege
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Nov 29, 19:54:07
Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 29, 19:21:14
The fact that I'm not used to it getting dark around 5:45-6:00PM yet, it always feels odd around this time of year until I eventually adjust to it.

The other day:
mom: Terri and the kids are coming over soon.
me: *Notices it's dark outside* What?! But it's-- *Checks clock* 6 PM. Oh.
mom: o.O
me: It's dark out, and I thought it was like 10 or something.

That was basically my exact reaction to the time of day 2 hours ago.  ovO *Sits at desk takes a look out the window.* "It must be late or something." *Checks PC clock*.  :I

Edit :
Waiting for a game to arrive from Amazon. It Will be worth the wait once it arrives though.  :3


Had to change a broken "A" string on my guitar, broke a while back, but I just got the replacement string the other day.

-Search for replacement string as I couldn't remember where I put it-5 Minutes
-Search for string peg-10 minutes
-Search for tuner-10 minutes
-Search for batteries for tuner-3 minutes

Snaps "D" String tuning guitar

You can imagine my mood at this time, and that i'm not going to this shop for guitar strings anymore....

Chishio Kunrin

I can't play guitar. :c Even if I try, despite my fingers being long, I think my hands are too small.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2012 Nov 29, 23:50:52 #6238 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 29, 23:53:29 by LaptopCommandStation
Well my sister just told me a rather interesting story....

So (very) long story short, my niece fell asleep on the bus today, and wasn't accounted for at her stop, where my sister was waiting for her(and my nephew, who DID get off the bus).  He told my sis that she was on the bus so my sister ran after it(whilst being 1 month pregnant...) while another parent went the back way to cut off the bus.  My sister's neighbor catches up with her and drives her to the next bus stop where the bus once again drives off.  The parent that cut off the bus told my sister that the driver said she(my niece) fell asleep and she won't be let off until the end of the route, EVEN THOUGH MY SISTER WAS RUNNING AFTER THE STUPID BUS.  So, she called the bus company who then told her, and I quote, "She(my niece) shouldn't have fallen asleep.  It's not the bus driver's responsibility to account for kids when they get off."  Yes, read that second quote a couple more times to absorb the idiocy that is that statement.  The Ontario School Bus Federation(or whatever it's called) says the EXACT OPPOSITE, the driver IS responsible for the kids(obviously), and not seeing a woman running after her bus is a blatant disregard of her surroundings(did I mention the kids noticing her and yelling at the driver to stop??).  So anyway, my sister contacted the school board, the school her kids go to, and our government representatives.

Yep, she's after her job, you blame her?  I don't!

Oh yeah, I didn't mention that this wasn't the 1st time this happened.  Apparently the 1st time involved her letting a kid off at the wrong stop and the kid went missing, police involved, amber alert the whole works, yet,
She wasn't accountable.  BS

Chishio Kunrin

..... Yeah, that bus driver needs to lose her job.
I hate when it's someone's job to help or be responsible for someone who depends on them or needs them, but they don't do their job right or just plain don't do their job.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

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