Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Sweet Brew

Steam was perfectly fine for me, and my bro...

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Dec 27, 03:18:28
Steam was perfectly fine for me, and my bro...

Oh, they fixed it a few hours after the problem started, which was on Christmas day. It's safe now.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

People who assume that anyone who speaks Spanish is Mexican.

You know, I once heard a rumor that Spanish is indeed spoken outside of Mexico. Some crazy people even suggest it's spoken in SPAIN! Cannot confirm.


Recently, I keep getting asked to do this security thing whenever I want to access these forums, and it's annoying as heck.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


Security thing?  That's odd...what exactly?


One of those bot-checker things keeps popping up and telling me to ender the displayed number. Once I do that, everything's fine. I think it might have something to do with, of all things, an update my phone had; I'm nearly ALWAYS logged in on both my phone and PC, but ever since that update happened, I've been getting the bot-checker and often found myself automatically logged out on my phone.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

Sudden hail storm. That's the last thing you want to see with a brand new car. Doesn't look like it sustained any visible damage from my brief inspection, thank God.

That does it, I'm lowering my comprehensive deductible to $0. Just way too bit a risk having a new car out in the open in the great plains.


I realized how much I missed love. A girl 2 years after high school ripped out my heart, never been the same  :c

Midnight Breeze

Scumbag Cricket wouldn't take back my Windows phone that I bought less than 60 days ago, so I had to pay full price for a new Android. Guess I'll keep the Windows phone for a while in case Microsoft finally gets their heads out of their butts and brings Android apps to the platform like they promised. If not I'll sell it privately.

I need an Android for the Amazon Flex app. I want to contract out to them to earn extra money and be able to deduct my car payment on taxes. What can I say, I'm a workaholic.


Two words:



The Mushrooms are annoying at times too.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

Maria Brink's voice. I'll admit I like Big Bad Wolf but most of the time she just sounds like she's screeching and screaming, not singing. Especially in Sick Like Me where it sounds like her voice is cracking to pieces.

She must have some seriously sore vocal cords.

Chishio Kunrin

There should be a law that says every single box of chocolate has to have a flavor guide.

I got a box of Valentine's chocolate (yes, it's New Years Eve, and the grocery store already has them), and the very first chocolate I bit into had orange filling. :x I don't like chocolate-orange. It's gross.

I hope there isn't any chocolate-coconut in here. :c

Imagine the fear that people who have food allergies have when they go through a box of chocolates.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Dec 31, 23:35:20
There should be a law that says every single box of chocolate has to have a flavor guide.

I got a box of Valentine's chocolate (yes, it's New Years Eve, and the grocery store already has them), and the very first chocolate I bit into had orange filling. :x I don't like chocolate-orange. It's gross.

I hope there isn't any chocolate-coconut in here. :c

Imagine the fear that people who have food allergies have when they go through a box of chocolates.

Make a petition?

Midnight Breeze

Doctors getting all snippy about being disturbed during their time off for a medical emergency. Look, I get it, nobody likes being called in during personal time - not least of all me - but you're a doctor, you're never off the clock. That's the deal with the devil you make when you go into medicine. As a medical professional you provide a very vital service to the people, emergencies happen, and the world doesn't stop turning when you're off. When a patient needs medical attention they need it NOW, not whenever you get around to it.

If you wanted a job where you could just work your scheduled hours and go home and not have to think about work until your next work day then you went into the wrong field. Might I suggest a career in fast food?

Lync Volan

I was gonna finally get rid of this useless guitar by giving it to my cousin who actually wants to learn and has the ability to learn but for some reason my mom told her not to take it even though it was technically MINE to give not hers not to give, my mom didn't even pay for it, my dad did so if anything he should have said something not my mom :l

not to mention she told my cousin that in another language (take advantage of my language barrier again!) thinking i was not gonna find out but i did so she better start using that thing before i get my urge to burn it again >:/


Impossible circumstances that you hope will happen but that never well.

Midnight Breeze

Amazon needs to get back to me on the driving contract. They pay $25 per hour on holidays and I'm on new year break from my day job. I could have been out there making some mad dinero the past 2 days. $300 a day in combined contract and holiday pay? Yes please.

I guess Amazon HR is on holiday too.

Sweet Brew

I got some new-years resolutions that people won't like.
It's for the better though... and frankly isn't their business, No one will be getting hurt.

And two things I'm not dealing with this year...
And no, those aren't the new years resolutions certain people won't like. =P

Midnight Breeze

2016 Jan 04, 01:30:03 #17858 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 04, 01:37:20 by Midnight Breeze
An old Nickelodeon 90s horror film called Cry Baby Lane descended into legend in resent years. It was aired on TV in 2000 once - only once - and was never heard of again in over a decade. As far as a children's network film goes it was very scary and got banned from Nickelodeon after parents complained, who just sort of swept it under the rug.

Circa 2010 it became a creepypasta. At the time there was no hard evidence of its existence and most people believed that it never really existed, but was just a myth invented by the creepypasta. Even Nickelodeon tried to deny its existence for a little while before it was leaked on to the internet a while back.

Well, I knew it was real because I was one of the very few people who saw it that one time it aired on TV when I was 9. Sure makes a man feel old when something I witnessed can fall into the realm of legend.  ono

Lync Volan

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Jan 04, 01:30:03
An old Nickelodeon 90s horror film called Cry Baby Lane descended into legend in resent years. It was aired on TV in 2000 once - only once - and was never heard of again in over a decade. As far as a children's network film goes it was very scary and got banned from
Spoiler: show
Nickelodeon after parents complained, who just sort of swept it under the rug.

Circa 2010 it became a creepypasta. At the time there was no hard evidence of its existence and most people believed that it never really existed, but was just a myth invented by the creepypasta. Even Nickelodeon tried to deny its existence for a little while before it was leaked on to the internet a while back.

Well, I knew it was real because I was one of the very few people who saw it that one time it aired on TV when I was 9. Sure makes a man feel old when something I witnessed can fall into the realm of legend.  ono

Witnessing a once in a life time thingy sounds AMAZING! though, unless someone managed to record the channel when it aired and put it online somehow X3

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