Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2015 Feb 21, 19:21:55
Ahh, I hate that so much. Sometimes I get bored and start thinking about allll of the dumb stuff I did as a kid. :facehoof:

Yeah, that's me too. I remember in my junior school I actually bit someone for some reason...or when I had a crush on one girl and found out another boy liked her, so I made a complete embaressment of myself in front of the whole playground by asking him to fight me.
I really was an idiotic kid...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


Book: The battles in this war were battle 1, battle 2 and battle 3.
Notebook: The battles in this war were battle 8, battle 294 and battle 91.
ummm... wut.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 21, 23:10:17
Winter storm warning. Expecting freezing rain and sleet tomorrow which will make driving dangerous. No me gusta.

Indeed. I'm probably gonna have to miss a dentist appointment tomorrow.
I'm hoping the power doesn't go out.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2015 Feb 22, 17:16:48 #15503 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 22, 17:20:13 by Trege
I had the worst amount of insomnia I've had in awhile. I even started feeling sick from lack of sleep. I can't even figure out what caused my temporary  insomnia either. But no matter how tired I got my body refused to fall asleep even though I was feeling incredibly tired and sick. It was really annoying I hadn't had any caffeine or anything that I can think of that would have caused it. I finally managed to get at least 4-5 hours of sleep though after hours and hours of being awake and tired.  :l


Well... it was inevitable I guess. I was still hoping it wouldn't happen though.

Someone has made a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic "Five Nights at Freddy's" game. It's called Six Nights at Pinkie's.

There's only a demo out right now thankfully... but still...




*goes to cry in a corner as I wait for the full game to come out to begin my Let's Play of it*

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Chishio Kunrin

Starting to get really annoyed by some of the anons that come onto the RWBY wiki. It's like they barely pay attention to anything.

One of them decided they're calling Ruby's mother Crystal. Guess what. We've been told her mother's name. It's Summer. Not Crystal. Summer. And I know this anon has watched the whole series thus far because they talked about the volume 2 finale. *Facepalm*

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Feb 22, 19:54:51
Starting to get really annoyed by some of the anons that come onto the RWBY wiki. It's like they barely pay attention to anything.

One of them decided they're calling Ruby's mother Crystal. Guess what. We've been told her mother's name. It's Summer. Not Crystal. Summer. And I know this anon has watched the whole series thus far because they talked about the volume 2 finale. *Facepalm*

Question, does what's watchable on Netflix constitute the whole series thus far?

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 22, 19:58:17
Question, does what's watchable on Netflix constitute the whole series thus far?

Yeah. Netflix has both volumes 1 and 2. I have no idea if they decided to screw up and make it move on to the next thing before the credits are over, though, considering both volumes have an after credits scene.

Also, Netflix is kinda weird about webshows like RWBY and Red vs Blue, where they just have the entire season set as an episode.

But yeah... Gonna point out that volume 2 is a lot better than volume 1. The animation is better, the voice actors have improved, and the writing is better.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I honestly think the show would look better in 2D.

Sunshine Smash

Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Feb 22, 17:55:12
Well... it was inevitable I guess. I was still hoping it wouldn't happen though.

Someone has made a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic "Five Nights at Freddy's" game. It's called Six Nights at Pinkie's.

There's only a demo out right now thankfully... but still...




*goes to cry in a corner as I wait for the full game to come out to begin my Let's Play of it*


Ooooooohhh, Sanity!

People constantly asking me questions I clearly give the answer to, who then ask a question that's basically the same thing, just worded slightly differently, then get mad at me for not being clearer.... Really?  :c

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Randam Saiko

Me greeting a close friend: "Hey, walking garbage, get out of my vicinity!"

What strangers assume: "This guy is such a jerk! They shouldn't talk to him at all!"

What my greetings meant: "Hey, I know you so well that I feel comfortable insulting you as a joke because we're close enough that I know you won't get offended and maybe return the thought with a similar greeting."

Close friends means we're comfortable enough to insult each other knowing neither of us will take it seriously.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Midnight Breeze

I use left-handed mode in TF2 and people say it's an unfair advantage because I can shoot around corners that right-handed players can't. In stage two of Dustbowl I'm the only soldier who can peak out and destroy the sentry nest at the last point relatively safely. What they stupidly don't realize is that I also can't shoot around corners that right-handed players can. It's much more difficult for me to to take out a sentry in the right tunnel on that same map. It's not an unfair advantage, it just makes me more useful in different situations to a right-handed player.

Sore losers, I tell ya.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 22, 22:05:45
I use left-handed mode in TF2 and people say it's an unfair advantage because I can shoot around corners that right-handed players can't. In stage two of Dustbowl I'm the only soldier who can peak out and destroy the sentry nest at the last point relatively safely. What they stupidly don't realize is that I also can't shoot around corners that right-handed players can. It's much more difficult for me to to take out a sentry in the right tunnel on that same map. It's not an unfair advantage, it just makes me more useful in different situations to a right-handed player.

Sore losers, I tell ya.

Yeah, it's annoying the kind of people you can sometimes run into with online games. I once made the mistake of playing Mabinogi on satellite internet dueling someone on cable. It basically ended with them insulting me and saying learn to play better and your internet is no excuse, even though my ping was 600-700MS and theirs was under 100MS.  :l I just ignore those people they complain when they win and complain when they lose. A ping of 600 or higher with a round trip to the server is over a second usually. Meaning I was always 1 second behind them on dial up where everything they did happened instantly.It sounds like those players need to think more though complaining about someone because they use their left hand where it's no different than them perspective wise on corners it's just reversed.

It's 2 degrees outside it's insane. I am kinda getting tired of the winters here in Missouri I used to love it as a kid but not as much now.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Trege on 2015 Feb 22, 22:23:01
It's 2 degrees outside it's insane. I am kinda getting tired of the winters here in Missouri I used to love it as a kid but not as much now.

I think I've grown a layer of brown fat. I sit here in short sleeves with no heat while there's an inch of ice on the ground outside in north Texas. My body looks a lot leaner, too. Screw dieting, if you wanna look better just sit in the cold without heat. Biology wins.

I thought winter was over. It was in the 80s for the past 2 weeks but we got a late cold front from up north. Thanks, Canada!


2015 Feb 22, 22:40:43 #15514 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 22, 22:45:17 by Trege
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 22, 22:33:37
I think I've grown a layer of brown fat. I sit here in short sleeves with no heat while there's an inch of ice on the ground outside in north Texas. My body looks a lot leaner, too. Screw dieting, if you wanna look better just sit in the cold without heat. Biology wins.

I thought winter was over. It was in the 80s for the past 2 weeks but we got a late cold front from up north. Thanks, Canada!

Sadly we still have a month or more of winter so it's annoying waiting, I miss spring already. My hands are usually the only thing that gets cold but it's still enough to bother me since typing with cold hands is annoying. My room's one weakness is the north wind because my AC is on that wall so while it's usually hot in here during winter if the north wind blows it's cold.


2015 Feb 22, 22:45:00 #15515 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 22, 23:13:58 by LaptopBrony
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 22, 22:33:37
I thought winter was over. It was in the 80s for the past 2 weeks but we got a late cold front from up north. Thanks, Canada!

Hey hey, blame Siberia.  That's where the polar air comes from.

For the record, we weren't too fond of our -22°F temperatures last week.  I'll take 2 anyday.
I can tell you, and Mizuki and Chrisgotjar heard my frustrations in mumble firsthand on friday, my truck hated it more than I did

Anyways, my great plan for exponentially improving my life by removing the single producer of the stress and anxiety that has been causing me to lose sleep, make me super depressed all the time, and overall lowered my quality of life has fallen into disarray due to a financial discrepancy in my long-term budget, so I have to wait a month before I can hand in "the letter"

...also speaking of -freezing°f temperatures....


Dang laptop, stay safe. The worst we've ever gotten in Missouri I think was -14°F and that's very rare if that ever happens here the average is usually 10-20s °F in Winter.


I'm honestly more worried about my truck not starting in the morning to be perfectly honest X3

But thanks.  It almost never gets this cold even up here, but this winter has been brutal, even more than last year

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 22, 20:33:23
I honestly think the show would look better in 2D.

Yeah, probably, but Monty was used to animating in 3D, so the fight scenes probably wouldn't have been as good.
At least the textures in volume 2 look a lot better.
The facial animation is better, too. And the animation in the casual scenes isn't as stiff and awkward anymore.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Night Pony

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Feb 22, 19:54:51
Starting to get really annoyed by some of the anons that come onto the RWBY wiki. It's like they barely pay attention to anything.

One of them decided they're calling Ruby's mother Crystal. Guess what. We've been told her mother's name. It's Summer. Not Crystal. Summer. And I know this anon has watched the whole series thus far because they talked about the volume 2 finale. *Facepalm*

Was that said in a tweet? Also are you refering to the red blade woman?

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

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