December 21 / 2024, my bug video

Started by Drachnelord, 2024 Dec 21, 17:39:25

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Not sure where to put it... I could not post it on the discord channel, because I do not have an account there.

Here are a few things I noticed about the latest update and that I have shown in a video:

1. Presents cannot be collected
2. Mousewheel-scrolling in shops
3. Falling through the ground
4. Missing Stocking Stuffer-shop
5. Whisper messages are shown twice

The following might not be bugs:
6. Hallowtide quest is still in the list
7. The version number fells like June 2024 to me

And a few older problems are mentioned, too:
8. Quest hints are shown twice
9. Some shops have two shop-buttons
10. Arrows point to the ground
11. Cirrus Stratos is rendered as a floating scarf, and also he appears twice in one dialog.

And one last thing, that is not a bug but troublesome to me: When walking (holding shift) and using a skill/spell (number-keys) it changes the row of the skill-table. I think it would be nicer if you could use skills when walking slowly by default.

Also I notice that the skills are numbered starting from 1, but when opening the table (where you can see 100 slots), the numbering starts from 0. That looks confusing.


One more thing, an interesting one:

I have got a two-coloured item called "Kitty Socks (Back Legs). I can give it two different colours, alright, and it shows correctly when I wear the socks.
But when I then undress to give it other colours both colours are the same. It does not happen all the time, and I am not sure how to trigger it.

That is why I made another video. When recording it, the bug did not occur for a while, and then it seemed once more to be triggered by changing the second colour again.

After I clicked on cancel and again go into the colour-selection menue, it seems to be like before and the correct colours appear.
I do not know, if it is just on this item, I never noticed that behaviour before.


Another thing:

When using Ctrl + c (for example to copy a Hex-color code), the inventory will be opened/closed.


Quote from: Drachnelord on 2024 Dec 21, 17:39:25Not sure where to put it... I could not post it on the discord channel, because I do not have an account there.

Here are a few things I noticed about the latest update and that I have shown in a video:

1. Presents cannot be collected
2. Mousewheel-scrolling in shops
3. Falling through the ground
4. Missing Stocking Stuffer-shop
5. Whisper messages are shown twice

The following might not be bugs:
6. Hallowtide quest is still in the list
7. The version number fells like June 2024 to me

And a few older problems are mentioned, too:
8. Quest hints are shown twice
9. Some shops have two shop-buttons
10. Arrows point to the ground
11. Cirrus Stratos is rendered as a floating scarf, and also he appears twice in one dialog.

And one last thing, that is not a bug but troublesome to me: When walking (holding shift) and using a skill/spell (number-keys) it changes the row of the skill-table. I think it would be nicer if you could use skills when walking slowly by default.

Also I notice that the skills are numbered starting from 1, but when opening the table (where you can see 100 slots), the numbering starts from 0. That looks confusing.
Hopefully, these get addressed in the next update.


It seems that some problems were already tackled...

Here are a few more bugs and things that could be enhanced. Version 2024.06.02 and Windows 11:

- Farming (earth pony activity) does not work anymore.
- After every start of loe.exe the music volume is back to 100%
- Update of the skill-points and quests does not happen instantly. Sometimes I noticed that points were only added after using a teleport.
Quest updates (only?) happen after clicking on a quest, that is especially unpleasant with quests like "My First Treasure Map", when you do not get a new hint after going to the next waypoint if you do not know that you have to click the quest again.
- At Ponydale railway, you can only click the sign with left mouse-click. On all other stations you can use both mouse-buttons.

- When going to the workbench as a pony who has not learned any crafting receipe, there is still one item shown in the Ingredients-Window: "Linen Square (0/5); Crafted at: Sewing; Required Talent: Artisian (Level 51)
- In Quest "There's Treasure Everywhere" you should go to Wanda again, and the arrow points besides the school-house. There is a "!" but Wanda is missing, so you cannot finish the quest.
- When using ice skates, it seems nearly impossible to open the bank window, because even if you are moving at almost not observable speed the bank-window closes instantly.

- In the quests of the Faultless Four I think some ponies described how other ponies of the group looked, so that I could find them more easily, even though I obviously talked to them before. I am not completely sure if I remember that correctly.
- Sometimes it seemd that I could not begin a dialog. I repeatedly right clicked and nothing happened, even though the cursor showed that I pointed on the right sport. Only after clicking left once, the next right click triggered.


2024 Dec 30, 16:32:17 #5 Last Edit: 2024 Dec 30, 16:54:33 by Drachnelord Reason: Correct a mistake
Found another little bug:
When using the old 2024.06.01 you can still farm, but you cannot close the farming window by using the red "X" in the top right corner.
You can close it though by clicking "Confirm" when you did not yet put any seeds in.

edit: That was not entirely correct. The red X works in general, but it did not work, when the farming window was in default position. After moving it down a little, I could close the window by clicking the X.
Also that brings me to another bug: I thought for some time, I would not be possible to move the farming window, because it did not move when I put the cursor on the border on top of the window.
But if you hold-click the bottom/left/right border, dragging is possible.

After investigating further I realized, the it is not the top part of the border that is the problem, but that no mouse-input is recognized if the cursor is above 130 pixels from the top of the game-window (my game resolution is 2560x1440).
That also concerns other game elements, like the mini-map (the text "Scroll to zoom" only appears after the cursor is > 130 pixel in y direction), but on the other hoof it does not affect the inventory (both windows that open with "c") or the book.

If my description is too hard to read, I could make a video of the window-behaviour.


Here is a video that shows 3 bugs (including one I mentioned before).

1. First is a situation when trying to open the farming menue. You can left click to gain access to the menue, but on the exact same cursor-position right click won't work.
When moving the cursor farther to the side or top, right click will work.

2. The farming menue and the Minimap won't recognize mouse inputs that are above a certain line. The height, where that area begins seems to be dependend on the game resolution.

3. In the skill-bar the amount of fireworks is not correct when it should be zero (if I do not mistake the meaning of the number).


Update: I confirmed that the third bug also happens in 2024.06.02, but I want to add to my last report: After having used 6 kinds of fireworks (3 different rockets and 3 colours of firework pearls) only four stopped at "1" and two of them even stopped at "2" in the skill bar. That were pink pearl and firework trail.
After using a teleport (door), all numbers went to "0" as it should be.


I think I encountered a problem with the quest "Shown Their Work". You need to speak to Foreshadow in the Heartlands and Wobble Bass in Ponydale, but in the Quest-Book the quest seems to be listed under "The Frontier".

Btw.: Wanda, who was missing for the end of "There's Treasure Everywhere" appeared after I finished the foal quests. I do not know if there is a connection between the events.

And another note: When doing the quest "Bolt of the Blue" as a foal, you are not able to finish it, because Vogue Sharp is not in Ponydale yet !?


- Music Volume: I might have said that the music volume was always at 100% after each game start. That was half a mistake, because it does gets saved after hitting "Apply".
But it is counter-intuitive that the volume is applied for one game session when not clicking on Apply, without saving it permanently.

- The zoom of the mini-map and the position of HUD-elements always reset when going through a teleport.

- Sometimes in the book, chapter "Talents", several talents are missing (on the left page, where the lilac points-bars are shown). After restarting the game, it is back to normal.
I do not know what causes it, but I saw it happend at least twice.

- The "Research" was changed in a way it does not make sense for me to further follow this science career-path: Every item you can make can only be sold for 1 bit.
And maybe every item that can be bought at shops has a sell price of 1 bit, too? I have not checked all shops... but my spot tests on cooking recipes make it seem likely.


And one more video with two bugs(?), one floating environment item (but obviously there are many more, that are not that noticeable), one inconvenience and an invisible wall (that might not be needed?).

1. When wearing a weather pendant, the game sometimes does not recognise that. After putting it off and then on again, it is back to normal.
But it also works after putting a piece of armor on (any armor, maybe other clothing-items would to the same). Inversely putting one piece of armor down causes the pendant not to be recognised.

2. A few things that are floating in the air.

3. I did not know that the blender can stop working and at first I thought this was a bug. After understanding why it is that way, I still think it is not a good solution, because it is hard to understand, and it does not seem to make sense that you have to leave the room and come back in to fix the situation. Maybe there should be a little cooldown-time to "clean" the blender up instead. Also things like that should be annonced by an accoustic signal?!
(That would be nice for chat messages, too.)

4. Often enemies are becoming inactive. They do not attack anymore, and cannot be harmed.

5. An invisible wall. I first noticed it when trying to bypass the insects (with jumping boots). Does it have to be there?


2025 Feb 05, 15:26:52 #11 Last Edit: 2025 Feb 05, 18:17:45 by Drachnelord
1. Getting stuck on a ledge at Cantermore bank

2. Ingredient's colour turning red unnecessarily when making multiple items at once.

3. When putting items into the bank and clicking on "Bank 16", "Bank x?" or "Bank all", the chat window will get in front of the inventory.

4. Sometimes you can still control the pony when in the bank-window.

5. The button at the research table will also trigger the table behind it.

6. You cannot teleport (unicorn) behind a stationary teleport (except when the ground there is on a different elevation).

7. After slowing down because of touching a wall or because of a steep slope, the pony should get into running on it's own!

8. Earth pony dash always locks on a target, which seems unnecessary when only trying to run faster.

Not in video:

9. When doing "/stuck" in Evershades, you sometimes will be teleported into the stationary teleporter, so you end up in Ponydale.

10. One proposal: There should be a list of all extisting items, where you could mark only the items that should automatically be put into the inventory. When fighting often the inventory gets filled up with items that you do not want.

11. Proposal No. 2 (not sure if I mentioned that one before): When shopping for recipes or at the research table (...) , it would be nice if the item to buy/research would show if it was already learned. Or maybe the well-sorted list of items (see #10) would have a remark like that.


Version 2025.01.001, Windows 11

1. Geodes cannot be removed from the bank
2. Size of wings and horns are wrong (might be fixed by changing the size in the menue after loggin in)
3. Vertical turning in flight is extremely sensitive
4. Head movement is instantly when clicking on somepony
5. The mouse pointer does not change when hovering above the bank door (seen on multiple banks). Also happens when hovering above ponies, NPCs ...

Not in the video:
6. Earth pony ctrl: If you try to use the ctrl-key-action (after jumping) twice within a short time, it does not work (like as if there was a cooldown)

7. (A finding from another pony): Putting on armor, or switching sets can cause you to take near fatal damage, including the loss of stamina and magic. (This also can happen when using a bank?)

Important, old bugs are still there, like many items like "guides" can only be sold for 1 bit.


When you light the fire in Ponydale Library or extinguish it, there is a sound. The volume of the sound is always the same, no matter the audio-settings, and even if the Master Volume (or SFX Volume) is turned to zero.

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