The Festival of Lights, Books, And... Oh, A Mobile Version! Update Now Live!

Started by Ellowee, 2021 Aug 07, 08:46:25

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Hey, everypony! Hope you're all having a great summer. We've certainly been busy, and we've got a lot to talk about, so let's jump straight in to what's included in the latest update for Legends of Equestria, version 2021.04.01!

As always, you can get the full run-down of what's included from our changelog - but there's a few things we think deserve highlighting here for you!

First things first, perhaps one of the biggest updates LoE has seen since - well, ever - we've been working really hard to create a mobile version of Legends of Equestria! You can now experience the world we've put so much effort into on your mobile Android device. It's taken a lot of work to try and get the game onto portable platforms, and we've had to create new user interfaces to get it to work, but we hope you'll agree that it was worth the effort!

LoE should be able to run on Android devices with version 8.0 or later of Android, 3GB of RAM or more, and a 64-bit CPU - so if you have a compatible device, now you can enjoy Equestria on the go! You can find it in the Google Play Store, and as usual, it'll be linked on our downloads page. We're currently working on an iOS version as well, and when there's any news available for that, we'll be sure to announce it too!

Another big addition is readable books. You can now purchase book items at reputable book-stores in Ponydale, Cantermore, and the Crystal Kingdom, and enjoy their contents right from your inventory. Maybe you can learn more about the world of Equestria and its history, or just curl up with a good book!

The yearly summer celebration, the Festival of Lights, is of course now in full swing! Check out the new decorations in the major cities, and complete the seasonal quest (if you haven't already) for a special time-limited cosmetic item!

In case you missed it, we recently added a new main menu theme, which gave us the idea of using this to feature some of our community's work! We've now added some of our favourite submissions for all to enjoy; if you'd like to submit one yourself, you can read all about it here!

That's still not all though! There's the addition of a new mine area in Applewood, new NPCs and quests, new textures for existing armor sets (as well as a cool new set entirely!), our recently-repaired auto-updating Windows Launcher version of the game, and a host of bug-fixes, changes, and improvements to make Equestria an even better place to visit! If you'd like to check out the exciting new additions, make sure you grab the latest version of the game from our downloads page - or, if you're on an Android device, the Google Play store - OR or, if you're using our launcher, it should automatically download the latest version - and we'll see you in Equestria!


What a great update, the effort and love that has been put into this game is noticeable


Success to the mobile application version being brought into existance!


I discovered this game through your mobile app publication. I've only played a few minutes, but clearly a lot of work went into this achievement. Great work! I'm very excited.


i have a little probleme i have infinit downloading i only have Item atlas done and it s been a loooong time! please help DD:


Quote from: ItsBlackie on 2021 Aug 15, 16:32:16i have a little probleme i have infinit downloading i only have Item atlas done and it s been a loooong time! please help DD:

If the problem is you're getting an error when opening up the main menu or trying to enter a server, try This:

Close LoE. Then, press the Windows key + R on your keyboard, and it should open up a small search box.

Paste the following into that search box - %appdata%..\..\LocalLow\LoE\Legends of Equestria - and press enter.

(NOTE: If you're using Linux, you need to look for this folder instead - ~/.config/unity3d/LoE/Legends of Equestria

And on MacOS, it's this one: ~/Library/Application Support/LoE/Legends of Equestria)

This should open up the hidden LoE folder. Delete everything in there, and then close it.

Now, re-run the LoE program. It'll create new, 'default' files to replace the one you just deleted, which should resolve the issue!
LoE not working as it should? Submit bugs here:
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Can we talk about the font for the readable books? Yeah. I want that font for the rest of the game, please. Next update, can we get an option to change the in-game font? It is so much easier to read!

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