P.O.N.I. Headquarters

Started by Holiday Cheer, 2018 Feb 07, 12:59:14

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Hallow Night

2018 Jun 21, 06:43:55 #82 Last Edit: 2018 Jun 21, 07:08:42 by Moon Dasher

I really dont have time to do the whole post stuff. lol


When sun and moon collide

Also have a kind of inverse, I call "Cannot be held forever"

It was really hard deciding which to submit, but I think I'll go with the first officially.

Thank you, and goodnight

CMC Scootaloo

2018 Jun 21, 14:00:53 #84 Last Edit: 2018 Jun 21, 14:06:14 by CMC Scootaloo
I probably won't be able to come up with a really good idea and to submit it before the deadline (one hour from now) has arrived anymore, so I just submit my photo of Forest Dweller standing in the Crystal Empire in front of the epic moon:

You always wanted to meet Scootaloo? Then be on the lookout for her in Equestria, she is galloping all over the realm!

Even Tide


Cast your votes here!
Please vote once, and not for yourself!

Aimless' Entry:

Holidaughter Cheer's Entry:

Moon Dasher's Entry:

Nightstalker's Entry:

Optic Rainfall's Entry:

Pumpkin Glow's Entry:

Pumpkin Seed's Entry:

Tobias' Entry:

Blue Cloud's Entry:

Scoots' Entry:


Another great event I won't get to be a part of because of my terrible connection.  ono I hope everypony has fun... and the pictures are lovely.  ^-^
Playing as Swirling Mind (unicorn: https://imgflip.com/i/2eazqn), Raspberry Bubbles (earth pony: https://imgflip.com/i/2eazxv) and Silent Swirl (pegasus: https://imgflip.com/i/2eb00i).


Where will the Summer Sun Celebration be held? Like what in game location, server etc.?
LoE Characters:
Wind Whistler (f/pegasus/medic)
Moonlight Stardancer (f/unicorn/magic)

Even Tide

Ponydale near SCC, the little park looking area between the benches and Maplesweet and such. Server is interchangeable due to them being liable to reset, just look for the one with more people in it

Holiday Cheer

In case any pony missed it or can't check the poll to see the results of our photo contest, the winner(s) by popular vote were:

PUMPKIN GLOW AND PUMPKIN SEEDS in a tie of 6 votes each!  These ponies were congratulated by Princess Celestia at the event. 

Thank you to everypony who sent in photos and participated in the event.  Everything went great.  Special thanks to Blue Cloud, Even Tide, Berry Shade, CMC Scootaloo, all the Wonderbolts and other ponies who helped with the planning, and Sapphire Moonlight who contributed ideas and would have been part of the airshow if her computer was not down right now.

We also had an honorable mention for the photo contest, Woven.  These are his entries that were submitted just a little late to be included in the voting:

We hope to see you for spooky fun at SUMMERWEEN tonight at 4PM CDT at the Heartlands Graveyard.

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)


 Anypony have some good footage of the airshow or cloud party? I'm trying to make a compilation of the event but don't have good any footage past a little after Ellowee showed up :\

You know, if you wouldn't mind letting me use it that is.

Thank you, and goodnight

Holiday Cheer

I wanted to again thank everypony who helped put on the events of the last weekend.  Both of them were a tremendous success and it wouldn't have happened without Even Tide, Blue Cloud, Pumpkin Glow, Sapphire Moonlight, Berry Shade, and some many others who volunteered their time and effort to making these a success!  Thank you from the bottom of my pony heart. X3

In the not so distant future be prepared for THE EQUESTRIA GAMES> A week long celebration of the joy of competition and teamwork, coming soon to an LoE near you.  There will be an information and team forming meeting likely in the next couple of weeks and the actual event will occur in late July. 

And on July 1, we will be having a WELCOME BACK party for our friend and fellow event planning pony Sapphire Moonlight who has been suffering from some major computer issues.  I hope to see you all there to support a fellow pony who has been stranded without LoE for a couple of weeks.  O:

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)


Is really good to know that Sapphire MoonLight Will come back really soon :)

Hallow Night

Yeah, I do miss Sapph. I know how it feels to have the computer issues. I have them all the time. :l But I also can't wait for the Equestria Games! Looking forward to that! ^-^

CMC Scootaloo

I will be there! This do I swear, I will be there!

Wait, I guess no one wants to hear me singing..... But I'm going to be at that party is what I'm saying. :P
Very good reason to celebrate in LoE, that somepony returned to it.^^
You always wanted to meet Scootaloo? Then be on the lookout for her in Equestria, she is galloping all over the realm!

Holiday Cheer

2018 Jun 29, 11:34:16 #95 Last Edit: 2018 Jun 29, 18:10:42 by Holiday Cheer
Realized I didn't have the time for Sapph's party posted.  It will be at 5PM CDT:


11PM London Time
12AM Other Europonian Time

Hope you will all be there.  There will be dancing, a Q&A 'Podchat' with Sapphire, a Wonderbolts airshow, and a camping trip to follow. 

Also tonight, Friday, there will be a Foal Shower for Aquatic Showers (in game RP) at 5PM CDT in the good old SCC.  Should be a good time to party down with a great pony.

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)

Holiday Cheer

2018 Jul 06, 08:24:53 #96 Last Edit: 2018 Jul 06, 10:28:58 by Holiday Cheer
Got some BIG NEWS for all you ponies regarding the EQUESTRIA GAMES.

On Sunday, July 8th at 7PM GMT there will be an Information Meeting at the Crystal Kingdom Stadium to officially kick off the games by announcing the events and to start getting ponies organized into teams.   o.O

The Games themselves are coming soon starting with an Opening Ceremony and then continuing throughout the week.  All the information on events, dates, times, and everything else for this week long in game experience will posted to a separate forum topic which will be created soon, so please continue to check back for that information. ^-^

However there are things YOU can start doing now.  There will be a PHOTO CONTEST for the Games similar to the one for the Summer Sun Festival.  The theme of this contest is Teamwork.  The 4 ponies who best capture this theme will be awarded points for their team (if competing) and will be given the honor of sitting in the coveted thrones during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.  The Princesses have graciously offered these seats to our lucky winners for this occasion.  Please submit your entries here or send them to me (HolidayCheer #7188) on Discord.  ovO

We are going to need tons of volunteers to help officiate rules, to help keep track of ponies, and generally make this an amazing event so please feel free to volunteer at any time (I can even pay you in bits for your service if you want).   :]

Hope to see you Sunday! :D

(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)


So for myself, Sundays are pretty busy. Also with an overnight shift I'm not usually up for the day until the afternoon.

Is this likely to impede my participation? Or will all this be figured out at the meeting?

Thank you, and goodnight


Holiday Cheer

The meeting isn't mandatory to participate in the games, it's just to give ponies some information about the Games, but all that will be posted here after too.  So no worries.

I also have this exciting poll available now that you can use to vote for the week that you would like the Equestria Games to be held.  Please vote for the week you won't be on vacation and you will be most available to participate in the Games:


(This wonderful picture is provided by Even Tide <3)

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