The House (Open-RP)

Started by Gamepad, 2016 Mar 14, 13:09:41

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Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 08:42:27
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Nah, he is a bit dramatic; all he wanted was to be feed.[/color]
The mare replied as she rested her eyes for a bit. She wasn't surprised by Scarlet's reason, her pet can be very loud if he wants to. Smile was glad that was the reason instead of Scarlet just wanting to wake her up. As much as she wanted to jump back into bed, all the movement and talking made her wide awake. She figured since she is awake, she might as well eat too. As she let out another yawn she mumbled,
[Color=Yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Is breakfast ready yet?[/color]

- Well, from the kitchen it comes a really good scent, if you're up to it.  ^-^
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman


As Frigid finished eating, he moved his place away and headed outside where the pool was at.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 11:06:07
- Well, from the kitchen it comes a really good scent, if you're up to it.  ^-^

Smile gave a lazy nod at Scarlet's offer. She let out another yawn and tried to rub her eyes awake. The mare didn't bother to get ready for the day, since she would go back to sleep after breakfast. So she exited from her room and closed the door behind her.
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Any plans for the day. . . Green eyes?[/color]
The mare said as she started to make her way down the hall. She was still a bit dazed by the loud awaking and couldn't figure out who the mare is. A bit of thought she remembered it was her "trampoline pal". . . Oh well, someone is bound to call her name sooner or later.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


- Well, not really, I was just going to get coffee with Marble. You know, the one who basically threw me in the pool yesterday.

Scarket chuckled at the memory, as well as at the repeated, she thought, nickname: Green Eyes... Pretty nice.  ^-^
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman

Misty Fly

*Marble puts her sunglasses on*
Marble : i,m glad it's not raining...


Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 13:21:52
- Well, not really, I was just going to get coffee with Marble. You know, the one who basically threw me in the pool yesterday.

Scarlet chuckled at the memory, as well as at the repeated, she thought, nickname: Green Eyes... Pretty nice.  ^-^

Despite how tired Smile looked, she was surprised to hear that Scarlet had no plans. Maybe she is the more spontaneous type. Either way, no plans sounded boring in her book. As she sluggishly made it down the stairs she replied,
Fake Smile: No plans? That's pretty borin'. I'm gonna be on the trampoline in a bit so you could keep me company if you have nothin' better to do.
Another yawn escaped from her tired face as the duo made it down to the first floor. Even with the smell of breakfast slapping her across the face, Smile was still slipping in and out of sleep.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 16:52:45
Despite how tired Smile looked, she was surprised to hear that Scarlet had no plans. Maybe she is the more spontaneous type. Either way, no plans sounded boring in her book. As she sluggishly made it down the stairs she replied,
Fake Smile: No plans? That's pretty borin'. I'm gonna be on the trampoline in a bit so you could keep me company if you have nothin' better to do.
Another yawn escaped from her tired face as the duo made it down to the first floor. Even with the smell of breakfast slapping her across the face, Smile was still slipping in and out of sleep.

- I think I'll take your offer, since yesterday I got catapulted away. Though... I think you're not enough conscious to jump on a trampoline, right now.

Seeing the colourful mare slugging around was a bit of a shock, after seeing her so lively just the day before. Although, Scarlet still didn't knew her, so she wasn't anypony to judge.
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman


Game whined and wiggled once more, attempting to free himself from the confines of a bed, the wolf was pretty much only good at eating. Escaping from Bed Alicotraz was not something the wolf could do.

(Looks like kitty cat has been hanging around with Game too long :3.

Alicortraz = Alicorn + Alcatraz)


Joy watched the wolf for a moment, almost smiling at Game's predicament before getting up and attempting to help the wolf, removing the blankety cage that confined the animal. "Let's get you out of there, huh? I'm sure you didn't like that trap too much."
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Game wagged as he was freed, still belly up and unable to get anywhere he was happy to see light again.


Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 17:09:20
- I think I'll take your offer, since yesterday I got catapulted away. Though... I think you're not enough conscious to jump on a trampoline, right now.

Seeing the colourful mare slugging around was a bit of a shock, after seeing her so lively just the day before. Although, Scarlet still didn't knew her, so she wasn't anypony to judge.

The duo made it into the kitchen and to Smile's surprise, a few others had as well. Some look ready for the day, while she looked like a hot mess; good thing she was too tired to care. The walk from the third floor from to the first floor drained her of the energy she had left, so she walked straight to a chair. As she took a spot at the table, the mare laid her head on the table. Through a yawn she replied,
Fake Smile: No worries, I'll be fine. Gonna practice in a few hours.
The mare rested flashed Scarlet a small smile before closing her eyes. They were getting a bit heavy, and maybe they will let her rest them for a few minutes.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Sugar Delight

*Sugar sits down on a couch and wonders on what to do;she decides to read a book and wait to see if she can make something up to do*


*sits on the edge staring at my reflection*

:o ..."
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



maple finally  woke up with a start getting himself ready for what remains  of the day

Misty Fly

*Marble falls asleep next to the pool*


- Strange, I thought Marble was here...

Scarlet shrugged and served herserlf some coffee and pancakes.
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman

Misty Fly

//scarlet i left a note next to the pancakes saying that i went to the pool


Blueberry finally awoke from his slumber. With a yawn he opened his eyes and was instantly blinded by rays of sunshine creeping through the blinds. Twisting his head away from the window his eyes fell upon his bags, laying dejected in a corner of the room.
"Uh, I have to sort out those today."
With a sigh Blueberry got himself up and made his way out of his room.
"I'll sort them out later"

After completing his morning pony tasks in one of the bathrooms, Blueberry made his way down into the kitchen intending to make himself some breakfast and possibly investigate the dairy situation.
Fortunately, even though the stallion arrived late to breakfast it appeared some pony had made some pancakes in advance.
"Oh, well this is a nice surprise, morning ponies"
Blueberry glanced around at the ponies who were still in the kitchen and made his way to serve himself some food and caffeine.
You appear to be reading a signature my good sir/madam.

Avatar made by CrabApple


- Hi, morning! - Scarlet greeted the just arrived stallion.
"Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known"
- "Jack's Lament", Danny Elfman


(( That is a really nice jar Chris. Real nice.))

Fake Smile's ear twitch at the sound of a sorta familiar voice. She thought she ran into a voice like that yesterday, but she wasn't really sure. As much as she wanted to give out a hardy "Mornin' ", her head laid like a brick on the table. She figured she could rest her eyes for a few more minutes.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

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