The Full Moon Syndrome [SIGN-UP]

Started by Laurel Crown, 2015 Aug 26, 10:34:37

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Laurel Crown

Scarlet keeps rushing towards Carter

[Your chance, if you wish to attack]


Right when Carter was about to collide with Scarlet he smiled, stopped, and went above her.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


Illusion hadn't missed a beat, and had a wicked smile on his features as he saw Scarlet running away in fear, instinctively leaping after her and taking flight, ignoring the tiny little voice warning him that he might be running into a trap.
He was aiming for her back, and her neck. As he flashed his fangs, there was no doubt about what he was going to end up doing if he had his way.

Fire with fire, as the saying goes...
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Laurel Crown

Scarlet stopped to look at Carter, giving the flanks to Illusion.

[Stryder's turn unless Blazing will do something to her]
Annoyed by Match Stick's fiery barrage, she creates a magical wind that tries to repel the unicorn away, so that Arctic will focus on attacking Princess Luna.


(So basically I'm still attacking her?)
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

Laurel Crown

[How about talk with Stryder about the next move to do? I can wait :) ]


Illusion's wild grin went even wider as Scarlet left herself wide open. In those few seconds, he had landed on her back, his legs wrapping tightly around her to prevent being shaken off so easily.

There was only one thing left to do. The newer Vampony's fangs flashed menacingly as he lunged for the other's neck.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


Match's wings catch the magical wind and takes him into the air, whether he's now able to fly himself in the proper direction remains to be seen. The surprise of suddenly being airborne halts Match's barrage as he regains his bearings.


Carter wondered what just happened when he saw Illusion about to bite Scarlet.

'Wait can a vampony bite another full vampony? And would that vampony feel pain or anything?' he thought. Anyway he rushed to where the fight with Artic is going on.
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

Laurel Crown

" fool..." Scarlet smirks once again. They don't know why: maybe because of her sadistic character or because she was trying to fool Illusion? "You cannot drink another vampony. Everypony knows that they're like living empty shells of their previous lives. Are you really desperate to suck thin air? Ahahah..."

"Actually... there's a contradiction in your statement." says Laurel.

"What? Don't play Ace Attorney on me!"

"If you remember: it was not you drinking from our bodies that made us what we are now. It's the bite. These ponies, unlike me, have turned into vamponies by just waiting for nine hours to end... while me have turned quickly because of you and your deranged habit. So the only conclusion I could have guessed is: "It's the bite and not the drinking the cause of the transformation"... and I assume you turned into a vampony by biting as well. That means..."

"Shut up! SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!" she screams as she tries to free herself. "No one asked your conjectures! What you said is a pile of blatant lies! Tricks! Pure bulls-"

"If you really think I'm lying, I'll let Illusion demostrate whether I said is true or not. Karma can turn its back on you, you mean" He says it with a victorious grin, as if he would be right once Illusion did what he did.
"Well then... Before coming to you..."

Arctic Star launches a powerful ice beam against Princess Luna, turning her into an ice statue. The azure alicorn stands right in front of it, smiling at Match Stick

"It won't be long before your dear princess Luna will pass out due to the extreme temperature descent. If my calculations are correct... you have 20 minutes to stop me and unfreezing her. Will a child ever been able to surpass his own mother?"


Scarlet's little bluff had been probably the only thing to make Illusion pause. And it was only to grin at her, watching her squirm under his grip, which then tightened painfully.
To her, it'd probably have felt strangely familiar. Oh, yes, wouldn't this have been the same exact sort of situation her previous victims had been in? Right down to the manic grin of insanity, no doubt. Perhaps it was him that had so long ago been in that very same position?

Oh, this was just delicious either way!

"Who... said anything about drinking? Heheheee~ But now, you seem distressed~ So maybe... Ahahaha~!"

Apparently, the original plan was more... savage, if that could be believed. Like a wild and rabid dog. If anything, Scarlet probably could've considered herself lucky.
No more hesitation, though, and nothing short of a brick wall would've stopped Illusion as he finished what he started, Fangs flashing once more as he resumed his lunge.

A stinging sensation was then felt in the struggling Vampony's neck.

What happened next, however, I leave up to you to decide.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Laurel Crown

He was doing it... She was feeling it... It was unstoppable... It could have been unstoppable...

Laurel pushed Grand Illusion for whatever reason... for a specific reason...
An icy bolt hit the earth pony which sends him back as his wreath flies through the field.
Arctic Star took a very brief moment to analyze the situation that happened there and launched a bolt to attack Illusion, only for Laurel to take the hit.
Scarlet was free from the unicorn's hold at the cost of an enemy's sacrifice.

[I promise: I won't do anything that backfires your play from now on. I just wanted to make my pony KOed so that I focus as the GM.]


2015 Dec 28, 08:49:56 #552 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 28, 08:58:12 by Stryder221
Illusion seemed to suddenly snap back to reality as he stood back up, shaking intensely for a moment as he let out a deep, shuddering laugh.
It was more than apparent he had relaxed enough to think straight, now that he'd had a taste. But... What else? "Oh, I needed that so very much... Simple "wine" just didn't have that... flavor."

He felt... good. Either due to his transformation, the rush of Vampony energy he'd just drained, or the pure adrenaline, or even all three combined, Illusion felt great. Now he understood Scarlet's view, at least a little.

"Oh, I'm still a bit peeved at you, Little Red, don't think I forgot." The unicorn had then said, shooting a look of pure contempt at Scarlet.
Illusion's horn then began to glow an eerie dark purple, as his grin turned the slightest bit smug. From the looks of it, he was experiencing a surge of magical power.

"This battle isn't going well, is it? I think I'll go ahead and change that..." Before anypony could object, he had sent a purple bolt high into the air, flying directly at the moon. With a loud bang, the bolt exploded, and the battlefield suddenly turned dark.

It was something of a game-changer, that much was certain.

Beyond dark, it was pitch-black; Even vamponies could hardly see in this seemingly impenetrable darkness! And what were those noises?!
Strangely, several individuals were unaffected, and all of those select few allied with Luna.

This is your chance. Said Illusion's voice, seemingly into the minds of all of his comrades, the ones who managed to stick together throughout their entire journey. You can see and hear clearly; they cannot, and probably think I destroyed the moon. Take the opportunity to free our allies, starting with Luna. Quickly now, before Hypothermia sets in and all is lost.
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.

Laurel Crown

"...m... mommy..."

Scarlet was paralyzed. She was lucky enough to live for another minute thanks to the earth pony's intervention... but terrified by what the unicorn was gonna do with her since it was pitch-black. The bite from before was a terrifying experience. Even more terrifying by the first bite she got. She had the fear of being attacked once again, like something coming suddenly from the darkness like a jumpscare.
A chilling breeze penetrated through her coat... She couldn't see it... but she could feel it: it was Arctic Star's presence... Despite being a very cold feeling, she felt "warmed" thanks to her mother coming to rescue her.

"Scarlet... Go play with the other unicorn. This bully is too dangerous for you but don't worry: I'll teach him a lesson or two. Maybe even twenty."

Arctic Star stares deeply in Grand Illusion's eyes without making any expression. She wasn't scared by the ruthless nature of the vampony... She thoughts that "His thirst and instincts are what control him."
The reason why she could see unlike the other vamponies was simple... As a filly, she admires Princess Luna to the point of calling her "her mother".

If that's the case, maybe... Just maybe...
Despite Arctic's order, she wasn't able to see Match Stick so it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.


White Night don't know what to do now after Laurel that got hit, Illusion bitting Scarlet... those are really terrifying.

She heard the Grand Illusion, and probably not only to her, she quickly flies toward where Princess Luna has been frozen. She tries all she can to free her, but nothing work... It seem the fire is the only way, so Match Stick is the key to free the Princess.

Speaking of vamponies, it seem that one of Artic's child is flying at full speed toward White Night to Knock her out.
((I know I'm not the RP master, but since there's a lot of Artic's vamponies, I was thinking that we could control a few of them... Sorry if I'm wrong... Adding this here, Carter is the right one to knock that vampony dashing toward White Night. Or, what he can do else than just watching the fight? Also, where is @waaaaaaah ? I'm not sure if he said something or... Oh, he's been busy. Seen his last post, I think his character has fled...))

Laurel Crown

[Sure. If you control some of the vamponies, then I don't have to control them all by myself... as I'm already tired so 'till tomorrow. About waaaaah: did someone responded him/her personally to see if he/she present or not?]


(So basically get me to attack the vampony rushing at you or just continue doing what I'm doing?)
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.


2015 Dec 28, 19:41:42 #557 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 28, 19:45:22 by Stryder221
"Oh, that is just too precious!" Illusion had said with a laugh. "Mommy! Help me! Make him stop!" He had then cruelly said in a surprisingly accurate mockery of Scarlet's voice.
He then proceeded to chuckle until remembering something, at which point the smile was wiped off his face as he turned his full attention to Arctic. "Which reminds me..."

"Enough about Scarlet, let's talk about you! Adoptive mother, powerful alicorn, 'loving' children... Oh yes, can't forget the fact that you steal the children away from their own mothers. That filly was a piece of work, true, but she just doesn't have the means to destroy everything. And speaking of that, think of how absolutely sad everypony would be when all their friends and family start to give in to the cold."

The unicorn then shook his head.

"But you don't care, do you? Just like how you didn't care enough to help what might as well have been your own mother when she needed you most, you selfish mare... So you know what? Let's just skip the introductions and get right to the point. Alicorn as you may be, you are still a slave to the five senses."
Oh, signature? Well, mine's G.I, no Joe at the end. Wait, that's not how this signature thingy works, is it?
Ah well, it's not like anyone pays any actual attention to these things; I'm sure it'll be fine.


Unable to mover through Arctic's strong wind, but now getting used to his new found flight as inpony instincts began to kick in, so with a flick of his horn a fiery veil once again coated his body before it dissipated along with him as he teleports to an area behind and above Arctic Star so that he could use his limited flight capabilities to get the drop on the  icy wannabe Queen.


Carter sees a vampony about to attack White Night. He rushes over there as quick as he can and boosts towards the other vampony (basically a ram)
That moment when you realize that you are an apple...
Toast is amazing.

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